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Posts posted by Pille

  1. thanks. i'm working with a16. so the older version of the editor as well because, i dont want to chance that its not recursive. whenever you get to the rulers/guides/centermark at this point, it would be a nice feature.

    Ahh sorry I know you've already mentioned that you're working with a16. I am getting old. lol



    BTW the circle selector is also broke, or at least i cant use it. also z export is not working in 16.

    Yes the circel selector is deactivated since ... forever. Some other features are semi-broken or have some minor bugs. I'll try to fix everything as soon as possible. The z export should work though. I assume you've added sleeper zombies and they didn't spawn ingame?



    I know there is a thread out there that provides a mod to enable it, i cant find that thread again. so i used BC manager, it took a bit because BC kept throwing errors. but i got the homestead project finished, imported for finishing touches, exported and added water and now its.. just dandy and waiting for players on my server, should they be inclined to homestead.

    Glad to read that you've managed to export your prefab!



    also, i wonder.. i know there is a way to convert a16 prefabs to work with a17, but is there a way to reverse this and convert a17 prefabs to work with a16? I would love to spawn one of the Victorian homes and rebuild it fsag while we serve up an a16 map, and i have at least 1 player who prefers to live in them.

    No, that's almost impossible. That would be extremely difficult/time-consuming.



    how do you get trees to spawn in game? I have surface decor checked and everything spawns just fine, but trees, no matter the type or size, do not spawn in-game, even though they are there in the files.

    That's strange. There are no known bugs regarding tree spawning. Maybe you have to add more air layers above the tree blocks. If you send me the prefab file, I should be able to identify the issue.



    hey, in addition to checking off the spawning in biome/city boxes in the xml tab, which file to I need to edit to get a prefab to spawn in a vanilla game? is there a tutorial for this?


    If you want to spawn prefabs in Navezgane edit the following file:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Worlds\Navezgane\prefabs.xml


    And if you work with RWG worlds, edit the file

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config\rwgmixer.xml


    I am not really good at editing the rwgmixer and I am not aware of tutorials explaining the mixer, sorry.




    tried to load my casino in editor 0.58 starts to load then editor closes. cant load any prefab i have made. they load in the ingame editor fine

    Please send me your casino. :)

  2. some other issues with the latest build

    See images these sections are too small or the incorrect size to see what they are

    Top of program in the middle

    Ok, will be fixed in v0.57.



    is there a way to make ruler lines horizontally or vertically, or at least a dot in the center? If not, that would make it fab. being able to easily locate the center of the project would be a nice addition.


    This feature is not implemented yet but I'll do my best... Just need more time to fix the broken functions (broken due to the changes in A17) . :)



    what do i need to export a prefab from a map?


    I am not really a pro with ingame editor. There might be more efficient ways to export:


    - Press F1 to open the console

    - Type dm and press enter

    - Close the console (press escape)

    - look at the ground and press z to spawn the blue export box

    - press and hold g and then click and drag the arrowheads to change the position of the box

    - press and hold shift + g and then click and drag the arrowheads to change the size of the box

    - press escape and click on export prefab to export every inside the box

    - press backspace to get rid of the box (thank you ecv)

  3. Hi,


    go to the Xml tab and make sure that 'Copy air blocks' is checked:






    I'm using the (v0.53) (A16 Version) of this editor. no I have not updated it as I dont know if this will update it to the a17 version or not.

    A17 version should be backwards compatible with A16 but I haven't tested it yet.^^

  4. Pille's I made a prefab with the ingame editor, then used your Program to do the sleepers. After it saved everything looked fine but now I cannot open up the ingame error after the save. gives an error "input string was not in the correct format: s.Length==0"


    If I remove the prefab that was saved with your program, it works just fine again but the prefab of course in not in the folder.


    Ahh there are no default values for the spawn counts. I am going to fix this with the next update. In order to get rid of the issue, enter a minimum and max. spawn count (see red arrows in the screenshot below).



  5. Update time!


    Changelog v0.56 (Dec. 25, 2018):

    - reactivated xml reading and writing

    - added button 'copy to replace'

    - fixed: texture replacing in exchanger


    I am afraid the auto updater is disabled in v0.55. Go to Options -> General -> 'check for updates at start up' to enable it (restart of the editor required). Or click Options -> Force update to receive the update.




    Changelog v0.56(b) (Dec. 25, 2018):

    - fixed 'copy to replace' button

  6. @Guppycur

    Those are just zoning groups.


    The quests are the quest types.


    Unsure what you are after.


    That was the type of information I was looking for ;) :


    Possible values of QuestTags (from the .dll) are: none, quest, trader, clear, fetch, hidden_cache




    ***Just Tip***

    If You encounter possible problems with the conversion your prefab from A16 to A17, the solution may be to load the prefab and save it again using the old built-in editor from A16.


    (when saving, it skips unknown blocks and parameters that interfere with the сonverter)


    Ok thanks man. I am still not ready to convert my prefabs but I'll keep that in mind.

  7. But, in Your list there are such famous things from A16 like: downtown, navezgane only, wilderness.....don't you know their purpose?


    I think I know their purpose. Was just confused by the other strange terms.^^


    PS. Sorry for deleting the comment. You guys are too fast.

  8. Third test version. Added full support for the sleeper and light properties. Loading and saving prefabs should handle the sleeper and light data correctly. However, the new feature is not fully integrated into the GUI yet. There is no child safety lock and you can write insane value into the prefab files which may crash the game (the light range seems to be the most dangerous value. High ranges = high memory consumption). XML is still not supported btw. and some other features are temporarily disabled.


    32 bit



    64 bit


  9. thx very much


    global Replacer works well now - good job again


    No problem dude. ;)



    Today I've managed to implement the light properties. The next update (and the last one before the 'official' release of the a17 version of the editor) is near.



    We will be able to set the light properties more precisely and within a wider range. For instance, you can make much more powerful lights using the editor.




    Maximum luminosity ingame (light intensity and range):







    Luminosity after editing with editor (you can have much more but it starts to become quite expensive at some point):







    Real blood moon:



  10. Second attempt. Added full support for the nim files. That means saving the prefab using the ingame editor is no longer required. Sleeper and light properties still not supported (but in the next update). If you load and save an A17 prefab, the editor will delete all a17 features from it (e.g. light properties and sleeper properties):



    32 bit



    64 bit






    Test2 update (v 0.54©) has been reuploaded (fixed global replace and search).

  11. But for me it remains a mystery file with the extension .ins.


    I've no clue about that file atm. but if you delete it, the editor is still able to load the prefab. So I assume, it's not very important (hopefully^^).



    What is your opinion, it would be possible to use only one file ".nim" on all prefabs? After all, it is supposed to contain the same transformation table!


    Not sure that I understand your question. You can use the renamed blocks.nim from the block map prefab (prefab that contains all vanilla blocks) to load all vanilla prefabs. The ingame editor does not mind unused rules in the nim. So yes, we can use only one file on all prefabs.


    block map prefab (A17 edition):




    But each prefab has its own, is it for compatibility with third-party prefabs?


    Yes, probably. In the current system, you only have to make sure that the blocks.xml contains all modded blocks. Actually, the ingame editor fulfills the task of a converter.

  12. But then if i shuffle the sequence of blocks (but don't change the names) - will it break the prefab?

    Then what's the essence?


    Nope. I am really bad at explainig stuff, so I'll try to construct an example. Let's say you're working on a prefab (size 1x1x2) that contains only two blocks. rConcreteBlock (block id is 2090) at position 0,0,0 and ladderSteel at position 0,0,1 (block id is 1109). Saving the prefab will create a tts file and a blocks.nim file with the following content, assuming you're using a vanilla blocks.xml (simplified):



    position 0,0,0 -> 2090

    position 0,0,1 -> 1109


    nim file:

    2090 -> rConcreteBlock

    1109 -> ladderSteel



    After changing the sequence of the block rConcreteBlock and ladderSteel:

    If you load the prefab, the game will still be able to interpret the IDs in tts file correctly because it reads the nim file to get the block names assigned to the IDs. For instance, it knows that ID 2090 is supposed to be a rConcreteBlock (according to the nim, because 2090 is mapped to 'rConcreteBlock'). If you save the prefab using the new blocks.xml, both files will be changed but the result stays the same:



    position 0,0,0 -> 1109

    position 0,0,1 -> 2090


    nim file:

    1109 -> rConcreteBlock

    2090 -> ladderSteel




    That is, there is no way to add a block to the middle of the list? How do I add a new Terran-block which should be up to 256....

    Afaik you can do what you want as long as you


    * write all terrain blocks at the beginning of the blocks.xml (basically you have to insert the terrain block before the block "terrWaterPOI" because that's the first non-terrain block)


    * define less than 256 terrain blocks


    * define less than 32768 blocks (total number)



    There might be more rules that have to be considered. It's better to read all comments in the blocks.xml...



    I'm sorry if i'm being stupid, maybe i missed discussing it ?


    No, you are not stupid lol. Afaik there was no discussion about the new system.

  13. What is now contained in prefabs instead of ID-numbers? The names of the blocks ?


    You said you found the answer to your question. :tongue: The game still uses blocks in the tts files. The order of the block names in the blocks.xml defines their IDs (IDs lower than 256 are reserved for terrain blocks btw.). If you save a prefab with the ingame editor then the game stores the mapping for all used blocks in the .blocks.nim file


    id 1 -> "stone"

    id 2 -> "terrgrass"

    and so on...


    And if you load it then all IDs found in the tts file will be interpreted according to the mapping in the .blocks.nim.

  14. thx for the update - that makes things much much easier for me - really appreciated


    Np guardian of the prefabs. ;)



    A new update is almost ready. Saving the prefabs in the ingame editor is no longer required in the next version (I am talking about point 5 under 'for A16 prefabs' and points 1, 2 and 3 under 'for A17 prefabs' in the post above). Moreover, the light properties can be read and saved (this part is not ready yet).

  15. Here is a first attempt to make the editor compatible with A17.


    A17 Test 1 - 32 Bit:



    A17 Test 1 - 64 Bit:



    * Reading or writing of the prefab xml is not supported yet (that's why you won't see any sleeper volumes).

    * Backward compatibility with A16 not implemented yet.

    * New a17 features aren't supported atm.


    I am working on these 3 main problems but that's quite time consuming...^^


    Anyway, this release is mainly for prefabs with prefab formats 11, 12 or 13 (introduced in A17, see instructions below).






    How to change the prefab format




    For A16 prefabs


    You have to convert and save the prefabs. This should adapt the prefab format (see first comment in blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml):


    1. Start the ingame editor


    2. Press F1 to open to console and enter 'prefabupdater loadxml data/config/blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml'


    3. Enter 'prefabupdater createmapping NameOfYourPrefab' (NameOfYourPrefab without the file extension .tts). Warning: The built-in converter still has bugs, so this point may require some addition steps.


    4. Enter 'prefab load NameOfYourPrefab'


    5. Enter 'prefab save NameOfYourPrefab' and close the console pressing escape. Now my editor should be able to edit the prefab.





    For A17 prefabs


    Most of the A17 prefabs already are compatible but some of them use an old format. If you have troubles editing a prefab try the following commands:


    1. Start the ingame editor


    2. Press F1 to open to console and enter 'prefab load NameOfYourPrefab'


    3. Enter 'prefab save NameOfYourPrefab' and close the console pressing escape. Now my editor should be able to edit the prefab.





    Further Notes:


    * I am going to simply the prefab format stuff in the next update.

    * This is not an 'official' release, so the autoupdater won't work (ignore the updater if it tells you there's an update^^) and you won't find the links to this version in the op. Oh and ofc, there's no changelog but I can promise you that it feels like a whole new game (i mean editor)!

    * Make a backup of your files before using this version of the editor.

    * If you load and save an A17 prefab, the editor will delete all a17 features from it (e.g. light properties and sleeper properties)






    Found a serious issue and reuploaded the editor

  16. --- deleted ---

    (I found the answer to the question)


    (I wanted to ask how difficult it would be to adapt the Editor...i thought i was original in this question... :) )


    I know:


    Dear Pille,


    n2n1 has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - [TOOLS] Prefab Editor (Alpha) - in the Modding Tools forum of 7 Days to Die Forums.


    This thread is located at:



    Here is the message that has just been posted:


    How difficult it will be to rework the editor, due to the disappearance of id ?




    There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.


    All the best,

    7 Days to Die Forums






    To be honest, i do not plan to hurry with the adaptation my mod. I think that A17 is a "pass-through" version, there is strongly cut out the content. I will understand/learn and prepare the basis for future affairs...

    Is there anyone who thinks like that?


    I heavily agree (Great minds think alike ;) ). However, I would like to have a working product by the end of the year. The Fun pimps' editor is nice but it's still more efficient to use both editors in parallel.

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