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Everything posted by Trankitas

  1. Do you mean Dev Streams? This is the Dev Diary
  2. Come on! Don't "hopefully" us, I'll be dead of natural causes before the bandits come out?
  3. For the looks of it, Water purifier helmet mod will be great in A21, can't wait to be a thirsty boy.
  4. Talking about waiting and seeing, there's something to see without waiting? @faatal @schwanz9000 Something about bandits perhaps? 😏
  5. The whole water thing will be balanced on experimental, probably. So lets wait and see, fellow survivors.
  6. @Mad_Dane 4) Always remember you are NOT forced to update to the latest alpha. Go on steam-7 Days to Die-Properties-Betas and choose whatever version you liked the most and have fun! Plus: since you're not a fan of looting and questing, you won't miss the new bandits!
  7. Are there any sneak peeks from bandit related stuff? Since the T-pose models that you showed on February I've been itching to see some more.
  8. This is really hard to find, hopefully the majority of the people have this same approach towards new alphas. Let's let TFP do their game, we can test it when it releases (alpha21), then make conclusions. If you like it: Play it alone, with friends and family, PvP, and be happy. If you don't: Opt-in for an older alpha or just don't play it anymore until gold, then you can play it again and see how it feels.
  9. I think Madmole said it was to stimulate more exploring and looting, maybe I invented it... One reason I can think of is: the intelligence tree is broken on CO-OP games. If I only perk up intelligence i break the whole progression of my team, I can skip vehicles, make insane tech and horde bases.
  10. Idk man... I feel like everyone has concerns and hopes for the game, but at the end of the day, it's their game not ours, we're just here for the ride. Plus: every change they made is for a reason, they have talented game designers so... maybe you'll say i'm a sheep, but i trust them. Also, if they make a change that I don't want/like I can just opt-in for an older Alpha and have fun anyways, we have like 10 games in 1 because we can dance around all alpha versions.
  11. I mean you have 14 posts and claim TFP never consider others opinions (just because they didn't considered YOUR opinion) and you also said That's not how it works at all brother, if you want to take part in the development of the game you have to become a Dev and apply for a job at TFP. I'm not trying to bully you at all, i'm sorry if it felt like it. I'm just trying to give you a little advice on how things works. No hard feelings I hope!
  12. First of all, my opinions were accordingly received since my n°1 post. Second: if you pay for a burger and you eat it very slow, you can't go one day later and ask the chef to change it, you already paid for the game and played it. Third: I've seen a lot of egocentric forum members come and go, who think their opinion is the absolute truth and claim to speak "what the people want", they usually don't last very long.
  13. You don't get how the world works brother...
  14. I think it's because this is not a bug report thread, maybe you could try reposting it on one.
  15. New workstation is the Water vehicle crafting station.
  16. Please leak it @Roland. Edit: Wait, this sounds really bad.
  17. @Roland Okay, how much do you want for the info?
  18. Well? You're gonna tell us what it is? Or you wanna make us suffer?
  19. Question for TFP: Does movement ingame will ever be upgraded/reworked? It feels a little bit clunky, the game now has pretty high quality standards but movement always felt like Alpha 4 (when i started playing the game) Thoughts? Edit: I'm talking about player movement, vehicle movement is pretty neat now.
  20. Yesterday I was talking with friends about how broken for the game INT skill tree is (for CO-OP mostly) because of the tech skills. Today I see this change and I like it. Are there any estimates for A21 release? I'm dying to play it
  21. I'm unable to play on my own server because of this drone bug I will really love a hotfix
  22. Hi! @faatal, any bandit sneak peaks? Or info to share? (besides the photo seen on twitter)
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