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Posts posted by -Holo-

  1. I found the cause of my nullref's after some testing! It was the 9mm guns which is missing their 9mm HP ammo.

    also a bunch of recipes seems to be missing again.

    Plastic Polymers is missing from chemstation

    Yellow Dye is the old recipe in the chemstation

    Metaltrussing Old & Metaltrussing Centered seems to be missing from the advanced forge

  2. ah crap. I followed the steps to remove the quests before updating, but now when I loginto my server, I get Nullref spam and cant do a thing :(


    IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

    at ItemValue.ModifyValue (.EntityAlive _entity, .ItemValue _originalItemValue, PassiveEffects _passiveEffect, System.Single& _originalValue, System.Single& _perc_value, FastTags _tags) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at EffectManager.GetValue (PassiveEffects _passiveEffect, .ItemValue _originalItemValue, Single _originalValue, .EntityAlive _entity, .Recipe _recipe, FastTags tags, Boolean calcEquipment, Boolean calcHoldingItem, Boolean calcProgression, Boolean calcBuffs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at ItemValue.get_MaxUseTimes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at ItemValue.get_PercentUsesLeft () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at XUiC_ItemStack.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at XUiC_Toolbelt.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at XUiC_ToolbeltWindow.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at XUi.OnUpdateDeltaTime (Single updateDeltaTime) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at XUiUpdater.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


    (Filename: Line: -1)


    Any Idea how to fix this? and is the 2.11 client files still available somewhere? I seem to have deleted mine -.-

  3. Oh man! Can't wait to get home and try this! :D


    But I gotta ask, i know it's been mentioned in the thread somewhere but I cant find the post :( , how did the POI look with the laserbench?

    I think I recall tents was mentioned and that it would be in wasteland, but not the radiated part of it?.


    Running RWG and have been mapping out the majority of an 8K map now!

  4. I see!

    Got worried for a brief moment I had gotten my character corrupted again! :D


    But while I remember to ask, the vehiclemods, is there a reason why it's not using the regular modslots in the vehicle? Or are they maybe not enabled at all in A17?


    Yesterday we dared to enter the radiationzone, and found a demongate. And man was our asses handed to us :D

    led to an less then macho night sitting in the middle of a wasteland city huddled up on a small wall hoping nothing would comeby and see us. (all ammo we had was in the bags we were on our way to get back) Great fun! It's so amazing to be uncertain on what to find and encounter again!


    I haven't checked yet, but would there be any armor mods that mitigates a bit of the burning damage from their fireballs, it literally ate us up in notime? Asbestos underwear for the win! :D


    The radiation pills feel a bit low chance to protect from further radiation. I ate 37 of them (yes I counted) before the buff took :p

  5. A quick question, I'm considering trying this tool to generate a 8 or 9K map for Darkness Falls, but I am wondering if there can be set to always spawn atleast a certain or higher amount of a POI, or force it to spawn atleast one of each on the map?

  6. 6) Can you get me a list of what's missing? I'm pretty sure I covered them all. FYI, Turbo and Eco cannot be on the same vehicle... so if that's a missing combo, that's intended.


    Ah. I think it was the combination turbo and eco mod I was missing the most, but there is armor storage and turbo mods listed twice with the same resources.


    But. I just found another rather unpleasant bug

    I'm a Mechanic class, and I have unlocked the advanced forge and crucible and steel tools and whatnot.

    I crafted a skillbook and multiclassed into laborer too which caused a whole bunch of recipies to have been unlearned :(

    Advanced forge, Forged steel, crucible, cementmixer, scrap iron garden hoe and probably others too

  7. Hello again! I come with more bugs/issues. Some of them is probably gamerelated though! (and others are other people's mods I reckon) but mentioning all here!


    Windows clients playing on windows dedicated RWG server.


    *The survival torch does not emit lights when placed.

    *Healing partymember with first aid bandage might nullref and corrupt that players profile file! (happened to me -.- )

    *Guppy's shoppingcart car starts bouncing up and down and eventually falls though the world

    *The Musclecar also seems to bounce though blocks and damages block, havent seen it happen like the shoppingcart so seems to be "offscreen"

    *All Hollowpoint ammo does less damage then their normal brass counterpart, is this intended to compensate for the higher dismember chance?

    *Some combinations of vehicle mods (for the 4x4 atleast) seems to be missing and some are listed twice with same ingredients (cant check which one right now, not at home)

    *The vehiclemods tooltip say they're crafted in the Metal Workbench, but are made in the vehicle workbench (or whats it called)

    *We have had some weird duping issues with vehicles. Bikes have fallen though the world and got stuck a few meters down where they seems to be been duplicated, with inventory and all. Similar thing happened with the 4x4, Suddenly after coming home from a lootrun a Km away, an extra 4x4 stood parked at the base, fuel intact but at 0% health.

    *Scavenging seems to be leveling up forever even after 100 skillpoints

    *The 100% brasscatcher seems to give more brasscasings then actual fired bullets.


    And a question regarding the RWG and the skyscrapers. Are the regular ones still in the mixer? so far we have seen 4 skyscrapers and they have all been the same (probably customprefab) ones which is quite boring compared to the regular ones.


    With this said. We're at day 85+ and having a ton of fun. Amazing work done with this mod!

  8. Hey again!

    We have discovered a few new bugs, and an update on the birdnest named Air.

    *The Birdnest named Air that causes nullref's seems to be part of POI's, found a sort of parkinglot with a large trailer that contained a few of those nests.

    *The mutant zombie (i think it is, not using the HPbar modlet) seems to be having animation problems and mostly floats around in it's default T-Shape

    *Some recipes like the metalTrussingBlockOld is missing from the advanced forge.

    *The powered door seems to have some issue, this is a weird one and hard to duplicate I'd guess, this is how I did:


    I built the iron door powered, and the relay. and then looked up on how to hookthem up, so i placed the door, and the relay two blocks underneat. and it closed when i hooked it up to my powergrid.


    Then I placed a motion sensor above the door and hooked the cabling up and set the sensor to output when triggered. The door works fine.

    I set the sensor to always output signal so I can leave the room, and in the morning I go out looting. (there is fuel left for days in the generator)


    when I get to a building which was about 1Km from the base, I got nullrefsspamming on the server, so I restarted that one and logged back in.

    after just a few minutes in the same building, I started getting nullref's on my client and had to shut down. This time I checked the log on my client and there was a bunch of

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    at BlockPoweredDoor.DoorAnimator (.BlockEntityData blockEntityData) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at DoorAutoTrigger.PlayAnimation (Boolean isOpen) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at DoorAutoTrigger.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


    The same nullrefs were in the serverlog from the first restart.


    I assume those are related to that powered door. I logged in, hurried back to base (didnt nullref anymore so I think it might be something that happens after a time at a certain distance from the door.

    I removed the door and the relay, and have since not had the error. (even went back to the same building I got the errors in first, no troubles)


    And the last for now. The advanced wire tool gives an error when trying to leftclick to remove cables.

  9. I will start with one big THANKS!

    This mod made the game fun again, both me and the rest of my 7 Days buddies gave up shortly after A17.0 since it was quite...awful.

    But with this we're all having a blast (except we all hate the tiny iconsize in the inventory :p )


    We have found a couple of bugs and issues to report though.


    Running on my Dedicated Windows Server on a 8K RWG map.


    *Wrenching stuffs gives xp for scavenging

    *It seems like opening any container gives scavenging xp, even containers in our bases.

    *Having full ranks in Parkour seems to give health when jumping down 15-20 blocks.

    *We found a birdnest, which was named "Air", and gives a Nullref when used.

    *Somewhere seemingly near/in wasteland the server starts throwing

    (Filename: Line: 897)


    Invalid Layer Index '1

    and continue to spam this until the server is restarted.

    *The Big forge's particle effect in the chimney is misaligned and floats in the air next to it.

    *The Advanced forge is not updating while inside the crafting UI, also would be nice to be able to turn off for screamer-heat cooloff.

    *The Steel Crossbow won't start reloading until we zoom out.

    *Miner 69er seems like it gives a bit too much raw materials, getting flooded with clay, sand, wood and stone very fast. (iron and steel tools)

    *The CCTV needs to be linked up once per player to work for them.

    *The airdrop spawns a bunch of zombies underneath when looted for no reason.

    *The survivors/wandering traders are walking/standing in spikes (might not be possible to fix due to game AI limits?)


    *This is probably a gamebug, but all landclaim blocks dont seem to work. (We set it to 5 per player in the config) but sleeperzombies still

    spawn inside the 'protected' areas :( (one claim is in a military base where I removed all buildings so there is absolutely no sleeper left)


    Since it's RWG it might be a moot point, but traders seems to spawn very plentiful and many of them right next to eachother.

    How come the RWG uses the old gridlike system for cities btw?


    And the last question: why does the arrows not stick anymore? :D


    /The Holo

  10. First I must say that this looks like an amazing mod that seems to bring back alot of the things that's been removed.

    But with that said, Can it be changed to have smaller sized bags? (or larger inventory UI) It's getting hard to see the icons in the tiny grid.

    (Running at 100% UI Scale on a 27" monitor)

    And is it possible to get a clock back in the UI somehow?

    (could an inventory item give a buff that displays time? would be great to have to find a wristwatch and get the time as a buff :D )


  11. will this work on Dedicated servers? I would want to play with my friends with this mod.

    Just tested it, doesn't seem to work 100%, the server is spewing out red errors and won't start with these files there :(

    But atleast some of the textures are working for the client, just not whatever all the xml edits are for.

  12. In your first remove, you are removing the Action1. However, your append is looking for that action1 to add to it.


    Consider removing the class as you are doing, and then appending the entire Action1


    - - - Updated - - -




    perkGreaseMonkey is a perk, not a progression...


    /progression/perks/perk[@name=perkGreaseMonkey] might work better for you.



    Ah! I see! geez. gonna take a while for me to get used to the xpath system I feel, but now I think I can start to do some rework!

    Many many thanks for the tip!

  13. Would it be possible to have Unarmed as a skill that can increase by punching zombies and stuff? (can't remember if that was a thing in the past)


    And forgive me for asking, I'm a complete noob now with the redone (ruined) progression system, is it possible to for example add a magazine item that would let you learn a recipie permanent like it was in the past?

    (In the past I modded out all the "magical learn this from killing zombies" from progression.xml and forced the player to find a book to learn the item. it was glorious! could take weeks before we even found a forge recipe, but with the new xml system I'm at a loss how to do it)

  14. So I'm wondering what people's thoughts are on the direction the mod goes in.


    1. Make it more like A16. Let you spend 1 skill point to get 1 level of an Action Skill, but increase the amount of skill points you receive per player level up and also increase the amount of points needed per perk. More points needed for higher levels.


    2. Make Action Skills ONLY level on-use or by reading magazines, keep the rest of the perks at 1 skill point per level as they are.


    I am also considering changing the requirements from attribute/player level based to tied with an associated action skill, or perhaps a combination of attribute and Action Skill without level reqs on the attributes. Want lvl 2 of Gunslinger? Get to lvl 20 in Pistol Weapons, etc.


    I would go with option 2, learn by doing, not by a magical buttonpress earned from doing something completely unrelated!


    Also. Greeeeeat initiative for a mod! soon A17 might be fun to actually play!

  15. This is quite remarkable fun mod to play, but me and my friends have found a slew of errors, bugs and thoughts:

    Missing Icons or missing/error in xml:






    +others I can't remember.

    Steel tools and the steelclub makes no impact sound. removing their materials="msteel" from the xml seems to fix this.

    Tallow in chemstation needs cookpot, which don't go in chemstation

    spotlight needing wrench in workbench, which don't go in workbench

    burnbarrel missing it's queue window i xui.xml causing console errors

    engine parts brake waaaaaaaaay to quick, and when they break during driving, causes all loaded fuel to be 0, but able to keep going forever until leving the minibike. Also causes enginesound to never stop until picking the bike apart.

    Minibike handlebars and seat missing in recipies

    overstuffed buff not going away until death

    toggleable electric lights dont work, fix mentioned earlier in thread!

    steelhelmetlight causes player head to be invisible

    orientation on all prefab walllights (porchlights etc) is off causing them to float in the air rotated 90 degrees.

    blastfurnace only use is for steeltooltip?

    lootlist for treasurechests contains casinotokens

    spelling errors everywhere in localization.txt

    Is it intended to have almost nonexistant chance for toolanddieset, calipers, blowtorch (weilder) and tier3 skillbooks?, at day 98 now, and we have only found 2 caliper and 2 blowtorch item so far, don't think I have ever seen one of those tier 3 skillbooks.

    Fishingline and Gauge item's found but they don't seems to be for anything?


  16. So trying it out and really love it, the only question I have is the start seems a bit unbalanced with zombies always on you, but it could very well just be an adjustment on my part. Typically when I spawn in I have zombies chasing me before i've even crafted my class selection.


    How do other people start off in the mod strategy wise.


    I usually run my butt off trying to find a survivor npc to hide behind while I get starting, before I try to meet up with the rest of my team (always playing coop)

  17. First off, this is a great mod and it really spices up and changes how the game flows playing it with a few friends and we're wondering a few things.

    - Fishing? how does that work? fishing line is is the game, and fish recipies, but seems not be able to do anything about it?


    - Zombiespawningdistance seems to be really low and it's awful to see zombies just pop into existence (especially when a screamer pops in, safe behind most of the spiketraps -.-)


    - The npc/followers AI. we found a rocketsilo site and on another location an large building with concrete walls around it, where there was many many of the NPC's guarding it. but most of them didnt move a muscle when zombies came and attacked them. The ones randomly standing in the world does start shooting at zombies when they see them though. Is there some way to easily remove the NPC system? it seems like they probably just waste resources as it is now.


    - Performance/prefabs, noticeable in large city parts. while the prefabs makes the place look great, it really, really, -really- chokes up the Unity engine and causing massive fps drops for me. It's not a matter of slow computer performance, more likely the classic Unityengine problem when it reaches a certain point of complexity. neither cpu nor ram nor gpu is overutilizied, but the game chokes down to sub 30 fps in those areas. (tried to copy the default rwgmixer into this mod, and with that active, a new world's largecities had no performance problems)

    (i7-4790K,GTX1070,24Gb ram system) would it be possible to tone down the usage of prefabs just a bit in those areas somehow? a prefabs lite version mayhaps?



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