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Everything posted by Agent039

  1. I tested it multiple times and for me it looks like it's working how I wanted it to be. (tested on demo and soldier) Still I don't know how the damage calculation works in the game.
  2. I dont know how the calculation of the damage works, but i got what i wanted. I doubled the damage and the damage recieved is less than the normal one. Maybe someone could bring up a calculation how the damage is caculated because 77x2= 154 (on the deagle) then the damage reduction for armor should make it 77 again. And the damage recieved on a demo was 68 or 63 idk exactly. but the normal did something with 100+ damage.
  3. I found a solution for the problem wich makes HP ammo less efficient against armor. TFP commented a function for HP out but it still works. Seems like they didn't figured out how they can reverse the AP effect. The items.xml file needs to be adjusted + ui_display.xml file needs a change to display the new value. Maybe send that to "The Fun Pimps"... i fixed their not working function by using a currently working one Orange-Text = commented out. Yellow-Text = the important line. (items.xml file) HP - default: <item name="ammo9mmBulletHP"> <property name="Extends" value="ammo9mmBulletBall"/> <property name="Tags" value="ammo9mm"/> <property name="DisplayType" value="ammoBulletHP"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="14"/> <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="ammoTier2"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="ammoHiPowerGroupDesc"/> <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkPistolPeteHPAmmo"/> <!-- BOOK_PERK --> <effect_group name="ammo9mmBulletHP" tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="35" tags="perkGunslinger,9mmGun"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="7" tags="perkGunslinger"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_add" value="17" tags="barrelExplosive"/> <!-- Not supported at this time. If you ask it will be a long answer. It's complicated. <passive_effect name="PiercingProtection" target="other" operation="perc_set" value=".5"/> --> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.8" tags="earth"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="2" tags="wood"/> </effect_group> </item> AP - default: <item name="ammo9mmBulletAP"> <property name="Extends" value="ammo9mmBulletBall"/> <property name="Tags" value="ammo9mm"/> <property name="DisplayType" value="ammoBulletAP"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="14"/> <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="ammoTier3"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="ammoAPGroupDesc"/> <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkPistolPeteAPAmmo"/> <!-- BOOK_PERK --> <effect_group name="ammo9mmBulletAP" tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="38" tags="perkGunslinger,9mmGun"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="8" tags="perkGunslinger"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_add" value="16" tags="barrelExplosive"/> <passive_effect name="TargetArmor" operation="perc_add" value="-.5" tags="perkGunslinger"/><display_value name="dTargetArmor" value="-.5"/> <passive_effect name="EntityPenetrationCount" operation="base_set" value="1" tags="perkGunslinger"/><display_value name="dTargetPenetration" value="1"/> <!-- <passive_effect name="DegradationPerUse" operation="perc_add" value=".3" tags="perkGunslinger,9mmGun"/><display_value name="dDegradationPerUse" value=".3"/> --> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.8" tags="earth"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="2" tags="wood"/> </effect_group> <effect_group name="perkPenetrator" tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="TargetArmor" operation="perc_add" value="-.1" tags="perkGunslinger,9mmGun"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkPenetrator" operation="Equals" value="1"/></passive_effect> <passive_effect name="TargetArmor" operation="perc_add" value="-.15" tags="perkGunslinger,9mmGun"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkPenetrator" operation="Equals" value="2"/></passive_effect> <passive_effect name="TargetArmor" operation="perc_add" value="-.2" tags="perkGunslinger,9mmGun"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkPenetrator" operation="Equals" value="3"/></passive_effect> <passive_effect name="TargetArmor" operation="perc_add" value="-.3" tags="perkGunslinger,9mmGun"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkPenetrator" operation="Equals" value="4"/></passive_effect> </effect_group> </item> HP - modified: <item name="ammo9mmBulletHP"> <property name="Extends" value="ammo9mmBulletBall"/> <property name="Tags" value="ammo9mm"/> <property name="DisplayType" value="ammoBulletHP"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="14"/> <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="ammoTier2"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="ammoHiPowerGroupDesc"/> <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkPistolPeteHPAmmo"/> <!-- BOOK_PERK --> <effect_group name="ammo9mmBulletHP" tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="70" tags="perkGunslinger,9mmGun"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="7" tags="perkGunslinger"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_add" value="17" tags="barrelExplosive"/> <passive_effect name="TargetArmor" operation="perc_add" value=".5" tags="perkGunslinger"/><display_value name="dTargetArmor" value=".5"/> <!-- Not supported at this time. If you ask it will be a long answer. It's complicated. <passive_effect name="PiercingProtection" target="other" operation="perc_set" value=".5"/> --> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.8" tags="earth"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="2" tags="wood"/> </effect_group> </item> (ui_display.xml file) default: <item_display_info display_type="ammoBulletHP" display_group="groupAmmo"> <display_entry name="EntityDamage" display_type="Decimal1" title_key="statEntityDamageRanged" tags="perkGunslinger,perkBoomstick,perkDeadEye,perkMachineGunner,perkBookAutoWeapons,perkTurrets,perkArchery,admin"/> <!-- <display_entry name="dTargetArmor" title_key="statTargetArmor" display_type="Percent" display_leading_plus="true" negative_preferred="true" tags="perkGunslinger,perkBoomstick,perkDeadEye,perkMachineGunner,perkBookAutoWeapons,perkTurrets,perkArchery,admin"/> --> <display_entry name="BlockDamage" display_type="Decimal1" title_key="statBlockDamage" tags="perkGunslinger,perkBoomstick,perkDeadEye,perkMachineGunner,perkBookAutoWeapons,perkTurrets,perkArchery,admin"/> </item_display_info> modified: <item_display_info display_type="ammoBulletHP" display_group="groupAmmo"> <display_entry name="EntityDamage" display_type="Decimal1" title_key="statEntityDamageRanged" tags="perkGunslinger,perkBoomstick,perkDeadEye,perkMachineGunner,perkBookAutoWeapons,perkTurrets,perkArchery,admin"/> <display_entry name="dTargetArmor" title_key="statTargetArmor" display_type="Percent" display_leading_plus="true" negative_preferred="true" tags="perkGunslinger,perkBoomstick,perkDeadEye,perkMachineGunner,perkBookAutoWeapons,perkTurrets,perkArchery,admin"/> <display_entry name="BlockDamage" display_type="Decimal1" title_key="statBlockDamage" tags="perkGunslinger,perkBoomstick,perkDeadEye,perkMachineGunner,perkBookAutoWeapons,perkTurrets,perkArchery,admin"/> </item_display_info> I just pasted the line from the AP rounds in the HP Ammo and changed the - (deleted it) to not make a 50% penetration for armor but its now a reduction for armor. Tested the dmg against a Demo-Zomb multiple times and the HP now does less damage then the normal ammo but it shreads through unarmored zombs I also increased the damage for HP by 100% by doubling the damage.
  4. Im aware that the game has different Tiers and im okay with that because I dont really use the Magnum I prefer the "Deagle". But it would be more realistic for the latest T3 weapons to be more effective against the larger zombies because I dont think if you get a .44 magnum HP or a 7.62mm HP in your head that there would be something left. (atleast in it) My main focus is on the HP ammo wich is currently unused. (mostly due to the fact that you have to craft it and AP at that point is better) Thats why I said in my opinion the Game needs a rebalance with weapons and ammo to make everything a good choice.
  5. Im aware of the fact that the gun makes an impact on the damage/muzzle velocity. But from the looks of the guns both barrels are almost the same length because the longer the barrel the better the acceleration of the bullet. The next part is, should the magnum in the game the oldest versions or the newer ones. Revolvers still get new versions wich are better. So that fact with the efficiency shouldnt make a big impact against a "Deagle" And my main focus was more on HP ammo because its a almost unused ammo type but in RL very effective.
  6. I looked up the gamefiles and I was wondering if im the only one who wants the ammo-system rebalanced. And some guns aswell. For me its kinda unrealistic that a .44 Magnum does less damage than a Desert Vulture because its the same ammo. Same goes with snipers and rifles. A sniper rifle should be alot stronger than a normal rifle. But the main reason is the "Ammo-Types" (im comparing .44 cause i like big handcannons): Normal-Ammo (wich is in the loot pool) 70 dmg HP-Ammo (wich isn't in the loot pool) 77 dmg AP-Ammo (wich isn't in the loot pool) 84 dmg + 50% armor penetration I was thinking wouldn't it be more realistic to make every bullet the same damage or atleast buff the HP ammo because you have to craft it. My thought was: Normal 70 dmg HP 70 dmg + 50% dmg if the enemy isnt wearing armor (the devs need to add a new variable for checking armor) and maybe -25% dmg if the enemy is wearing armor AP 70 dmg + 50% armor penetration Normal and AP can be same damage value because in reality if you get shot by both bullets if you dont have armor and the bullet would go through flesh... in both scenarios it should almost do the same damage. (same "clean holes" in the body) But if you get shot by HP normaly the bullet expands and creates a large exit wound or damages more flesh. They could even do +100% dmg when hitting flesh but -50% dmg if you hit armor to get it a bit more balanced. I want to hear your thoughts about that "ammo realism". Because currently only normal or AP is used. AP because HP isn't worth it of crafting and normal because you get alot from it from the loot pool. And maybe a rebalance some of the weapon types... rifles and snipers that share the same ammo type for whatever reason :D. The reason is... when the devs offer 3 ammo types... every type should have a reason to exist and its own "special ability". Normal ones shouldn't be special but atleast the ones you have to craft currently.
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