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Refugee (1/15)



  1. I can confirm we have players unable to join the server because EAC kicks them. They tried the suggested methods. I turned off EAC to let them join and generate a player profile for them. Turned EAC back on and they were able to join after. Must be tied to the new player profile system.
  2. Hey Sam love your work! Just a thought, there are lights called "LED light panel." Would love to see these working. Thanks for the amazing mods! Sam, also in alpha 21 there is an army mannequin. Would love to see this!
  3. Summary: (A short description of the bug) Game Version: A21 b334 OS/Version: Windows CPU Model: AMD Ryzen 7 System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GTX 3060 Screen Resolution: (Width and Height such as 1920x1080) Video Settings: High Game mode: MP server and SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? No EAC on or off? On Status: NEW Bug Description: Spend traders only give buried supplies Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Turn on debug 2) Turn on Creative menu 3) hit F6 spawn any npc trader Actual result: (description of what is occurring) All missions given are buried supplies Expected result: (what you expect to occur) POI missions given
  4. I am really liking the idea of this mod. What I hope to see is a good working mod package. Like your mod and a pick of other mods you suggest. Like darkness falls and how they have a lot of mods from other creators packaged in, known to be working.
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