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  1. I posted about this in the PC forum, but this is more relevant for console players, as we have no way to increase zombie spawns. Basically, my save is almost completely devoid of zombies now. With the exception of screamers, the occasional zombie horde, and horde night, zombies have disappeared. In the beginning of my 200 hour save, zombies were abundant -- on rural streets, in forests, in small towns, under my bed, in my closet, EVERYWHERE but then I accumulated lots of ammo and decided to treat myself to a zombie hunting safari. I killed every zombie I could find, cleansing my whole neighborhood and most of the forest biome. Well actually, zombies began hunting me because I gave them all zombie feral sense and sprint speed in the day, allowing all the zombie spawns to quickly track me down. In no time, I killed 99% of them, expecting them to respawn like in every other survival game. And some DID respawn, initially, I killed them again but after that, no more respawned except in the big cities of the snow, desert and burnt forest biomes. On rural streets, in small towns and forests, etc, they disappeared completely, even in Navezgane's Diersville, which originally was teeming with zombies. Over a hundred hours later and no more zombie respawns in the forest biome. I essentially drove them all to extinction. The biomes are now mostly ghost towns. The remaining few zombies that I have given "protected status" to are also despawning naturally, further depleting the map of life (or death). On PC, players have reported the same problem, but they are circumventing the issue by editing the xml file to increase the spawning rate. The default spawn settings for consoles players appear to be broken. How many others are experiencing this bug on console and what are your settings? I have zombies set to sprint in daytime, feral sense, insane difficulty, and no chunk resets or loot respawns. Everything else is default in offline mode.
  2. Two bases, both POIs. One in burnt forest and one in forest. Offline. I just do all mission types and horde night. Nothing special other than preserving zombie stragglers. The bug may have manifested when I increased zombie speed to sprint in the daytime. When I cranked up zombie senses and speed, I killed all the zombies in my neighborhood in a day. They could now spot me from further away and track me down much faster. This meant that I encountered the last of the zombies very quickly. Now my neighborhood is a ghost town...until the screamers show up. Thank god for screamers!
  3. In my game the spawning issue is present in every biome except wasteland (which I've haven't explored much). For example, there's a stretch of road from my base in the forest biome to my second base in the burnt forest (90% of this road is located in burnt forest). When I first travelled down this road, it was crawling with zombies. You couldn't loot a car without zombies breathing down your neck. Now it's barren and it has been like this for like 100 or so days. I don't think TFPs want us treating zombies like an endangered species but that's what I'm doing. Most chunks with zombie spawns are now zombie preservation reserves. It saddens me when they despawn. I had a fat mama pet zombie that would I check up on every now and then, but to my horror she recently despawned, and I doubt that street will ever see any more zombies. lol This is on 1.0 BTW.
  4. Sadly, consoles don't have those options. Someone else said the spawns are on a timer, but we're talking about 100 hours or more and no spawns. But wildlife keeps spawning as well as sleeper zombies inside POIs. Yikes. This has been around for years and has not been fixed? I'm find myself sparing zombies that just mingle around because I don't want an empty map. I want to feel like I'm in a zombie apocalypse. Even the cities only spawn 3 or 4 now. Could the animal spawns be taking up all the spawn slots?
  5. In the beginning, zombies were everywhere, on streets, sidewalks, in woods, all in rural areas, but as I'm nearing day 200, zombies will now only spawn in the big cities (aside from wandering hordes and screamers). Never in the rural parts. Just emptiness now, except for wildlife. I've left certain areas that previously had many zombies alone for a long time, but still no zombies upon return. What is happening? Will they ever bring back zombie spawn sliders? This is on console.
  6. Actually, they're not an annoyance at all. On the contrary, they're a delight. In addition to breathing life (or is it death?) into the game world, they provide me with more loot opportunities. I usually LET them summon in their friends just so I can increase my chances of scoring a blue bag. Besides, zombies are just so satisfying to kill in this game. I've played State of Decay 2, WWZ, Day Z, Dying Light 1 and 2, etc, but none compare to this game in terms of zombie slaying BLISS! I hope TFP bring back zombie spawn sliders so I can crank it all the way up! A screamer slider too would be nice. More zombies PLEASE! More, more, MORE!
  7. Zombies are supposed to be an annoyance. A lot of us want that "annoyance" because it adds life to the game world. It increases immersion. Many players do find it HARD. You are not everyone. When I was mining oil shale in the desert, I was ambushed by two screamers, and before I knew it, I was surrounded by ferals. It was my first death in like a hundred days. I LOVED IT! But perhaps these screamers should be made even HARDER? How about their screams being able to summon a pack of dire wolves or a horde of demolition zombies?
  8. Exactly. We don't want The Walking Dead silliness in this game, where the forests were brimming with zombies, even more so than the cities. At the same time, I don't want 7DaystoDie to be like Day Z where NO zombies spawned in the woods.
  9. It's just fine the way it is. Well, it could be a little harder honestly. The fact that some people are complaining is a testament that it worked. If you're having trouble just turn down the difficulty or play in creative FFS. Yes. More zombies to kill, the better. The last thing we need is another lifeless sandbox game.
  10. Thanks. Updated my video on it. Riding the minibike and bicycle is OK. A dozen hours now without this bug appearing because I limited myself to those two vehicles. But once I use the motorcycle, the bug comes back.
  11. Such a weird bug if just getting on and off the motorcycle is causing it. I thought the greater speed at which the chunks were rendered was the cause. Have you tried it with the truck yet? I don't have the level to craft it. Going to try the minibike next. Hope the bug doesn't affect that bike too because the bicycle is like torture. Well, someone else just stated that merely getting on and off the bike caused it so it can't be a render issue. Just a freak bug apparently. Also, on console we have virtually no graphics options.
  12. I have a bunker below my house with a steel door that has a permanent hole in it (I maintain it with steel bars, never repairing it 100%). Once the screamers and hordes show up, I just blast them with the pump shotgun through the hole. I also have blade traps just outside the door that can help. Easy!
  13. I'm almost 100% certain that riding around on the motorcycle was causing this. I recently played 4 hours straight with only using the bicycle, and no issues at all. All zombie models could hit me. Then another two hours and still no issues. Still needs more testing but I think I have found the trigger. The motorcycle might be slowly degrading the game engine somehow, causing hit detection to get misaligned.
  14. You definitely need to clock in some significant playtime before the bug will appear. It won't happen immediately upon boot. Today it took one hour and 30 minutes for one game session and then just 15 minutes for another. Rebooting the game fixed it every time. On Series S the chunk persistence will only go up to "Very long" or something like that. There's no "unlimited" option. Right now, I suspect it may be the motorcycle that's causing the bug. As said earlier, it took an hour and 30 minutes for the bug to appear, and it did so only after I started riding the motorcycle in the last 20 minutes or so. Reboot fixed it, and then continued on the motorbike for another 15 minutes before the glitched appeared again. Perhaps it's the speed at which the chunks are rendered on the motorcycle that's the culprit. Probably not though. More testing is needed.
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