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  1. Considering that traders have weakened a bit, this will not happen. Good idea. It's strange that the plane just drops supplies to who knows who. It would be more logical if they were dropped on some kind of radio beacon that the survivor would build. I think quests like this will appear with the appearance of bandits. At least I hope so. I didn't understand this idea.
  2. But there is a weapon that can open doors and drawers - a sledgehammer.
  3. Have you often seen dew indoors?
  4. With the current zombie behavior, this is not realistic. During a blood moon, you can simply stand on a boat in the middle of the lake and shoot at birds. Zombies walk along the bottom and cannot swim, so they simply cannot reach you.
  5. Yes, that's a pretty accurate statement. Since the drill started attracting screamers, its use has become somewhat complicated. And mining has changed a bit. If in A21 it took 2 hits on coal and saltpeter and 3 on lead and iron to break an ore block, then in 1.0 it takes 1 and 2 hits respectively. In A21 there was a chance to break a block with 1 hit, after reading books on mining, but now there is no such bonus. The drill is now somewhat less interesting than before.
  6. I do the opposite. If I have serious problems in the first 5 levels, I usually die. There is no penalty to experience, so there is nothing terrible in death.
  7. Never bothered with a garage. I usually carry transport in my belt when I'm not using it.
  8. I think it's the other way around. They used to try to run to you in the most direct trajectory. And if they couldn't get to you, they would just stand as close to you as possible and do nothing. Which allowed them to just throw bombs at that bunch. Now they don't stand there, they try to run and break things.
  9. I can't say about A16 - I haven't played it. But in A17, survival was easier than it is now. There was water everywhere, and empty cans came across regularly. Seeds are eternal, plant once and harvest forever, no need to level up a farmer.
  10. When I tested 1.0, I broke it on the second day. This is not a reason to restart the game.
  11. Now it's clear why my house collapsed. There was a case, I built it this way.
  12. 3 blocks The distance between the bed and the roof should not be less than 3 blocks. Otherwise, you will not be able to plant corn.
  13. Is it definitely because of the vehicle? I've talked to several dedicated server owners, almost all of them have performance issues because of trees planted by players, but no one has issues because of the vehicle. Maybe you have some mods that conflict?
  14. I usually combine both methods. My main weapon is on "1", my secondary on "2" and "3". If I need to quickly turn on a weapon, I use the number buttons, and if I need a tool, then usually the mouse wheel.
  15. Increase the horde size to 64 and reach level 300. If you can easily pass the red night with these settings, then there really is nothing else for you to do in the game.
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