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Posts posted by Snowydeath

  1. On 12/11/2021 at 1:19 AM, Scyris said:

    Topic, I can't even half loot a t1 poi due to just how much stuff there is. we seriously need to get a bigger inventory, or a ton of clutter needs to be removed from the game. yes I am aware I can mod it, but I am trying to play vanilla for a bit. So far i've pretty much hated vanilla mostly due to the poor skill system and the extremly small inventory. I carry 1 thing fo food 1 thing of water, a bit of ammo, and 2-3 other items, and I literally have no space for loot after 2 minutes in a t1 small poi. Its very frustrating to say the least, and really turning me away from the game. I am trying to stay vanilla but its getting harder and harder too with the rampant inventory issues and such. I feel the inventory should be at least 60 spaces in size minimum, this would be enough space to carry essentals and also a decent amount of space to hold loot. I don't know about you but going in and out of a poi 4 times for a t1-2 poi is kinda silly to box the loot outside of it. I dobut it'll get looked at in a20.x but maybe for a21, especially as the gear system is being dumbed down and gutted for what sounds to me like just more inventory bloat and junk you need to carry around.


    IMO when your spending more time managing inventory than it takes to clear the poi there is an issue with inventory size, this is also btw with me throwing away A TON of stuff because I just lack the room for it.

    I feel like a larger backpack (if implemented properly) would be amazing. Instead of the Pack Mule perk opening slots of encumbrance, it should add additional inventory slots as well. Say your inventory stays the same at the start. You perk into Pack mule, it gives you an extra row of inventory slots, 2 gives you another, 3 gives you 2 and 4 gives you 2 more or something like that, maybe 1-1-1-3, balancing perk points vs slot amount would work however they wanted. Then you could use Pocket mods to remove encumbrance slots, but instead of the spots they remove now the special military pocket mods (or are they just armor pocket mods? It's been a while) remove an entire rows worth of encumbrance. I believe there would be enough to remove all of them, or have the highest tier remove 2 rows. Like I said it could be balanced in a good way that I'm not thinking of currently. I think these changes could benefit the game and community, this way people got what they wanted and no one would be forced to accept the changes (because we know some people hate "making the game easier"). I'm not usually for modifications like this but you do put up a fair argument. We could at least get some kind of special slots for cash, and a backpack to add carry capacity if the perk just didn't do it for people. Add a new character slot for a backpack that adds spaces, make small-huge packs from school packs to our awesome military packs. I dunno, just spitballing here. Makes me want to make a mod for backpacks now lmao... Even if one existed (and I'm pretty much guaranteed one does) I'd like to make my own.

  2. 4 hours ago, RossLGould said:

    You are not internally debating this; you are trying to debate it with me.
    I respectfully refuse.

    While I understand frustration when your base becomes obsolete (although I never stuck with one build style), I think they have a point. What makes your box less cheese than any other cheese base? All I build normally is a house, a moat with spikes and barbed wire, an electric fence on both sides and some turrets and traps spread around some weak/blind spots. Also I would LOVE to see your design as it does sound more interesting than a concrete box that some people like to use (my friends being some of them lol). Please do show some pics if you have any still, I love seeing other peoples base designs

  3. You realize the game is RNG and you getting anything is pretty much luck right? And no, LBD is a god awful mechanic and needs to stay away as it causes nothing but tedium and boring "craft forever to get better but don't enjoy the game until then" gameplay, hence why it was removed. A vast majority of people don't wanna be forced to constantly waste resources just to level 1 skill up for it to be viable. There was a reason they removed it and said it will never return (unless you use mods of course, then go ahead!) I'm not trying to be a sour pus but I really don't care for LBD mechanics in my survival RPG games, it only works well in MMOs and ARPGs/JRPGs

  4. 1 hour ago, Doomofman said:

    Already seeing rumors of a delay... Though not sure anyone at TFP would be awake to be talking about that at the moment. Would suck if that's the case

    The experimentals usually release around noon Central Time give or take a few hours. I highly doubt there's a delay

    28 minutes ago, Captain Mightypants said:

    Come on. Thats pretty normal. Each big Streamer can play Games before they are officially launched. Why should TFP do it different? Elden Ring is released in March and people were able to play it a few weeks ago...

    Elden Rings network test was a lottery system though, I got in even though I'm just some guy. From Soft usually does a network test a few months before launch to see how their servers fare. However, I do agree, devs usually allow streamers/content creators play the game shortly before launch to build hype and let people know beforehand to boost numbers.


    I'd also like to say that Elden Ring is launched February 25th not march :p

  5. 10 hours ago, Burrfly said:

    I must get this out, because otherwise I'm gonna cry. @madmole I love almost all the upcoming changes for alpha 20, except 1 thing, which I'm really really sad about.


    Why oversimplify the build path? I remember my very first playthrough of this game in alpha 16. I made a wooden base and I was so excited when I found out I could upgrade the wooden blocks, which I could upgrade again, and again. And it shook me and made me super curious to what I could upgrade it to after. It also does make sense in an apocalyptic world that you can reinforce your building with some iron (for example on the wooden block).


    I can understand why the blocks going poof when destroyed is better, that's okay, but I'm very sorry: this oversimplification of the upgrade path literally ruins my excitement for alpha 20.


    And I think I speak for a big part of the community...


    I love this game, but this must be the worst way of simplifying... the complexity is what it made interesting, especially for new players that had to discover all the amazing gameplay features.. :(

    I think most people would prefer to only break 1 block rather than go through 20 million downgrades to get into a POI

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