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Crater Creator

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Everything posted by Crater Creator

  1. Thanks for the help sphereii. If it looks like something's wrong on my end, please let me know.
  2. Nope, that's vanilla farming for you. The key to farming is
  3. ComSenMod 3.4 Now Available! Just in time for, um, the second half of Thanksgiving weekend , comes ComSenMod 3.4. As always, the download link is in the first post. This update contains bug fixes and performance enhancements. Ha, just kidding. I give you REAL release notes. Version 3.4 11/25/2017 Reorganized files to work best with 7D2D Mod Launcher Synched files with A16.4 Stable blocks.xml Set storage boxes to use new larger container definition They’re bigger and more expensive to make than chests, and so should offer more space entityclasses.xml Scrap brass can be harvested from zombie dogs Representing brass dog tags, and adding more reward for killing a tough enemy Greatly reduced minibike hit points The old value wasn’t balanced, making the minibike virtually indestructible Narrowed the gap in hit points between basic male & basic female zombies, but reduced entity attack damage for basic female zombies Physical differences in e.g. upper body strength are better manifested in attack damage, rather than hit points. Unfortunately the game doesn’t support a random range of values to represent individual human variation. Set feral zombies to use same loot lists as their non-feral versions Many were using fat zombie loot, which is tailored specifically for fat zombies Assigned basic male & female zombies to use gender-specific loot lists So that, for example, males don’t carry skirts Reduced hit points on fat Hawaiian shirt zombies Unlike cop zombies, these have no special abilities, loot, or appearance of strength to support the extra hit points over other fat zombies Gave zombies Boe, old timer, farmer, & stripper the same hit points as other basic zombies These have no special abilities, loot, or appearance to support the extra hit points over other basic zombies Reduced burnt zombie’s hit points To match their new, lower quality burnt loot items.xml Added handZombieFemale that does reduced damage If zombies are going to incorporate physical differences between males and females, let’s do it in an authentic way. Research indicates women have significantly lower upper body and grip strength, which would affect how hard they can attack with their arms, while the amount of pain or trauma they can sustain relative to men is less clear, which would affect their hit points. loot.xml Defined separate loot list for storage boxes They’re bigger and more expensive to make than chests, and so should offer more space Added empty cans to canned food loot Anywhere you might find canned food, you might also find an empty can Substituted cupboard loot in coolers with canned food loot Other cupboard loot, like seeds and paint, wouldn’t be found in coolers Changed minibike wheels found in car loot to tires Representing a single spare tire, instead of a set of minibike wheels Added eggs & feathers to mailbox loot A convenient place for a bird to nest in a post-apocalyptic world Created separate loot lists for fat male & fat female zombies & increased chance of them carrying clothes So that, for example, males don’t carry skirts Made a new ‘burnt junk’ loot list for burnt zombies and furnaces A lot of regular junk would be destroyed in a fire recipes.xml Added recipes for flagstone gable, brick gable, wood gable, and wood pyramid There are holes in the full upgrade path for these shapes, but this way players can still craft the blocks that already exist Reduced time to forge newer brick shapes Applying the original adjustment to newer block shapes that hadn’t received the adjustment Added alternate recipes to use clean water instead of murky water Clean water should work just as well; players shouldn’t lose out just because they boiled all their water Added blueberries to paint recipe Red, blue, and yellow pigments are needed to create a full range of hues. Thanks, elementary school art class!
  4. I follow your reasoning, but I can think of two reasons for not doing this. First, the many-bandages-per-box argument interprets that one unit of bandages in game means one bandage, but the game doesn't follow this conversion in general. Consider that the blueberry pie recipe requires 3 units of blueberries, or that the minibike holds 1000 units of gas. Clearly that doesn't represent exactly 3 blueberries, or 1000 cans of gas. It would also take more than one little band-aid to stop you from bleeding out, so I conclude that the units are not to be interpreted so literally. Secondly, if the stack for health items is to be based on the mass or volume of health items, it wouldn't be right to only cherry pick health items. The same logic would need to apply to other items for the mod to maintain self-consistency. That would mean no more stacks of 1,000 buckets of concrete. People tend not to point out where realistically things would be less convenient.
  5. Boy, all you guys have me pleasantly surprised! I say that because after I released the last major version, 3.0, I didn't hear a peep from any users for two months. I can't complain; it's just weird how interest can wax and wane seemingly independent of the mod's development. Given the increased interest, I've decided 3.4 is sufficiently tested for release. It doesn't make huge sweeping changes to 3.3, anyway, so if there are any problems they're likely 'just' balance related. 3.4 puts increased attention on different zombie types, particularly differences between the sexes. Loot is gender-specific (males won't carry skirts), and I've rebalanced the hit points on zombie types. The overall balance should be about the same, but I've shrunk the difference in hit points between males and females. Instead, they are differentiated by how much damage their attacks do. I hope this won't be controversial. I see this as implementing TFP's design decision to distinguish male & female zombies in a more authentic way. I've just cleared up a logistical question with the mod launcher, and 3.4's release should follow shortly.
  6. Thanks, 7DaySonney! If you install ComSenMod on an existing game, expect only new areas you explore to have ComSenMod-tuned bird nests. Explored areas are already generated, so they should keep the nests where they were before. However all trees (previously seen or not) should have the chance to yield feathers, since that's computed as you harvest them. I've gotten through the first seven days testing 3.4, and no issues so far. I feel obligated to do another week or so though, to catch any issues in the later game.
  7. Enjoying all your feedback. I think there's going to be new things to learn for any mod that changes things. My hope is players will notice the new campfire recipes as they go through the starter quest. That's the go-to place for teaching the player things, and I've updated the quest requirements as well as the (English) text to reflect changes in the mod. I can't undo people's learned habits, but this seems like the best approach available. Bookcases and some other containers take longer to open for a few reasons. For one thing, leveling up your scavenging speed doesn't make much difference when you open almost everything in a second regardless. But moreover, what I'd really like is for it to take time to read books, instead of reading them in an instant. I haven't found a viable way to do that, so as a substitute I make it take longer to loot the bookcase. You can imagine it takes this long to browse the titles of the fifty books on the shelf and pick out the one that's useful. Lastly, you've caught me on the container sizes. I made an error in ComSenMod 3.3 when setting those sizes - the large boxes are supposed to have more capacity. I've corrected this locally for ComSenMod 3.4. On that note, now is as good a time as any to share that ComSenMod 3.4, which is compatible with Alpha 16.4, is currently in testing and can probably be released soon.
  8. Ah, you've hit on one of the key changes. I don't think the player should be able to just grab a pile of rocks and turn it into a fire. You need fuel and a source of ignition. That's why the campfire requires a torch or candle to craft. The tallow is a bit more roundabout than, say, adding embers to the game as an item. But it works out nicely such that you can't make a fire out of nothing. You need a fire before you can make another fire. Since you start the game with a torch, this isn't as crippling as it may sound. In fact it creates an interesting choice in the early game: is it more important to have that source of light, or a way to cook and stay warm? Mimicking an actual survival situation, that first campfire becomes a pivotal lifeline in the early game. I've played games where my one campfire is destroyed, and it's a whole new experience trying to make it with no fire. Suddenly those few candles or torches on the walls of PoIs become more than pretty decorations. I'm not a sadist, either. You can find candles occasionally when looting zombies. Here, I treat them like cigarette lighters - something a percentage of people would be carrying on them. You can also find tallow in a few places. Once you're out of the early game, you have a cooking pot and a steadily growing supply of animal fat, so you can make as many torches, candles, and campfires as you like, as in vanilla.
  9. Forgive me for not reading the whole thread, but I wanted to comment on something OnlyMeiya brought up in another thread. TL;DR: with the sniper rifle nerfed, PvP players don't have a good option for a long-range weapon. Since PvP isn't my thing in this game (definitely in other games, though), I'm taking this assessment at face value. One idea raised, which I think is a good one, was that the armor penetration of weapons could scale with your skill level, which wouldn't affect combat with zombies and animals. But to my mind, the ideal vehicle for a long-range PvP-tuned weapon is the hunting rifle. In my experience, the hunting rifle is just a weapon you use until you have a sniper rifle. But the two could be more useful in different situations. The hunting rifle's entity damage with maximum skills could be raised very high without affecting PvE very much. It has a long delay between shots, there are a lot more zombies than other players in a given encounter, and most zombies don't take a lot of damage relative to a high-level armored player based on OnlyMeiya's reporting. These three stats combined mean a hunting rifle with high damage is literally overkill in most PvE situations. If the sniper rifle were given similarly high damage, though, it would be too superior overall thanks to its 5-round clip. Now we currently have some real bullet sponge zombies, like irradiated cops, which could be easier kills with a souped-up hunting rifle. But that may not be a bad thing, since again the hunting rifle has its limitations when faced with a large number of targets at once.
  10. I stand corrected! Apparently what matters is that a schematic can't be read if you already know everything it provides. Since schematics in ComSenMod provide skills, while schematics in Alpha 16 vanilla don't, you can re-read schematics only in the former. So yes, this was something I unknowingly changed. However I think the ability to re-read is better. If you haven't maxed out a skill, that means there are still things you have to learn. And it's quite plausible to learn more on re-reading technical literature. There's the issue of why you don't re-read the same copy of a book 100 times to easily max out the skill. But that's really an issue with the book being consumed when you read it (and the fact that I can't find a way for reading books to take time). From a role playing perspective, one can imagine two pistol books are actually different books on the same subject, with different information, or that each book contains only a few readable pages. I welcome your feedback on scavenging meat. Was it raw meat or rotten flesh you found in unexpected places, and do you remember in what places you found them? I reviewed the files and the only meat you should find is
  11. Thanks for your question! That behavior changed in vanilla. In Alpha 15 vanilla you could read multiple copies of the same schematic. In Alpha 16 vanilla you can only read each schematic once. If anyone knows if re-reading books is moddable, please let me know. What ComSenMod changes is the skills that reading the schematic gives you. If you read a book about pistols, you become more skilled at using pistols, in addition to any other skills you would gain in vanilla. Unfortunately, since you can now only read one pistols book, you can only improve your pistols skill by one level this way. It waters down the feature for most things (armor is an exception) to the point it barely makes a difference.
  12. @Death2gnomes: That's my hope, too. And not to worry: there are plenty of other things to find in safes, and plenty of other places to find trophies. @The ZRebs: That'd be cool if there were more objects like shopping baskets and candles that exist as both items and blocks. Hopefully a bookshelf/display case could be done in a way that doesn't require a lot of polygons. The current bookshelf has a flat box shape and relies on its texture to suggest depth. What I'd like to see even more is a version of the metal shelves we have with a nonspecific pile 'o' junk on them. Imagine taking the shopping cart and dumping the contents onto the shelf. These could occasionally replace the empty shelves in stores etc., and then we wouldn't need wooden crates lying around conspicuously in every store. It could even use the helper system, so that which shelves have stuff on them is randomized for each building instance.
  13. Thanks for the feedback, Death2gnomes! I want you to know I gave each of these items consideration. Machete: I'm not sure what you mean when you talk about iron versus steel in the machete recipe. The machete blade is forged using iron and clay, both in vanilla and in ComSenMod. As for it being a cheap unrefined tool, that may be. But it's designed as a tool first and a weapon second, whereas in game it was like 90% weapon, 10% tool. I'd also point out a fire axe isn't a proper felling axe, either. It's made for cutting through doors and windows, not chopping down trees. So it still seems reasonable for the machete to be comparable to the iron fireaxe when it comes to chopping wood. Eggs & feathers in mailboxes: I love it. I'd been looking for a more interesting variety of loot to put in mailboxes. I've added this locally and will test it out soon. Thanks for the idea Trophies: Having thought this over, trophies are abundant for the sake of balancing brass, but there aren't many places where they make sense. I've suggested that the devs add a glass display case, which would be perfect for them. In the mean time I agree they have sentimental value and that, coupled with their bulk, makes them still seem more at home in a safe than in a filing cabinet. Can you think of a better place for them among existing containers? Minibikes: Okay, you've convinced me the minibike should take more damage. It has one million HP now if you can believe it. I did some experiments and by my estimate, a terrible quality minibike would have to take a 100 m fall ten times before anything (the tires, in this case) failed. I also ground on it with an auger, and suffice it to say you really have to be trying to destroy it. So it should be safe to reduce the total HP, which is good because I don't know how to make it just take more fall damage. I expect the minibike to be totally rebalanced come Alpha 17, however. Padlocks: You only need a handful of padlocks at most. I turned them into brass because it was completely plausible (they even look like brass), and this way they can be valuable whether you use them as-is or scrap them. Anyway, in ComSenMod you can find padlocks in places including desks, suitcases, file cabinets, and (duh!) lockers. Technically you can find them in cars too, but they're a rare find like so many other things found in cars.
  14. Thanks, sphereii! I just tried the Mod Launcher and verified it works to download & play ComSenMod. It's great to be included alongside so many other great mods.
  15. Apparently the previous downloads contained some unnecessary metadata files, which could cause problems with some zip extractors. The metadata is now removed, and the link has been switched to a permalink. I'll endeavor to make all future versions available from the same location. Please chime in with any issues you have or other feedback. Your thoughts are a big part of what allows ComSenMod to keep improving.
  16. ComSenMod 3.3 Now Available! Happy Labor Day to all the American and Canadian players out there! Today I'm releasing ComSenMod 3.3, which makes over 30 new improvements over version 3.0, and is updated to be fully compatible with Alpha 16.3 b12, the current stable release as of this posting. Highlights include overhauled container sizes, a workbench that now uses tools like other stations, repurposed hazmat clothes, changes to how you use tires and snowballs, and the usual batch of tweaks to loot, recipes, and more. Of special note is the rebalancing of wooden chests. I felt that people that want to use the larger, fancier, and harder to make furniture shouldn't have to suffer a penalty in terms of container size compared to the smaller, more basic wooden chest. This meant making the wooden chest smaller - 32 slots - and other containers larger. That's still the size of the backpack, so a whole backpack of loot still fits into one chest. However, if you plan to use ComSenMod 3.3 on an existing save, I recommend first checking if you have more than 32 items in any of your wooden storage chests, because any overflow will probably disappear after installing ComSenMod 3.3. As always, feedback is appreciated! Version 3.3 Change List Merged all ComSenMod files with updates up to Alpha 16.3 b12 (Stable) blocks.xml Enabled picking up tires directly instead of destroying them Destroying a tire would make it unusable Enabled picking up hubcaps directly instead of destroying them Destroying a hubcap would make it unusable, plus this rewards getting up close to check suspected mines in the wasteland Added chance to harvest hubcaps from intact cars and air filters from partially damaged cars If you dismantle a whole car, you’d expect to find these car parts buffs.xml Players now get steadily hotter while they’re on fire Fire hot! items.xml Restored machete’s block damage to vanilla values Only the damage versus wood needed adjustment Increased machete damage bonus against wood Machetes are made to chop wood, so they should be as good at damaging wood as an iron fireaxe Increased fire protection from hazmat clothes Repurposing hazmat clothes as fireproof clothes, since radiation protection doesn’t currently impact gameplay Reduced economic value of hazmat clothes by a factor of 4 (about three times that of leather clothes) To better match their actual value as clothing, and value when scrapped Changed padlock material from metal to brass They look like brass, which is a common padlock material. Extra padlocks should be more valuable given their rarity, and this compensates for zombies not carrying as much brass as in vanilla. Disabled farming tip when picking up coal Assumed to be an oversight, since coal isn’t used in farming Enabled eating snowballs directly, causing cooling and potentially dysentery To replace melting snow at a campfire (see recipes change) loot.xml Combined quests & treasure maps into one loot group The tiny probabilities were too cumbersome to keep recalculating with every other change Removed quests & treasure maps from football, hazmat, cheerleader, skateboarder, & businessman zombies These zombies all drop ‘personal junk’ loot, which incorporates the chance to drop quests or treasure maps Standardized chance of finding a quest or treasure map from a zombie (2.7%) or container (0.75%) Some typical ‘everyday’ zombies, like businessmen and cheerleaders, had an extra chance for no particular reason Added new, separate male & female clothes groups for future use E.g. so male zombies don’t carry skirts Replaced ZU shirt in cheerleader zombie loot with tank tops To better reflect her appearance & reduce redundancy with football player loot Increased chance to find compound bow parts among basic gun loot They were several times rarer than common firearm parts, and found less often than whole bows in testing Changed lumberjack & farmer zombies to have a chance to drop all bows & bow parts If they’re going to carry a bow, there’s no particular reason it would have to be one bow over another Slightly increased chance to find magnum parts among basic gun loot It’s taking too long (over 140 days) to assemble a magnum in testing Reduced chance of finding pistol+ammo in toilets This was noted in version 2.5 but never actually changed Reduced container size of storage chests & generic chests The easiest container to make shouldn’t also be the biggest. There’s still plenty of space: enough to transfer a whole backpack of stuff. Rebalanced all containers sizes, mostly by increasing sizes of furniture containers Players that want to use more than just crates or chests will get more consistent results based on each container’s size, shape, and how costly it is to craft or buy Added night vision goggles to military armor loot They could be found alongside other military gear Removed night vision goggles from zombie soldier loot He’s not visibly wearing goggles, and it’s now redundant with military armor recipes.xml Replaced iron pipes in minibike seat recipe with wood & mechanical parts Research shows metal pipes aren’t involved. A wooden base is typical, with bolts to mount it. Added nails to wooden desk recipe To match similar furniture, and balance better with the iron desk Removed wrench & hammer from workbench recipe Tools for the workbench are now used like tools at other stations Updated workbench recipes to require the wrench, wire tool, or tool & die set for large constructions, electronics, and tools/parts, respectively Not everything requires the same tools. As the workbench’s role grows, it becomes more important for its utility to evolve over time, instead of having endgame capability as soon as it’s created. Increased forged iron required to craft lockers For consistency with similarly-sized metal furniture Replaced duct tape in mechanical parts recipe with oil Nuts, bolts, gears, washers, bearings... none of these require duct tape, but they may require coatings or lubrication Disabled recipe to melt snow at a campfire without a cooking pot (replaced with eating snowballs) If you don’t use the pot, you’re melting it in the jar, in which case there’s no reason you couldn’t boil it (and anything else) in the jar to get clean water. Added new recipe to turn 2 tires into a set of minibike wheels It fits better visually to require 2 tires, and this maintains the balance of total wheels available without affecting the amount of road debris xui.html XUi/windows.xml Added tools window to workbench, including the wrench, wire tool, and tool & die set As the workbench gains more recipes, it makes sense to use the existing tools mechanic to make more advanced things
  17. I decided to link to the new version's release notes in the first post, so you don't have to dig through the thread to see what's new.
  18. Version 3.0 Change List (Part 2/2) recipes.xml Changed machete recipe to require a workbench & forged steel instead of iron To help distinguish the hunting knife as a mid-game weapon and the machete as a better, late-game weapon & tool Reverted torches to require tallow instead of animal fat As a roundabout way of requiring a fire to make more fire (render the fat in a campfire) Changed crucible recipe to require glass instead of mechanical parts A crucible has no moving parts, so mechanical parts didn’t work. However some designs use clay with quartz sand, so glass is a closer analogue. The quantities of stone and clay required still make it a late-game item. Increased blueberries & cornmeal required for blueberry pie For better consistency with other high-end foods, and to better reflect the abundance of different ingredients loot.xml Reduced chance of finding repair kits in basic guns & ammo loot I was finding too many of them in testing Removed padlock from automotive loot Automobiles don’t have padlocks, and there was a lot of overlap with the tool group Reduced chance of finding night vision goggles in survival stash loot To reflect their increased usefulness since A15 Rebalanced probabilities within backpack loot To match the A16 shift toward more whole firearms Increased max forged iron found on lumberjacks For consistency with other places forged iron is found Adjusted quantities of items in lab equipment loot For consistency with similar occurrences of the same items Made cooking pots a more likely find than cooking grills in oven loot Matching the relative frequency in A16 vanilla Added paint to sink loot It’s as or more plausible than finding it in a cupboard Adopted vanilla chance of finding guns in safe loot To match the A16 shift toward more whole firearms Reverted quantity of loot found on generic zombies to A15 levels The day-to-day quantity of zombie corpses to loot isn’t higher, and the mod provides more variety so there’s less duplicate loot Slightly increased chance of finding a firearm in cop loot To get closer to the vanilla A16 probability Adjusted quantities of cloth found in washing machine loot For consistency with other places cloth is found Set cop, nurse, wight, & business man zombies to use the new junkPersonal group instead of junk junkPersonal is more tailored to only include personal effects Removed paint tool from garage loot redundant with the tools group already part of this container Using dirty beverages in trash compactor loot instead of the old beverages Drinks found in trash aren’t reliably safe to drink Adjusted quantities of loot found in new shipping crates & collapsed stations For consistency with similar occurrences of the same items Added electronic parts to collapsed battery bank loot Representing broken, but salvageable parts Added gas cans, electric parts, & mechanical parts to collapsed generator bank loot Representing broken, but salvageable parts Restored zombie stripper’s use of its own loot list Assumed to be an oversight Created new weaponAllBows loot group and used it for ranged bandits, cowboy zombies, survival stashes, & ‘hero’ crates There was a hole where several zombies drop compound bows or their parts, but the other bows are absent in loot Added ladders to working stiffs & garage loot Ladders weren’t found in any loot, but they’re a very plausible find in these places, and useful for the early game Restored amount of loot found in pill cases to vanilla levels These aren’t the sealed crates I thought they were, and there was too much loot to find at a Pop ’n’ Pills Split chance of finding padlocks between desks & filing cabinets You might find a locked drawer in either, but rarely will it be a separate, non-integrated padlock Added facial piercings to zombie stripper loot She has a punk look that makes them seem appropriate, or they can represent her nipple rings Increased chances of zombie strippers carrying junk Now that this zombie spawns in the wild at any time, she should carry less rare loot Increased quantities of ammo when found together with the appropriate weapon To reduce the clutter of finding tiny amounts of different things, and to match the A16 shift toward more firearm use Adjusted chances of different loot from tree stumps Players were getting a bit too much good stuff in testing Increased the maximum number of eggs players could find at once by one Players were finding too few eggs in testing, and 3 eggs is still very plausible Removed gold & diamond from cupboard loot Only silver really makes sense, especially since cupboard loot is used elsewhere, like in coolers Added wood, duct tape, and plastic to skateboarder loot He was dropping too many mechanical parts, so these less valuable materials represent other parts of a skateboard Removed paint-related items from airdrop loot This was a consequence of using the Working Stiffs group in airdrops quests.xml Re-ordered basic survival quest chain to: wooden club, stone axe, bow & arrows, start a base, bedroll, campfire, craft clothes, wear clothes, find trader Do the handheld items first and the clothes last, because in practice defending yourself from enemies is a shorter-term threat than freezing or overheating. Make the club first, so that players have the simplest, single-ingredient recipe to follow when they’re first learning how to craft. As for the bedroll, until you build or collect something, any place you could respawn is as good as every other place. So start a base before putting down a bedroll, so there’s something to come back to. Make the campfire next, to facilitate settling in one spot instead of just placing important things wherever. weathersurvival.xml Let player get colder before they stop drying out (30 instead of 40) (reinstated from ComSenMod 2.0) Should be forgiving, because there’s a punishing feedback loop where you get cold because you’re wet and stay wet because you’re cold. 30 is closer to the freezing point. Lowered the maximum rate at which players can dry from 10% per second to 5% per second The above change makes the theoretical maximum higher, and this should reduce how often you have to swim to stay cool in hot weather
  19. ComSenMod 3.0 Now Available! The long wait is over, and the first Alpha 16-compatible version of ComSenMod is now available! See the first post of the thread for the download link. Shout out to my buddy Vektros for being gracious enough to load ComSenMod onto his (private) server. As a result, this edition has been tested for balance on an unprecedented scale: hundreds of man-hours when you add up everyone's playtime. Version 3.0 Change List (Part 1/2) Merged all ComSenMod files with new Alpha 16 files Added .txt version of this Read Me file for server operators Known Issues The flashlight makes no sound when you hit something with it, because the game can’t find an appropriate particle effect Plywood and other road debris sometimes floats above the ground It’s aligned to the bottom of its voxel and set as a decoration; that’s all the more that can be done as far as I know. Cinder blocks have the same problem. biomes.xml Adjusted biome temperatures to be a constant value colder than A16 vanilla’s temperature ranges A few biomes changed from A15, but the relative difference should stay the same Replaced whiteSidingWoodPanelBurnt7 with burntWoodBlock6 Substitution for old block, which was removed buffs.xml Slightly reduced warmth from campfires It’s seemed too extreme in testing, causing an annoying amount of overheating blocks.xml restored 30% of the wood that dropped in Alpha 15 when destroying trees It’s an incentive to not leave half-destroyed trees around, and makes sense that some of the wood isn’t accessible until the whole tree comes down Adopted vanilla behavior of school desks dropping scrap plastic on destruction instead of on harvest The important part was for them to provide plastic Adopted vanilla value for scrap plastic dropped from destroyed blinds The important part was for them to provide plastic Adopted vanilla chance of harvesting mechanical parts from cars They were rebalanced to be more plentiful than A15, which was the original goal Changed old cabinet sink to use sink loot list instead of fridge loot list Assumed to be an oversight Re-implemented the non-centered plywood plate block For use as road decoration; looks & plays better than cinder block piles Added chance for intact and partially damaged cars to drop plastic when harvested Modern cars use lots of plastic Made hanging moss yield plant fibers when destroyed That’s what they’re made of, and it can save you a trip topside in the early game Changed bedroll’s repair and fall items to cotton To match its new recipe Changed material of bird nests from furniture to hay So that they’re weaker and make a more appropriate sound Reduced chance of planted trees dropping feathers by 25% (native trees are unchanged) To reduce the ability to ‘farm’ feathers in unlimited quantities Made burning barrels burn characters on top of them As you’d expect from a fire entityclasses.xml Changed fat female zombie to use ‘fat zombies’ loot group She was using farmer loot, but she doesn’t look like a farmer Adopted vanilla experience points for killing dogs Wildlife, experience points, and enemy behavior have all changed a lot since A15, so rolling back this change items.xml Reverted crossbow’s economic value to vanilla To reflect the crossbow’s demotion to a mid-game weapon Adopted vanilla value for gas can’s material “Fuel barrel” is more specific than plastic Adopted vanilla value for dynamite material Looks like it has its own dedicated material now Adopted vanilla value for running shoe weight The important part was for it to have a weight, so it can be scrapped Changed suit jacket material & repair material to cloth Same result as in vanilla, but necessary since it’s an extension of the jacket, which is now leather Adopted vanilla value for blood draw kit weight The important part was for it to have a weight, so it can be scrapped Adopted vanilla value for fertilizer material “Fertilized farmland” is more specific than organic Reading an armor book now increases “Clothing/Armor” skill Because light & heavy armor were merged into one new skill Reverted poncho repair material to leather It’s now treated as a leather poncho everywhere else Increased fullness & wellness from vegetable stew Compared to meat stew, it wasn’t high enough to justify the increased ingredients (5 potatoes, 5 corn, & 5 mushrooms) Reverted glue material from plastic back to organic Since you can turn bones into glue, you could in effect turn zombie corpses into plastic Increased fullness & wellness from blueberry pie For better consistency with other high-end foods, and to match its new recipe Made machetes harvest wood e.g. from trees, though with less yield than with an iron fireaxe A machete should still work in its original role as a wood-chopping tool Localization - Quest.txt Updated basic survival quest numbering, all languages Because the order has changed Updated basic survival quest info, English version Because some recipes have changed Enclosed all basic survival quest descriptions in quotes, English version For better readability of the file Added instructions to first basic survival quest on how to equip an item, English version This important step wasn’t covered Added explanation to “start a base” description Without more instruction, it’s not clear why you need to build blocks, besides that the game tells you to. Removed references to negative insulation in the hot weather tip, English version The mod overhauls insulation to always be positive materials.xml Enabled hay bales to be scrapped into plant fibers It’s logical, balanced, and you could do it before
  20. An update for everyone! I've finished a rough draft of the Alpha 16 version of ComSenMod. The bulk of the work has been to merge ComSenMod with Alpha 16's changes, but in the process a fair number of new changes have made their way in. I'm rolling with A16's values wherever possible, and I don't revert changes lightly. But along with the usual fixes & balances, highlights will include restoring a bonus when completely destroying a tree, and re-ordering the basic survival quest. I'll be testing this version in single player, and hopefully coop as well, before releasing it. With the big code merge done, and anticipating few changes between b119 and A16's release, I should be able to time a release shortly after A16 leaves experimental. In the meantime, now would be a good time to nominate anything new in Alpha 16 you think deserves the Common Sense Mod treatment.
  21. Thank you for the suggestion. Actually, your hand does 5 points of damage to zombies. <item id="70" name="handPlayer"> <!-- handPlayer must remain on ID 70 --> <property name="Extends" value="handMaster" /> <property name="IsDeveloper" value="true" /> <property name="HoldType" value="0" /> <property class="Action0"> <property name="Delay" value="0.75" /> <property name="Range" value="2.5" /> [color="#00FF00"]<property name="DamageEntity" value="5" />[/color] <property name="DamageBlock" value="1" /> <property name="Stamina_usage" value="3" /> <property name="DamageBonus.head" value="2" /> <property name="DamageBonus.organic" value="5" /> </property> ... <property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="Athletics"/> <!--use_action class="LiftUpTerrain" delay="1" use_time="..." gain_health="-5"gain_stamina="-20" gain_food="0" gain_water="10" gain_sickness="15" condition_raycast_block="77,78,79,80" sound_start="UseActions/player_drinking" /--> </item> If a punch did 10 points of damage, it would be more powerful than many weapons. There are about 22 weapons and tools that do less than 10 points of damage at minimum quality. I don't think it makes sense for hitting with your empty hands to do more damage than hitting while holding something. Yes, it takes a long time to kill a zombie with your bare hands, but why not just use a weapon?
  22. I just realized today that I accidentally released ComSenMod 2.5 with the old, 2.0 version of the Read Me/Change Log. I'll fix this in the next release, but for now, please refer to this post if you'd like an accurate account of what's new in the latest version.
  23. Meh. Yes, people who make videos are content creators, too. All I meant was it's a broad term. If you say you're a content creator for 7 Days to Die, my first guess would be you're a modder. I might've called it "Channels", for instance. My 2¢.
  24. "Content Creators" is a curious term for me. The developers are content creators. The modders are content creators. Someone who posts a guide or even a review on Steam is a content creator. But here it refers exclusively to video content creators. A more precise name may generate less confusion and less need for moderation in the long term. Just a suggestion.
  25. RULES In this section, only video content creators may start threads. Content Creators You may have exactly one thread here to advertise your content, regardless of which or how many platforms you use, how much content you have, or how your content is organized. Organization of your thread is up to you. Do post links to your site or channel, descriptions of your content, embedded videos, and notice of updates as you like. Don’t solicit donations. You may ask a moderator to reserve posts for you in your thread, for the sake of keeping your content visible above any comments. Non-Content Creators You may not start threads here, but you are still encouraged to participate by posting in any existing threads, and/or posting in other sections, like Images & Video. All Users Feel free to post in the pinned General Discussion thread about streaming in general. Feel free to post in the pinned Recommendations thread about content creators you like, whether or not they’re listed here. However, this thread is only for positive recommendations. As always, respect all the rules of the forum. Disruptive behavior, such as airing a dispute publicly in someone’s thread, is not acceptable.
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