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Posts posted by -Holo-

  1. Trying to build a new version for 18.4 with distant terrain fix on my dedicated server, but after compiling it and running the server I get this error as soon as the Core mod is loaded.

    checked the core and the distant terrain fix and attempt harmony update option

    ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: -174, 49, 2689

  2. I can safely say the best times I have had (with a large margin)with 7 days is in A15 with True Survival. Never played the A16 version of TS though, but I'm extremely curious about this version and very happy to see it's been resumed work on (Since I really really -really- hate the path A17 and A18 has taken)

    I don't really want to spoil the entire surprise by reading the full list of whats been changed, but have some parts I would love to have answered :)

    *Seeing how much work was done with prefabs back then to remove lightsources, I assume the same is done now to get rid of most/all the damn dungeonstyle POI's with lootrooms?

    *Will zombies be lootable again? I modded that quickly in A18.2 and that small change alone made the game feel so much better.
    *Can the MC/Car/Gyroparts be crafted? Or do we have to find the parts in the world and assemble? (modded this in A18 and it was great fun to not get a car on week 2 :) )

    Actually, Might as well ask, how the schematics are handled now?
    Do we magically learn to craft new things by putting points in a skilltree, or do we have to find the recipies in the world to learn? (for the more advanced things)


  3. I'm not much of an expert on this, but how are you applying the upgrade? via a hammer? Did you also update the hammer's Allowed_upgrade_items to include your new item?


    I tried with nailgun and stoneaxe, but I was unaware of that allowed_upgrade_item. That's probably it! Gonna apply that example code from page one to change all of those when I get back home :D

    Many many thanks for helping with my numerous mishaps. I just can't seem to get the hang of xpath's logic :(

  4. Now I'm back with even more weird problems -.-

    I'm trying to add a item that can be used to repair the different oven/stoves found to a working one based from Valmod.

    The repairitem is added in and can be found in lootlists, but when I try to update an oven it just shows the 'missing item' error (correct one though) even when I have the item on me.

    This is what I have appended in blocks.xml under <append xpath="/blocks">

    <block name="workstationOven">
    	<property name="DescriptionKey" value="workstationOvenDesc"/>
    	<property name="Class" value="Campfire" />
    	<property name="CustomIcon" value="cntWallOven" />
    	<property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacerInverted" />
    	<property name="Stacknumber" value="1" />
    	<property name="Material" value="Mwood_weak" />
    	<property name="Texture" value="346,345,341,345,262,345" />
    	<property name="LootList" value="130" />
    	<drop event="Destroy" name="resourceScrapIron" count="5,10" />
    	<drop event="Fall" name="woodDebris" count="1" prob="1.0"  stick_chance=".75" />
    	<property name="HeatMapStrength" value="1"/>
    	<property name="HeatMapTime" value="1200"/>
    	<property name="HeatMapFrequency" value="25"/>
    	<property name="Group" value="Food/Cooking,Decor" />
    	<property name="ActiveRadiusEffects" value="+heatSource(3)"/>
    	<property class="Workstation">
    		<property name="Modules" value="tools,output,input"/>
    		<property name="CraftingAreaRecipes" value="campfire" />
    <append xpath="blocks/block[@name='cntWallOven']">
    	<property class="UpgradeBlock">
    	<property name="ToBlock" value="workstationOven"/>
    	<property name="Item" value="ElectricalRepairKit"/>
    	<property name="ItemCount" value="1"/>
    	<property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="5"/>
    <property name="CustomUpgradeSound" value="place_block_metal" />
    <append xpath="blocks/block[@name='cntStoveOldVer1Closed']">
    	<property class="UpgradeBlock">
    	<property name="ToBlock" value="workstationOven"/>
    	<property name="Item" value="ElectricalRepairKit"/>
    	<property name="ItemCount" value="1"/>
    	<property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="5"/>
    <property name="CustomUpgradeSound" value="place_block_metal" />

    And this is the item appended in items.xml

    <append xpath="/items">
    <item name="ElectricalRepairKit">
    <property name="HoldType" value="45" />
    <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sackPrefab.prefab" />
    <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab" />
    <property name="Material" value="MresourceScrapIron" />
    <property name="Weight" value="1" />
    <property name="Stacknumber" value="25" /> <!-- STK resource -->
    <property name="EconomicValue" value="10" />
    <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="10" />
    <property name="Group" value="Resources" />
    <property name="RepairTime" value=".5" />
    <property name="RepairAmount" value="20" />
    <property name="CraftingIngredientTime" value=".2" />
    <property name="CustomIcon" value="resourceRepairKit" />

    I tried to change the item to just need resourceScrapIron, and then it worked flawlessly and used one scrapiron, but not with the ElectricalRepairKit. All the items are loaded and looks correct in the configdump xmls

  5. @-Holo-

    I think the plan is to use Nitrogen for the maps. From what I have herd and seen it seems better than vanilla.



    Howdy all. Just wanted to pop in and say thanks to everyone that has donated and sent encouraging messages, your support helps keep me focused on the goal. Little update. Mod work is going well, I have put my self on a Moding schedule so to stay interested and focused but not burn out on it. Just recently purchased a few large asset packs. I wont give to many specifics on them because we want them to be a surprise. What I will say is we will have a large assortment of new "enemies". My goal is to be able to start basic play testing sometime near the end of Jan. Not a set date could happen sooner or later.


    One little note. I will be looking for some help to fix all the POI's before release. This is open to anyone that wants to help and knows how to use the POI editor. Example of some of the things I'm looking at fixing for POI's are - removing the lighted paths / removing the fixed paths through POIs / Replacing the fun house zombie spawns / Removing all lights / Some loot adjustment. Its ok if you want to do just one or 100 POI's, whatever you are interested in doing is fine. Just post that your interested and I will get with you with more information.


    Again thanks for all the support and I hope everyone has a great Christmas and Happy New Year



    This sounds so amazing it's ... amazing!

    nitrogen for the map, and removal of the POI POS Lighted paths \o/



    Take a look at forges comparing advanced forges to forges. Found Iron Frames can't be made in advanced, need original forge. Not sure if easy way to update all forge required items to be make-able in the adv forge or not, hope so!


    It would be nice of some clever modder could find a way to make the recipies apply to more then a single workstation somehow.

    like "crafting area" ="campfire,oven" required tools "cookingpot or beaker" or something in those lines to reduce crafting clutter :D

  7. I tried it, it seems to work.


    But it doesn't obey biome restrictions for POI's.


    So yes, it works and generates the needed biomes, but I still DO NOT recommend using that or RWG because it screws up the progression I planned.


    Aw. That's very very sad news :( Me and my group of friends playing the game won't touch the navezgane map until it's gone gold :/

    (I'm guessing your map is based on it still?)

  8. Do you think it would be possible to make a file for the prefabs used to work with Nitrogen to create a random map?

    I have fallen in love with that tool with it's glorious maps :D

  9. You are close. The chemistryline is part of the passive_effect line, not the effectgroup itself. Once you target the passive_effect line, you can add the name attribute as an additional condition, or continue just to target the @tags='chemistryStation'.

    <remove xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkYeahScience']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='RecipeTagUnlocked' and @tags='chemistryStation']" />
    <remove xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkYeahScience']/effect_group/passive_effect[@tags='chemistryStation']" />


    Ahh Thanks! I was not aware one could have longer then a single 'item' here "effect_group/passive_effect"

    But I'm running into brickwall again with other ideas :/

    trying to revert there weird choice to increase material amount as one get better at making things, and been trying everything I can think of.

    Currently ended up with this code, with the thrownspeariron as a test to see if even the syntax was correct, but it was not applied :(


    <set xpath="/recipies/recipe[@name=meleeThrownSpearIron]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name=CraftingIngredientCount' and @value='.5,2.5]/@value">2.5,.5</set>


    hoping to replace the meleeThrownSpearIron with a wildcard (if that's doable?) to fix all those recipies, but can't get the syntax right.

  10. Corpse-looting can be implemented easily from the xml, it is verified.

    But you will pay for it by not being able to pull arrows out of corpses while they exist (but this is inaccurate, there are some features).

    I think removing loot from zombies was precisely this reason - devs exchange loot on opportunity extricate arrows.


    Oh oh oh. Now you made me happy. screw the arrows, bring in the good ol' lootin times! Now I want to go home and see if I can do that xD (awful at modding :D )

  11. Agh. I'll never get the hang of xpath it seems :/ I'm trying to remove items from the progression, so we -must- find the schematic,

    trying to remove the whole line with

    <remove xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name=perkYeahScience]/effect_group[@tags=chemistryStation]" />


    but the game won't allow that and I'm not sure how to remove things from progression and can't find any examples from other mods :(

  12. Technically, there's probably few things DMT can change in the game; as longs its C# code, you can manipulate it. It comes down to coding ability, time, and enthusiasm.


    I don't have a tremendous amount of time, or even enthusiasm. I work on systems that xyth and i chat about that could make a different type of game play, or a concept that we think is interesting or 'needed'. I try to code in a way that is pretty simple, so that it can be adopted by others to make their own changes.


    Smell is tricky, but could be implemented via the buff system and AoE to a certain extent. Other modders have re-introduced the 1-600 quality and learn by doing. Zombie corpse looting, I think, is XML only.


    I see. This give me a glimmer of hope :)

    1-600, learn by doing and corpse-looting is something that is vital to the game for me and my friends , and made the game feeling unique :D


    You both are doing amazing works for the game. Had it not been for the modding scene I doubt the game would have done so great.

  13. I gotta ask, since you're hacking the snot out of what the game can do :)

    What limits are there to the DMT mods and such in ability to change gameplay?

    I have been in a few threads lamenting all the systems gone from the game, but I have no idea of what could be done to bring back with advanced modding, for example zombie corpse looting like in A16, weapon/engine assembly, smell, 1-600 Quality and Learn by doing.


    LBD I think mostly can be done with XML modding, the rest I believe would need more advanced modding?

  14. Nothing wrong with that. Good luck :)


    You want The Legacy Distant Terrain mod in a separate folder than your build target's Mods folder, then have DMT point to that separate folder, with the target pointing to a vanilla version of the game. DMT will take care of copying all the files it needs to the target folder.


    Wow. Got it to work. Gpu down to 40 % instead of 99%. can turn up shadows and reflections and everything now. This is just .. flabbergasting how they could use such a resouce hogging system

  15. You should only need it on the client. Check you log file, it should say something about Creating Legacy Distant Terrain. Then you know its active.


    You do not need 0-SphereIICore for this to work. In the Mod Launcher, there's also a sphereii-mental / Performance Mod, which only has the Distant Terrain mod in it, if you continue to struggle with it.


    Ah, Thanks!

    It's not active it seems, that explains it :D Gonna mess around with it a bit, I'm oldschool and don't use the mod launcher and prefer to add the stuffs myself so I know what's happening :)

  16. Hm. Testing the legacy terrain mod, but not entirely sure i'm getting it working, I'm not using a launcher so doing it by hand with the DMT tool and copied the 'SphereII Legacy distant terrain' folder into it's modlet folder, checked it and build. not getting any errors or so.


    After that I did the same on my server,

    But I'm not entirely sure it's active :/ can't tell any visual difference, and gpu is still struggling outdoors.

    Do I need to have the core compiled aswell? There is a bunch of blocks and other stuffs in that core folder that seems to be about other mods I'm not interested in using? (trying to keep as lightweight of mods as I can)

  17. I have not really played DF. So the region (biome) is more of a technical test, subject to change.


    To place biome dependent POIs i still need to add some extra logic.


    Ah. It's a shame, very fun mod!

    But yes the radioactive wasteland biome is the only place where certain ore-nodes spawn, aswell with a whole slew of special "zombies", and a "large" portal "POI".

    It is also highly deadly to walk on without endgame gear, so It would be best if it could be clumped up into one or two larger biomeareas like the snowbiomes tend to be :)


    (Unless everything is changed from how it was in A17)

  18. Yes, there are lots of option. You can also have a specific biome or no border


    Also, more questions! Toying with the tool at work a bit ( :D ) is it the Pink/Purple color that's the radioactive wasteland from Darkness falls?

    If so I think it would be better (if possible) to gather them up into a few larger chunks to allow for the special radiationzone POI's to spawn.

    (and avoid totally random radiation posioning in the world :D )

  19. Question about POI's

    Are the same POI's from Darkness falls A17 planned for this?

    There are a few that was a bit odd I think.

    There were one POI that seems to be a hordebase with reinforced steel on 4 pillars that's just incredibly OP to find

    There were a large towerish building with hatchelevator in the middle, and haybales to jump out from the top, felt a bit off in the world to have that.

    There's a pawn shop (I think) that has just insane amounts of lootontainers too.

  20. Ok, good to hear. I needed some confirmation that the biome colors are correct, and can be loaded.


    Ooh this looks soo nice, can't wait to try it out once Darkness Falls is out of experimental :D

    I have yet to take a look at the latest Nitrogen version, can it be set to generate a world without that silly water region around it like the old times?

  21. Have you thought about making some sort of collaboration with Damocles and the Nitrogen map generator?

    It seems to be able to make really good Randomworlds, but for A17, it couldn't generate a map with your custom radiationzone included :(

    (or I was too dumb to use it :D )


    Running Darkness Falls on such a map could be amazing.

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