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Posts posted by bdubyah

  1. 42 minutes ago, mkgio said:

    If I understand you wrong, when applying points to the rifleman, it also affects the shotguns.

    Yes, the Rifleman perk covers both shotguns and semi auto rifles. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Wrought said:

    I've played several hundred hours of vanilla and I'm jumping into mods for the first time with a hosted server.  Wasteland has been awesome generally but there are a few things that I haven't been able to explain to the other server members. I don't know for sure if they are issues related to the mod, but it was playing the A21 Wasteland mod where the following behavior first appeared:


    1. The player will sink down into the ground on a consistent basis while moving around.  This normally wouldn't be a big deal as you just relog and the player populates back above ground.  The problem though is with vehicles.  I was riding my bicycle when I sank into the ground.  When I logged back in, the bicycle was just gone along with all of the valuables I was keeping in the bicycle stash.  Then I realized how awful it would be to lose any of the vehicles this way after putting all the time, effort, and money into repairing them.  Also, if you are keeping any number of items in a vehicle, which obviously is the purpose of having a mobile storage platform, they would be lost as well.  I've warned the server players about this and unfortunately we are walking everywhere now.
    2. The lockpicking mechanic mini-game isn't consistently presented.  One player on the server says he never gets the Fallout version and just has the vanilla timer when he lockpicks.  I've had one instance where I got a timer but normally I get the mini-game.
    3. Zombies frequently run off in the direction away from the player when aggro'd with a ranged sneak attack
    4. Sneak attacks work multiple times in a row if the zombie is far enough away.  I've been able to get 4 or 5 sneak attack bonuses on a zombie that is coming towards me.
    5. Fire from burning buildings doesn't do any damage to players or zombies
    6. The bottle caps quest, when it gets to the "A Valuable Lesson" point, doesn't show where to go on the map or the compass.  Selecting the quest and clicking on the "show on map" map icon results in a message that the selected quest does not have a location to show.  I've since learned that this quest is based off of something in the Fallout series (which I never played) so it could be a successful dev troll, but just wanted to mention it in case it isn't.
    7. Rain doesn't seem to provide water to farm crops

    Again, I don't know for sure that the issue is with the mod, or even if it is an issue at all and is as designed, but most of the systems aren't present in vanilla so I thought I would mention them here.  There has been a patch since the mod install but I don't understand the jargon well enough to know if any of the above issues were part of the patch content. We are enjoying Wastelands regardless and thank you for providing it.


    Edit:  I forgot to mention that we are on A21.1.1.1 and have not had any console errors popup.  Also, I forgot to mention stun batons do not have the option to modify that would allow repulsors and other weapon mods to be installed on the baton.

    1: This is a vanilla issue. I guess not allowing picking vehicles up can be a problem in this situation as the best practice is to pick them up and store them as items when logging off. That said, I've never ran into this issue on the servers I've had.


    2: Not sure how one never gets the minigame at all. Do they have any errors? Are you or them running mods other than mine?


    3: Again, that's vanilla AI. I haven't touched anything like that.


    4: ^^


    5: Just jumped in a game and it behaved as expected. What is your Player Killing setting? It is bugged at the moment, but I think might be getting fixed soon.


    6: Any errors? Just tested it out and it worked as expected. Only thing I could think of is if you were near the edge of the map when you read the map, as I know before at least if it tried to place the objective point and it was off the map it would break things. Not sure if that's still the case.


    7: That would likely be a complicated thing to add, and probably heavy on performance.


    I can add mods to the stun baton without issue. So not sure what is going on there.

  3. On 10/1/2023 at 12:32 PM, silvers4640 said:

    Just had it happened again. Zombies went invisible and after starting mission, map didnt refresh. Erased some chat text. Here is the server log:

    There just isn't much there, so I'm not sure honestly. I did just push an update that fixed a few issues. Arramus had that EAI NRE and he said when it would happen it made things a bit wonky, so maybe that is your issue. All I can say is grab and try it out and let me know.

  4. I've included the air drop zombie spawning bit in my mod, and was tinkering with it to try and get it to spawn the zombies while you are still a bit farther away just so it isn't as crazy. I'm not much of a coder but I got it out to 20m before things got odd, past that it would spawn a stupid amount in for whatever reason. But I also noticed the respawndelay set for the biome you use doesn't really seem to work, as far as I could tell. Even if I set it to .001 the only way more spawned after the initial wave was if I backed out of the 20m radius I had set, and then walked back inside 20m again. This could very well be due to my changes, and if so, disregard. Haha. Just thought I'd throw it out there in case it is technically a bug. :)

  5. 9 hours ago, Furkys said:

    hi i got problem when i start that mods i got in console errors in spam, i dont have EAC and i played many mods does this need another download? it load prop somehow but when starting game it goes creating player and spam in console without any use

    Not really giving me a lot of info here...


    What mod of mine are you using? What errors are you having? Link me your log file and maybe I can actually help you.


    15 hours ago, silvers4640 said:

    Just want to start of by saying thank you for this mod. Really enjoy it so far when things are working ok. Not sure if this is a server issue or client issue but sometimes missions will start then the POI wont refresh. Also had issues where the radiated zombie showed up and started taking my health. I ran away until my health stopped draining. Then ran back and all the zombies were gone and i couldnt clear the mission. Unfortunately I reset the server completely thinking it was something wrong with my settings or something. With the new server save some of the same things are starting to happen. What do you need me to upload so I can figure out what im doing wrong? https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSALRPVVBdPLhKaFUAC4bOCdLtFn-pF6cEDV5ElWArRNB1Jgci6quzXfCc88ZOIY98ORmdgYuysy_tG/pub


    Edit: Forgot to mention wasteland mod a21.1


    I skimmed through that log, nothing really stands out. There was an EAI error at one point, I tried to repro it and couldn't yet, but that shouldn't really cause the issues you are having. So not sure really.

  6. 1 hour ago, Mohrdain said:

    Hiya.  We started new world with the new updated mod ( and ran into the NullReferenceException issue.  I have been scrutinizing the log file but I cannot see any log entries prior to this event that look out of place that might have triggered it, so I don't know if this is their install or what, but just thought I would share.

    Need a log to be able to help...

  7. Alrighty, pushing this update out.




    -----WL FIXED/CHANGED-----
    !!!EAC MUST BE OFF!!!
    Game Version: 21.1
    Wasteland Version:
    -Mod Dependencies: 
    SCore v.
    NPCmod v.
    FullautoLauncher v.1.2.2
    RandomMainmenuBackground v1.0.2
    -Added: Air Drops spawn enemies that will attack it(thanks to wookie for this <3)
    -Added: Deathclaws, along with new resources and items(thanks to Alter for the assets <3)
    -Added: Whiteriver Power Station POI
    -Added: Bulk and Max Charge energy ammo types(Bulk gives you more ammo per craft, with lower damage and lower degradation. Max Charge gives you less ammo per craft but does more damage and more degradation)
    -Changed: Moved vehicle repair to its own Vehicle Repair Impact Driver tool to allow it to be found earlier(it is loot/trader only)
    -Changed: Added vehicle wheel harvest to more wheel deco blocks
    -Changed: Added water filters to a few more loot pools
    -Changed: Katana can now use the barbed wire mod
    -Changed: Players can now place blocks in trader POIs(landclaims won't work)
    -Changed: Several small tweaks to WL animal spawns
    -Changed: Death Penalty buff made hidden again to reduce UI clutter(You can now see your current death penalty counter and time left on it in the extended player stats screen)
    -Changed: WL Pipe weapons no longer break when durability hits 0
    -Changed: Force Multiplier turret changed to fire much slower, but do more damage
    -Changed: Supercharger can no longer be installed in Vertibird or Airship as it can makes the vehicle worse
    -Changed: Vehicle mods are now unlocked by crafting magazines instead of schems
    -Changed: Slight boost to base harvest chance on vehicle parts, including wheels from blocks
    -Changed: Reworked energy weapons and ammo stats to more closely match their ballistic counterparts
    -Changed: Shuffled energy weapon unlock order a bit
    -Changed: Added some vehicle parts bundles to certain quest rewards
    -Changed: Car Battery crafting removed
    -Changed: Swapped Big Rocket spawns to sleepers for Rad Cats and normal trader spawn block for Johnny to try and fix spawning on servers
    -Fixed: Made sure all traders have correct helper to ensure chance of usable workstations
    -Fixed: Adjusted Johnny's prices to be in line with other traders
    -Fixed: Vehicle crafting magazines still unlocked vehicles
    -Fixed: Most custom animals had missing normals
    -Fixed: Dark Drifter weapon and animation issues
    -Fixed: Could hit the Drifter and aggro him
    -Fixed: A few repairable vehicle blocks still missing their name display
    -Fixed: Water Bucket gotten from T1 farming bundle not being usable(thanks Alter <3)
    -Fixed: Fish Spear missing mesh
    -Fixed: Cattleprod updated to fix charging/effect issues
    -Fixed: Couple food recipes missing unlock in progression
    -Fixed: Gauss Rifle was set to break when durability hits 0
    -Fixed: Rebalanced weapons tier/rng damage bonuses to line up with A21 vanilla
    -Fixed: Armor unlocks were wrong
    -Fixed: Mutant textures were too dark
    -Fixed: Custom nurse zombie had fire particles at their feet
    -Fixed: Cleaned up flame placement from Burning Shaft mod on all custom melee weapons that allow it
    -Fixed: Baton has spikes on it by default


  8. Doesn't quite work that way. You have 2 options usually, either remove the vanilla recipe and append your new one with it set how you want, or to use xpath to edit certain bits of the vanilla recipe. The second option is almost always the better choice, but can be a little more work. Either way, use this to replace what you have there, but do leave the config bits at the top and bottom. This xpath is a tad more complicated due to the fact there is more than one recipe for gunpowder, but since you seem to want to change the chemistry station one, that's what I did.


    <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[contains(@name, 'resourceGunPowder') and (contains(@craft_area, 'chemistryStation'))]/@count">8000</set>


    I would recommend sphereii's thread on Xpath over in the Tutorials section to try and learn some of the basics as well.

  9. 1 hour ago, AliKat47 said:

    1. I'm loving this mod, thank you for all the hard work!

    2. I can't seem to figure out how to make a bike. I have found enough books to unlock it in the crafting menu, and I did put 1 put in grease monkey, just in case. But I can't seem to craft any part of a bike in either the workbench or my own inventory. Any idea whether I've broken something or maybe missing something? 

    I assume you are referring to Wasteland. If so...that's a big facepalm on my part. Lol. I apparently missed reworking the vehicle crafting magazines. They won't be unlocking vehicle crafting anymore. You don't craft vehicles in Wasteland, you find repairable cars out in the world and fix them up with certain parts. I'll get the crafting mags fixed in the next update, which will likely need a new game at this point with all the changes.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Iceburg71 said:

    <!-- Adult Radiated Zombie Dog -->
        <entity_class name="animalIceburgRadiatedZombieDog" extends="animalZombieDog">
            <property name="Tags" value="entity,animal,zombie,hostile,dog,radiated"/>
            <property name="ReplaceMaterial0" value="Entities/Animals/Boar/Materials/GRACE"/>
            <property name="ReplaceMaterial1" value="Entities/Animals/Boar/Materials/GRACE"/>
            <property name="ExperienceGain" value="1200"/>
            <property name="HandItem" value="meleeHandanimalIceburgRadiatedZombieDog"/>
            <effect_group name="Base Effects">
                <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="800"/>
            <triggered_effect trigger="onOtherDamagedSelf" action="ModifyCVar" target="self" cvar="RadiatedRegenAmount" operation="set" value="4"/>
            <triggered_effect trigger="onOtherDamagedSelf" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiatedRegen"/>


    the replacematerial0 and ReplaceMaterial1 have stopped working for me...  was making some other changes completely unrealated and when i went to test these by spawning them in manually, the mesh is still the normal zombie dog.


    What happened????


    I wish there was a permanent sticky somewhere that listed all of the mesh and particles that could be used and are current in the game.  this wish is a side note....  LOL

    They removed the ReplaceMaterial properties in 21.1 I think it was.

  11. 30 minutes ago, PorkyBunbuns said:

    Uh am i suppose to be missing my recipes? I loaded everything up and boom get into game, allocate points only to find out i can't craft because  my crafting menu is blank

    Yes, I removed the entire crafting menu...


    No, but seriously, I need a log file to even begin to know what's going on. Please bring it with you when you have issues so I can get directly to helping you rather than having to make this post in the middle. Helps us both out. :)

  12. On 9/17/2023 at 10:23 AM, Tom Stephens said:

    Are you now, considering recent events, beginning to understand why the question may have been both timely and pertinent?

    Might wanna check the date of the posts you are quoting. The OP was neither timely nor pertinent when referring to the recent Unity fee debacle.

  13. 5 hours ago, TheBunz said:


    1.Have you actually played this game on default settings or just with mods?

    2. Have you ever went camping?


    It's 7 days to dehydration while swimming through rivers, or 7 days living next to the trader. By far THE dumbest update in the last 10 patches.

    You didn't play A17?

  14. 51 minutes ago, noteventrying88 said:

    So i think i fix this issue and Modinfo.xml error did not come up but now im getting this error XML patch for "blocks.xml" from mod "0-XNPCCore" did not apply

    SCore isn't loading. Looks like you likely didn't remove it from the root folder it comes in. The one you install into your Mods folder should be 0-SCore.

  15. 25 minutes ago, trigamingid said:


    Yes! all is in the The Waste Land mods folder.


    So you are using Khaine's separate 60 slow bag mod? It is already included in Wasteland.


    If that isn't the issue, post up an actual log file and I can see what's going on.

  16. 22 hours ago, ddos1122 said:

    Hi i want Know how repair car??? I have all the necessary parts for car repair, but writes that there is no such part in the inventory what to do?


    You have to use an impact driver for vehicle repairs.

  17. Just an FYI, you don't need the DescriptionKey bit, the game will automatically find it in the loc file if it matches an item name with Desc at the end. The exception is if an item extends from an item with a DescriptionKey property, then you need to set it otherwise it will just use whatever is set in the property on the original item.


    The key at the top sets the formatting for that particular loc.txt. Key,English works fine, the main thing is each entry follows the header with the amount of commas used as that is how it is read by the game.

  18. 2 hours ago, hiloboys said:

    The Repairable Vehicles, would I need to start a new game to see them? Or are they gonna replace vehicles that already exist?

    It wouldn't hurt, but most of them will be in POIs so if you are doing quests you should start seeing them I think. Or when visiting places for the first time they could show up.  There is still a chance to see them in the wilderness areas outside of POIs though. They just changed most POIs to use new helper blocks so I had to add mine to those. But biomes still use the old block. 

  19. On 9/16/2023 at 11:52 AM, Nerhesi said:

    Quick question: 


    Are there any stackable permanent attribute upgrades? Even if it is just late end game or Tier 5+ POIs... or are we limited to only +1 permanent increase per attribute through the minifigures?

    There are clothing like glasses and stuff for each attribute, and you can find SPIFSAL books rarely in loot or as a potential quest tier reward.

    Pushing a Wasteland update with some fixes. There have been a few POIs that needed to be renamed due to vanilla adding some with the same names. I don't think this should break your saves, but it will throw errors on the missing POIs. New game recommended, but that's your call. Make backups just in case!


    -----WL FIXED/CHANGED-----
    !!!EAC MUST BE OFF!!!
    Game Version: 21.1
    Wasteland Version:
    -Mod Dependencies: 
    SCore v.
    NPCmod v.
    FullautoLauncher v.1.2.0
    RandomMainmenuBackground v1.0.1
    -Changed: Bumped 50 cal damage a bit 
    -Changed: Can now use mag extender on AS-50
    -Fixed: Mutant and Power Armor NPCs had wrong supa sledge hold animations
    -Fixed: Laser attachment on custom guns missing materials
    -Fixed: NPCs with rocket launcher not using correct animations
    -Fixed: Repairable vehicles almost nonexistent due to TFP using new helpers in POIs
    -Fixed: Repairable vehicles not showing their stage when looking at them


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