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Posts posted by Kalen

  1. 8 minutes ago, madmole said:

    I imagine we'll make a new ghillie suit for the sniper since its pretty easy to model. Unless that became a mod override thing. We intend to make an outfit for about every major play style, or at least 1 per attribute but maybe two.

    Awesome, the more the better IMO.... what we've seen so far looked really cool.   Will we still be able to dye the new outfits?   

  2. 31 minutes ago, canadianbluebeer said:

    Clothing sets for what you plan to do, well, you kinda have that IRL, so don't see a problem for it in game, nor switching to them for the activity.

    IRL, you change clothes for an activity that might take hours.   Since time is so condensed in the game, you might be changing outfits every 10-20 minutes which would get a bit tedious.   I'm certainly willing to see how it plays, but my initial thought is that it seems a little too micromanage-y

  3. @madmoleI hope the repair quests actually lead to something changing in the world.   If we go through the effort of fixing up a POI, I'd hope that it would then be used for something by the trader.   It would be pretty (forgive me for saying) immersion breaking to then see the POI remain abandoned.  It would be pretty cool to see that we fixed it up for a reason.

  4. 6 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    True, but who needs a mega fort by day 7 or even day 14 anyway? You could simply make a staircase that connects to a walkway with iron bars separating you from the zombies, and you'll do fine perhaps up until day 21 at best.

    Besides, don't get too comfortable where you are at @Kalen TFP have said on multiple occasions that we'll certainly be getting a pretty heavy stamina loss penalty for using motor tools in the future.

    hah, well.... about early game I was only replying to you about running and melee.   I think stamina drain for mining is almost always a problem.   Having to constantly pause and wait for stamina to refill while mining doesn't make good gameplay, IMO.   It's more understandable, to me, to have to regen stamina after running or melee as long as the drain isn't too severe (which, early game, I think it is)


    Motorized tools should have drain.... anyone thats used one in RL knows that ;)


  5. 2 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    I personally think melee stamina costs are fine the way they are. Besides, we have the clubs which by end-game provide infinite stamina recovery through power attacks. As for sprinting, I don't see this being an issue once you get past the bicycle phase. (And even then, tap W while sprinting on your bike and you'll only lose stamina while turning.)


    A subjective problem (or lack thereof) with varying solutions, balanced like all things should be.

    Its only really a problem early game.... but early game its a really bad problem, IMO.

  6. 6 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    On the other hand, waiting for your meals to cook, items to scrap, stamina to regen while running or swinging a melee weapon, they're all in the same boat here. Is waiting around fun? No, but balance takes priority over such things.

    You can do other things while crafting or scrapping.   I also believe that stamina drain is way too high for running and melee, but thats a different argument.    


    But yes, balance takes priority which is why I suggested lowering the yield.  So the net result is the same.

  7. 22 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    Very true. Again, was just playing Devil's Advocate, even though the counterargument itself is ridiculous.

    I don't think it is ridiculous.   I think of it as what does having to sit around waiting for stamina to fill add to the game?   Not much, IMO.   I would much rather they lower the amount of resources you get per block but allow you to constantly (or near constantly) mine.   So that the end result is that you get the same amount of resources without having the constant pauses.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Reset said:

    Instead of them focusing on this let them work on important stuff like improving performance or adding more content to the game

    The guy that works on moldy bread doesn't work on improving performance.   Don't worry.

  9. 2 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    And yet you are perfectly capable with reading lines and lines of text... With delays in responses lasting upwards of half an hour or more, maybe I'd believe you. 😛 I believe the issue is that it is against human instinct to look up. ;)

    You got me.... I was too lazy to read all the previous posts!  But, I'd argue thats due to old age too!

  10. 23 minutes ago, Promethean Winchester said:

    Points are spread too thin bro that's a late-game investment too many necessary perks to get first. I changed it to paragraph format. I just never remember to because I view paragraphs as a superficial thing; We're all taught that paragraph format is necessary to read, that's why people demand it, when really, I have no problem reading and following walls of text with full comprehension. But I was a 90 student in academic/university level english, it was my only strong subject, so maybe that's just a reflection of me and not everybody else. I just view it the same way I view SJW crap where people - through social conditioning - demand something trivial of you that's only significant to their perspective, and isn't necessarily necessary or even important to yours. Maybe some people need paragraphs to read, but I don't, so I can never comprehend why some people see it as required and as a result can never remember to format my submissions that way. Wracks my brain. But I'm happy to change it afterward if someone else needs it.

    I don't think anyone *needs* for there to be paragraphs to read and understand a post.   It's just easier on the eyes to not have to read a wall of text.... therefore it's common courtesy to use them.   



  11. 7 minutes ago, Promethean Winchester said:

    Sexualization is the backbone of North America. Look at the recent film Cuties on Netflix

    Not really questioning your overall point.... but that film was made in France and is set in Paris, so hardly a statement on North America

  12. 15 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    I had no idea this was a thing. (Watch my health.)

    Yup, says it in the description.


    "Your arm is splinted, slowing your weapon handling, reload and swing speeds. This will take some time to heal.\nRanged or power attacks will delay healing or even hurt you. Further critical hits may result in a broken arm.\n\nYour max health is lowered by {cvar(.ArmHurtHealthBlockage:0.0)}."


    I guess it treats upgrading a block as a power attack.

  13. I can't say exactly why but I have my own thoughts on it:


    The fast travel speed buff that the player gets on roads seems to have the opposite affect on minibikes. I can only assume that this is intentional to stop the bikes from being super fast and causing server crashes(people with a high ping always seem to have issues when it comes to bikes).


    Just ride on the gravel/grass verge when following roads to avoid the slow down.


    Yup, looks like you were right. I removed the buff from the asphalt block and now my bike moves at normal speed. Strangely, it feels like I still have the fast movement effect when I'm on foot.... so it's a win win!

  14. Maybe my searching skill sucks, but I couldn't find anything about this in the thread.... why are my mini bikes so much slower on road than off road?

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