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Posts posted by sphereii

  1. 10 hours ago, sowy said:

    Hi! When i tap on play button, 7dtd need a steam connection, but my internet is good, have a open steam and buy the game, what i need to do? 

    Usually this is a permission issues.  Try running the Mod Launcher as Administrator, or adding the mod launcher to steam as a non-steam game.

  2. 54 minutes ago, Maze said:

    Hello! I just started playing Winterween and its a blast (a cold one)..but im wondering about farming? I cant find any info as to how to to go about it. Does it work just like normal? even without heat and sun and rain? or do i need special lights and stuff? 


    And also.. what the hell was that snowman thing that just showed up out of nowhere!!!? scared me to death! 



    Farming is unchanged from vanilla, despite the non-sensical thought about growing in a blizzard.


    Snowman? Probably hallucinating from all the snow :)

  3. 12 hours ago, Must4Die said:

    Hi, i just installed your mod to see how it changes the gameplay but i am getting this problem in the screenshot


    Can you post logs?

  4. 14 hours ago, Brugas said:

    Oh is it? I thought you could vary it in the worldgen of the biomes.xml and thought it would change it. Thought it was a cool effect which could be used for blizzards and storms in the future.
    <!-- filluptorg doesn't have a depth, so we'll only target the top level, which has a depth -->
      <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome//layers/layer[@depth][1]/@depth">8</set>
      <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome//layers/layer[@depth][1]/@blockname">terrSnow</set>


    That's only part of the puzzle. It also needs to sink prefabs, then fill those prefabs up with snow, so there's a few different  places to change.


    The snow fill happens on every chunk being loaded and created, so it might be challenging to adapt as a partial effect in the world. 

    10 hours ago, mdkiam said:

    hi, new to the mod and wanted to try it. loads fine and plays fine until i try to access a trader and it crashes while i have an option to click "i have the diary" but it does nothing.  have searched and searched and found it has something to do with other mods im running but i am not running any other mods and am using the mod-launcher.  please help

    Can you supply some log files? Sounds like you were in the Samara quest line.

  5. Winterween A21's first patch is now available.


    Version:  ( Commit: c50eb04 )


    - Updated to the latest version of SCore
    - Fixed an issue where players would be teleported from crossing the bounds of a trader
    - Reduced the chance of snow trap ( collapsing snow )
    - Adjusted the delay on the snow trap breaking.
    - Added ocbEnclosedSpaces mod to provide a small thermo resist buff
    - Added Torch mod for optimization
    - Reduced thaw time to 10 from 20 seconds
    - Added preserve bonus to freezer, fridges, coolers ( 6,4, and 2 respectively )
    - Fixed the planted trees to look like small trees.
    - Added music boxes and video players to junk loot group.
    - Changed loot probability for cds, dvds, music boxes, and video players to be slightly higher.
    - Fixed an issue where Quests were not able to go to Next / Prev Tier.



  6. 53 minutes ago, Hermit Racoon said:

    I'm playing Winterween


    I want to select quests by tier like in vanilla.
    With this MOD, even if the tier increases, only tier 1 quests will be displayed, and in order to receive another tier quest, you must accept and cancel the tier 1 quest before it will be displayed.


    I'm sorry for not being able to convey it well.😖


    Thank you again. I found the issue. In the next patch, it'll be fixed. It should be save game safe.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Hermit Racoon said:

    I'm playing Winterween


    I want to select quests by tier like in vanilla.
    With this MOD, even if the tier increases, only tier 1 quests will be displayed, and in order to receive another tier quest, you must accept and cancel the tier 1 quest before it will be displayed.


    I'm sorry for not being able to convey it well.😖

    No need to apologize, I just wanted to make sure I understood to test. I haven't' seen this before.



  8. 6 hours ago, Hermit Racoon said:

    Hello😀  I have another question for you.

    How do I change my list back to vanilla when I receive a quest from a trader?

    I just advanced to tier 4.
    I receive a tier 1 quest → cancel quest → receive tier 2 → cancel quest... 
    I have to do this to receive higher level quests and it is inconvenient...😭


    I'm not quite following. Do you still have winterween installed, and it's not letting you get to Tier 4 quests? Or are you done playing winterween, but it's still affecting your game?

  9. 2 minutes ago, Hermit Racoon said:

    Thanks for the reply, that helped.
    I was only looking for the weather part of biomes.xml because of Thunder, lol.
    Now I can enjoy it without any worries!

    Enjoy the mod :)

  10. Take a look in Mods\SphereII Winter Project\Config\blocks.xml


    Look for the 'Spook' line. Change true to false. It'll remove the blood moon effects, including the thunder.

  11. 20 minutes ago, n2n1 said:

    Github introduces some kind of "two-@%$# authentication".... is that the case with you too? :classic_huh:
    ...now i have to install some program that i don't need....
    it would seem that everything was fine...


    Modern man spends his life doing nonsense, instead of solving real problems :classic_laugh:.


    Haha. Yes, I think I have had that for a while now. I allowed my computer though, so I do not get prompted anymore.

  12. Just now, n2n1 said:

    Hmm... but then i don't understand.... but when i change the mod version, how to understand that the mod has changed the version if the display of this is possible only under certain conditions?

    If you are changing the mod, you will need to Create a New Release and upload the new zip file. It must be a new release, otherwise the mod launcher does not know it changed.

  13. 3 minutes ago, n2n1 said:

    Are there any errors or limitations due to which the ModLauncher will not replace the xml-file and will leave the old one in use for itself?
    Yesterday i edited the file and only 1 changes were accepted once, after they stopped changing...


    I think the changes will show up for new users in the Install New Mod screen. It is the only screen that reads that file.


  14. 1 hour ago, n2n1 said:

    Still, i would like this file to be located in the "releases" directory if possible.
    The fact is that then it would allow me not to use unnecessary programs to access the "repository", and greatly simplify the process of the uploads.
    But if you insist i will keep it in the "repository" :)

    The XML is small enough you could use the "Upload File" from the website, so no need for a program to do it.


    Most modders only update the XML when they want to change which version of the game to use. Even then, some people do not do that :)



  15. 2 hours ago, n2n1 said:


    (but it seems to me that the link contains unnecessary elements?)

    The Source files are auto-generated and cannot be excluded from the process. They are the contents of the repo, and can be ignored.


    I would add the CHS.xml to the repo itself, like you did with the first zip files. Players do not need to see that, and may get confused.


    The releases do not have a 100mb limit. They have a 2000 MB limit though.

  16. Right now, it's only a single zip file, the first zip file in the release. The video is confusing with that, but it was made for a different purpose, even though the steps are the same.


    If we need to do more than one zip, I would have to make changes. Not a big deal.


    You would still need an XML. It would point to a different path, telling the mod launcher to read it as "release". 


    The mod launcher will read and show all releases, with a description of each one, so players can choose an older release if they want.

  17. 29 minutes ago, n2n1 said:

    Hello sphereii!
    I'm sorry if such questions have already been in this thread, but i would like to raise the topic of the problem of permanent links that the ModLauncher uses.

    Undoubtedly, i understand the reasons for this....but are there really no options with workarounds?
    I again ran into my own problem that occurs to me every time for different reasons - different limitations of gitHub/gitLab. in addition, other authors also use all sorts of different exchangers - who is good for what. In this regard, i want to propose an idea that could solve some problems.
    Its essence is as follows:
    - The ModLauncher from a permanent location (as it is currently used) takes a file in which there is a direct link to the link generated by the file sharing-service (which, as we often encounter, is not permanent and changes with each download).
    Based on this link, the ModLauncher will install the mod if the link meets the remaining requirements.
    The author of the mod will  changes the link in this pointing file, and therefore the autor will not need a permanent link requirement - only a permanent adapter file will have to be in the same place.


    One of the issues with such a link is that the mod launcher v5 supports a history of downloads. A user may be able to download an older version of the mod. The reason for this is if the mod gets an update that is save-game-breaking, they may not want to take it. They may accidentally grab an update. 


    Also with such a link of an auto-generated from a file sharing service, there may not be a way to know when the mod has an update.


    One possible solution that works now is Github Releases. The Better Vanilla overhaul uses this method.


    This allows you to upload a pre-made zip to github. Consider this video (no audio, visual only) : 



    The limitation here is a 2G file.  


    Is your mod under 2G? Would this be a possible solution?

  18. winterween_new_low.jpg?raw=true


    Recommended: 12G of RAM or higher.

    Recommended: Default difficulty.

    Required: Alpha 21.2
    Welcome to the Winterween Project by sphereii and xyth, the unholy combination of Winter Project and the ancient Valoween!


    Steel your nerves. Steady your hands. Keep your wits about you, and you just may survive Winterween...


    We invite you to once more explore a special sphereii-mental release, and challenge yourself to unlock its secrets.
    Thank you to the following Modlet creators who helped shape out the world with their modlets:

    ocbMaurice for his Crooked Decoration, and quests
    AuroraGiggleFairy for the HUD mods

    Big kudos to Alter for the Snow Falling and Accumulation work.


    Special thanks goes to Mumpfy for his texturing work.


    Available on the Mod Launcher, and Direct Download HERE

  19. 10 hours ago, dujinyuan said:

    yeah...my score Version is ""....and in the game when i want to upgrade the blocks...nothing happen but the red line...Oh ...the game Version is A21.1 b324...



    The full logs would help, but it does tell me that you are using a mismatched game version and score version. Either game is 21.0 and score is 21.1.x.x, or flipped. Check further up in the logs where its loading the mods. Maybe you have two copies of score.

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