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  1. Do you mean reset the whole game and start from 0 again?
  2. Hello, I need help, we have the game bugged with the lab and we want to update the latest files to remove the error, we are on a dedicated gtx gaming server. should we simply overwrite the new modified files in the 0-DarknessFallsCore folder in the server files or the entire 0-DarknessFallsCore folder? Is it necessary to do a region reset? In that case, how is it done? Is there a tutorial? We have searched and we do not know how to do it and it is the 3rd time that we started with Darkness falls, we even tried to find someone to pay them and do it, but we did not find anyone. Isn't there any other way to get the laser workbench? We go to all vendors and they don't sell it. Thank you very much, if someone can help us, we will make a payment by paypal for the help, I do not understand how there is so little information for people who do not know how to touch files in the hosting, not even a game update procedure without always having to start from 0 . Thanks and best regards
  3. Hello, can I install it on a dedicated server and a game already started with my friends? I understand that it would be to install it on clients and server. Thank you
  4. Hello, I am looking for a tutorial to introduce Prefabs in an existing world where we play several friends with a rented server (zap hosting) vanila. We have introduced Mods and they work fine, but I don't know how to introduce Prefabs and put them in the world that we already have created. Thank you!
  5. Thank you very much! In the end we have rented a server (zap hosting) and we all play connecting by port and by IP. I have another question, how can I install prefabs and POIs into an existing world? I've seen tutorials on Youtube but I'm not sure if it works only for steam server. I would like to add community prefabs to have many more buildings in the world that we are already playing. Do all players need to install these prefabs in the local steam game files and also on the rented server? Do you have any tutorial to do this? Now I understand a little more how the server works (it doesn't have as many options as the steam one) and I've changed the horde frequency, removed friendly fire, etc. Another thing. If I remove the anti cheats to install a mod, would it change the gameplay or is that filter simply used when you play with more people and you don't want cheats to be done? Just in case I have created a backup before doing anything, I have installed mods and except for weapons all work fine, Thank you very much!
  6. Hello, I have a question, is the content installed in the Prefabs folder or in the POIs folder? I'm with my own server, thanks https://prnt.sc/G1zGjWVrkpf4
  7. Hello, surely they have answered it but since the game is updated a lot I will ask here :-)My friend has created a local game and he is the administrator. Is it possible to create a game where I can connect at any time and continue the game?Now I can only connect if he enters his game and invites me, is there any way we can play in the same world, save all the player's items and status and connect without the other friend playing?Thank you very much
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