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Posts posted by xyth

  1. 18 hours ago, DDDX said:

    I am looking for an A20 compatible version. I would LOVE to add more zombies and beasties alike to our Undead Legacy game, but it's not A21 compatible...and I cannot for the life of me find a previous version of XNPCCore or SCore

    Help :(



    Both NPCCore and Score versions are in that repo.  

    On 6/1/2024 at 3:01 PM, zcore808 said:

    Hello guys, tell me how to change the zombie detection distance? I set up sentries around the perimeter of the base, but they don't shoot at the zombies until I get within 20 meters of them.


    The distance NPCs will detect enemy is their sight distance setting in xml.  However, if you are forcing NPCs to stay in position, their UAI might be holding off firing until the enemy is within optimum range for the weapon.  Usually NPCs move towards and away from targets to maintain this optimum distance.  So test an NPC with a Hunting rifle vs one with a shotgun.  The rifle NPC should shoot much further than 20M, more like 50M.  Shotgun wont fire until 20 or closer.

  2. On 4/3/2024 at 6:24 PM, Kilroy5150 said:

    Xyth, didn't this mod, at one time, generate random monitors (all over the map) that would randomly display the videos? Was that taken out or altered or do i need special code? I just remember it but i just spawned a new world with it in it (single player) and i have been playing (for hours) and haven't come across one playing on it's own.

    There is a blockplacholder xml file that replaces some POI TVs, but in A21 TFP added new models so the replacements probably are much rarer now.  

  3. On 3/22/2024 at 9:43 AM, RippedWarrior said:

    Hello, I had hired an NPC and she was happily gunning alongside me. When I logged out and then logged back in the next day, my NPC is gone (which is fine, it's a dangerous world) but I still have the (status effects? Buffs? - not sure what the correct word is) for the NPC actions.


    Is there a way to remove these? 



    did you try to enter a vehicle or a bike then exit to see if you could restore it?  Did you look on the game menu to see if that character still is listed?


  4. On 3/14/2024 at 5:41 PM, batmanjestortinn said:

    Thanks so much! The people I play with are very excited to get this implemented. Are the small solar cells craftable or are they found "in the wild"?



    Those are craftable on the workbench, 1 normal solar cell makes 2 small ones.  They do not drop in loot. 

  5. 2 hours ago, batmanjestortinn said:

    Are there any plans to update this for A21? I loved this concept and want to implement it into my game but when I try to install on A21, it says I haven't learned the skills to craft even though I have. 


    No, but since you asked nicely:  https://github.com/7D2D/A21Mods/blob/main/CCTV.zip


    I didn't add any progression requirement, since getting small solar cells is punishment enough.  Just requires a workstation.  Before I upgraded my GFX card from a 1080 to a 4070, there was a FPS hit per camera in the world.  On the 4070, no hit at all, but YMMV.

  6. IMO, since the birds typically cannot be seen up close, id use the lowest resolution that looks decent.  We do not support using copy protected models unless you purchased them.  Mechanim is what the game uses for entities. 

  7. On 2/26/2024 at 2:34 PM, scm1893 said:

    On a separate note, the Birds Pack is working superbly, with the new numbers. Is more variety possible? And, if so, what can I do to help add a few more for the next version? Do we just need more models?  Are they individually animated? Can those currently in the pack be recolored? (IE the current eagle in snow biome and recolored eagle in forest)

    Glad to hear it.   The birds in that pack are pretty low rez versions I used as prototypes.  I figured someone would replace that pack by now, but.    I will see what other models I have with sound files to match.  I did want to add a Boat-tailed Grackle at one point.  🙂  If the textures were edited, then making a new bird with that texture could be done in Unity and XML.   New bird models will need to rigged and have prebuilt animations for at least the flying animation.  If you dont care about closeup details, then its not hard to learn to make a simple fly animation in Unity.     

  8. 19 hours ago, LittleBoBleat said:

    Hey there! I was hoping to create my own Add On Expansion or even a mod for private/personal use, and was wondering how I can go about that? This would not be for public use. Feel free to skip to the bottom for the specific questions. :)

    • Am I allowed to create a personal use expansion utilizing this mod? If so, is there a template or setup I can use?  Yes, you may use the mod as part of new mod.  We ask that you use the "Powered by NPCCore" logo somewhere on your new starting page.
    • Is it possible to create children (legit kids) NPCs?  Yes
    • Is it possible to create relationship values that change based on interaction and dialogue responses?  Yes
    • Is it possible to adjust NPC autopathing to restrict NPCs to certain POIs (cannot leave) during the day, then autopath them back to a separate POI for the night?  Not to POIs, but they can path to other things like workstations.  There are also pathing cube to set routine paths.
    • Can NPCs be adjusted to recognize certain objects as "workstations", requiring them to be accessible in order to open trade options?  Yes to the first part, not sure about the later part.
    • Can you equip NPCs with armor and specific clothes?  Not implemented yet but possible if you set those up in Unity.
    • Can you require NPCs to use ammo?   Maybe.  Right now ammo damage doesn't seem supported by vanilla, so damage is on the weapon used.  A system likely could be developed.

    Please be aware that the core group isn't working on this mod beyond maintenance, at least until A22 and/or TFP bandits.  New features are appearing in many overhauls, but as of this time those are not yet available for inclusion to this core.  If you do develop some of the features your considering, please consider adding those to this core so others can benefit.




  9. That line needs to be inside an effect group.  example:


                <effect_group name="Base Effects">
                    <passive_effect name="DistractionResistance" operation="base_set" value="0,0"/>
                    <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="300"/>
                    <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="perc_set" value="1"/>


  10. On 2/18/2024 at 7:40 AM, Ryan said:

    Hello again!
    Back with some questions, hopefully i do not overwhelm ya'll.

    I am trying to do multiple things, and i'll start off with loot.
    I know there's "Lootcontainerregular' i'd assume that'd be the yellow loot bags, what are the exact names for blue, and red loot bags for NPC's?

    My second question is about the persistency for AI, i know that friendly NPC's, hirable will remain on server when everyone is offline. But i've noticed that when i spawn in soldiers/or bandits (Made them hostile, naturally.) Won't stick around on server when i leave. (Yes i did spawn them in with the persistency option.) Is there a way to make them persistent in the code?

    Thanks in advance!

    If you spawn in characters using the dynamic spawning tab of F6, they wont stay in game when you log off.  Use the biome spawner tab instead.

    2 hours ago, scm1893 said:

    Darks Raider Gurlz Friendly used be named Betty, Gina or Jayne. Now they are all called King Moneybags. I see this line in entityclasses on every version of the characters.

                <property name="Names" value="King Moneybags" />

    But changing it to their correct name does nothing. 

    Don't see any other references to King Moneybags in the other docs. Any thoughts on how to rename them?

    Changing it should work if you edited the correct file and saved it.

  11. 2 hours ago, fable said:


    So I have been trying to install this mod for quite some time....... I have downloaded all of the relevant files several times using all of the appropriate links.... Nothing seems to be working.... It does not let me craft or search anything and if that is not an issue it comes up with a red message in the source as I am trying to create my character.... Is this mod broken? I wanted to try it out but nothing is working. This is the wasteland mod I am talking about and it seems to be completely broken right now......


    2 hours ago, fable said:


    So I have been trying to install this mod for quite some time....... I have downloaded all of the relevant files several times using all of the appropriate links.... Nothing seems to be working.... It does not let me craft or search anything and if that is not an issue it comes up with a red message in the source as I am trying to create my character.... Is this mod broken? I wanted to try it out but nothing is working. This is the wasteland mod I am talking about and it seems to be completely broken right now......

    The Wasteland overhaul already has the NPCCore mod as part of its build.  Maybe post a link to your player log file so we can see the actual error.


  12. 1 hour ago, Brugas said:

    Thank you and all of the various team(s) members helping out will all these mods.
    Can I make a simple request though for updates? Would it be possible to add an update "date" stamp next to each mod and their hyperlink? That way when scrolling through all the modlets we can see which ones have changed recently instead of re-downloading them all. I know the changelogs usually say what was changed, but this would help to show anyone looking at the files (on the first page).

    Thanks again!

    Going forward, Maybe 🙂  

  13. On 1/14/2024 at 4:31 PM, Deacon of Undead said:


    I loaded the NPC mod witch is awesome by the way, (Thanks for all the hard work) I also play Rebirth.  Why do the NPC in rebirth respond differently. Meaning when using this mod with vanilla the NPC rarely fire. The rate of fire is much higher in the rebirth mod. Did I possibly install something wrong?

    I'm not familiar with Rebirths changes to the NPCCore, so no idea if its intended or not.   The NPCs in the core fire often enough that folks complain about getting killed by bandits all the time so balancing damage output on them isn't 1 setting fits all.


  14. 4 hours ago, Llama King said:


    Nice one thanks.  What was throwing me is the value you put in isnt what reads in game.  For example if the npc health is set to 300 in game it shows up as 225.  Thanks for the help there!

    300 is the base setting.  Then it is modified later by properties.  If its a bandit, the health is lowered, as is the damage the bandit does to the player.

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