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Land Claim Block VS Reinforced Concrete


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i am not sure if the new pvp changes to land claim have been based on some guy that got raided by a clan and ♥♥♥♥posted on this forum or from admins of popular pvp servers that actually know what to do with claim blocks or experienced raiders and pvpers, but i feel is very much the first one.


as it stands now building a base out of land claim blocks is much better than concrete in the following ways.


1) SUUUPER cheap to craft land claim blocks and right from lvl 1 compared to concrete that need a long crafring process and building time and also level 40 gate.


2) as for now land claim blocks have 8000 hp, reinforced concrete has 5000 hp, even with a tittle differece on how much damage you do with different tools to these two blocks, building a base just made of claims is much more resistant and for the same ammount of stone required to build a wall of reinforced concrete u can build 3 walls of land claims if not more (9 stone for land blaim block, 2 stone makes 10 cement 10 stone make 10 sand, + 20 stone to make 10 concrete mix which makes 1 reinforced concrete block, and i am leaving out the iron, so 9 stone claim vs 32 stone reinforced concrete).


3) if a raider wants to raid a base made of claim blocks, he will just face his worst nightmare! even if he finds and destroy the one that is active, as soon as that one is gone the second last one placed becomes the active one. this go on and on till the darn base has been torn apart. what is left to do is to punch chest till they break open (punching is the only reasonable way to open any wood chest due to the fact that they take only 1 damage if protected by the claim no matter what, other containers behave differently).



Now, here is my suggestion to TFP and altho it may not be the perfect solution, it worked charmingly so far.


Bring back the old claim system and create and xml string for admins to decide how many claims they want to let people place. the system is already in place to make so if u place one key and then another the old one gets deactivated, altho its kinda broken atm i can see how an admin would like to be able to limit lets say 5 claim blocks per person to limit their defences someway. Still this allow admins to controll how the pvp is balanced in their server, based on how good pvpers are in that server, what they actually want their server to be and work as a pvp server etc.


Bring back the old downgrade for reinforced concrete to concrete. at least with it we would have a total of 12'000 hp per block wich is harder than a claim block and allows for better building. it may not seems so to someone who rarely plays pvp, but in almost all popupated pvp servers the land claim area was 15 or 17. this was due to jumping distance and to limit how big you could build in order to balance raiding time. which this little area we were able to build bases that would take 12 if not more hours to raid (this also due to the fact that you cant realy damage the same block with 2 people, unless you sync your pickaxe swings correctly, auger no way to sync it).


People who playes in the biggest pvp server knows how to proprely build and the admins of these servers know how to adjust crafting costs of land claim blocks in order to balance how fast you can expand your base and defences. admins usually had their land claim blocks super expensive to craft, in order to give longevity to the building process. a proper clan base would take even a month to complete, not only to the resources needed to build it, but also due to the fact that we couldnt just "spam" land claim blocks everywhere because the custom recipes would require rare parts and component in big quantity just to craft a single land claim block. OFC at the end of the month the base would be darn strong but thats what you should expect as a resould of a month of time and effort spent for that sole purpose.


as it stands now and from something like 150 hours of testing in one of the biggest pvp server, admins have to modify a lot of blicks just to balance everything in order to match the fact that we have only one land claim block active, which btw that just makes it horrible for solo players and give huuuge advantage to clains, this because u may not overlap the claim area but you can have them standing next to each other, one per person, a clain of 4 people has 4 times the claim capacity of a solo player for no reason. i am in such a clan, so far its been just too easy. It also allows clans to have multiple bases to spread their loots, which are obviously more than the poor solo player with only one base that if it gets raided he is back to plant fiber clothes and stone axe for a while.


if TFP really want to keep this land claim system as it is now not giving admins and players the possibility to set how many clam blocks per person can be active and dont want the old reinforced concrete downgrading to concrete anymore, this is what should be done: make it so when a second claim block gets placed, the previous one or gets changed to a different block or disappear completely, but it shall not go back to active for the previously mentioned problem that can occour by placing more than one of them. remember, as it is now a person can overlap his own clam blocks. between friends it cant be done.


i know pvp is not the main concern to TFP, this game has never ment to be a pvp game and i respect that point of view of theirs, but at the same time they also allowed for pvp by making it somewhat part of the game. Even if is not what the majority of the players enjoy the most and admins who spent tons of money of their own for servers costs and upkeep, hundreds of hours maintaining the servers, making sure the game is well balanced, fixing bugs, patching, modding, dealing with cheaters and glitchers, people who cry for their stuff back because they got raided or killed (even worst if solo vs clan), restoring parts of the map with backups because somehow half the base disappeared, trying to find what chunk of blocks is collapsing and crashing the server, and on and on and on..


as i said i respect TFP to prioritize their view of the game they want to finalize, but at the same time TFP should really give a proper look at what pvp really is and how it really works in a properly maintained server, because im sorry to say but it does not seems TFP have a real and precise clue of what pvp is like. I know is not the priority, but pvp should not be so overlooked either.


to end this wall of text, i would like to strongly suggest that, if a new feature makes it into the game, it shall have proper settings to manage in order to let players and admins decide what they want to do with such a feature. Having default settings to TPF likings is more than just, but in such a game where everything can be manipulated it doesnt even make sense to then force features to work in only one strict way such as one single land claim block.


thanks for your time if you made it thus far.


EDIT: my main point all considered is to at least have access to a setting instead of a firced limit, so that admins and their player base can customize the server as much as possible, such as the idea of a setting where to decide how many claim each person can have active at once. altho i dont think these changes were necessary neither welcomed by many, they can be improved to the point that they may be even better than previously seen.

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i am not sure if the new pvp changes to land claim have been based on some guy that got raided by a clan and ♥♥♥♥posted on this forum or from admins of popular pvp servers that actually know what to do with claim blocks or experienced raiders and pvpers, but i feel is very much the first one.



thanks for your time if you made it thus far.


They made it so you can only have 1 LCB to prevent spamming them in multiplayer servers and taking over towns. Now, they've destroyed multiplayer gameplay so it will just work itself out naturally. They "fixed" the glitch.

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They made it so you can only have 1 LCB to prevent spamming them in multiplayer servers and taking over towns. Now, they've destroyed multiplayer gameplay so it will just work itself out naturally. They "fixed" the glitch.


As i said, well managed servers do not have this issue. its bad administration that let people do these things. have the land claim cost 1000 steel ingots, some engines and other rare materials and you will never have this issue. Also in the most populated servers this does not happed, and in my 4000 hours of pvp, i never saw such a thing. Also i would not mind to let players claiming a town if they work for it, every map is full of cities, enough so that every player can have one. also, for example, in the server i play in is not allowed to claim POIs such as shops, gun store and such. reason being admins what to make sure people have access to such building and loots and players what to make sure they have access to such things.


And btw u didnt read it all i suspect, but as i explained, there should be at least a setting in the xml so tho let admin decide how many claims per player can be active. a customizable setting in a fully customizable world with an possibly infinite map.


i am talking of servers that have admins online, that proprely manage the server, not servers just put up and left to rot unmanaged.


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If nothing has changed from b199, when you place new claim block, old one becomes 1 hp. Can't really make a wall out of 1hp blocks :). Okay, you can. But you shouldnt ^^


yes this is true but so happens to the currently active key and it is a bug, at least its a bug that this happen also to the current active key. if it is not a bug the the unactive keys go 1hp (which not all of them do btw so something wrong is there anyway) u can still spread them around the base and have them cased in concrete or even steel. it wont make a difference, if the active one gets destroyed another one takes his place and the hunt for it goest back to the beginning.

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yes this is true but so happens to the currently active key and it is a bug, at least its a bug that this happen also to the current active key. if it is not a bug the the unactive keys go 1hp (which not all of them do btw so something wrong is there anyway) u can still spread them around the base and have them cased in concrete or even steel. it wont make a difference, if the active one gets destroyed another one takes his place and the hunt for it goest back to the beginning.

Not worth it to build the base with current claim blocks anyway. There is only so much you can do with this ♥♥♥♥ty system.

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Not worth it to build the base with current claim blocks anyway. There is only so much you can do with this ♥♥♥♥ty system.


We are playing for the fun, cuz is new, and for testing in preparation for stable release. it is worth alot more now than later. we will be able to power through everything once we get to know how everything works and its ready.

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We are playing for the fun, cuz is new, and for testing in preparation for stable release. it is worth alot more now than later. we will be able to power through everything once we get to know how everything works and its ready.

I didnt mean that its not worth it Now. I meant its not worth it, unless they change claim block system. 1 block is not enough to build anything creative or interesting.

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I didnt mean that its not worth it Now. I meant its not worth it, unless they change claim block system. 1 block is not enough to build anything creative or interesting.


i do agree with that, the only solutions at the moment is having a giant claim area to allow ppl to build villages and proper bases (which then translates in an underground bunker with 20 walls of steel on each side) or being part of a big team. i am lucky enough to have the second solution on my side, but it isnt fun.


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but you are allowed to place ONE claim block, old active becomes inactive 1HP block, so whats your problem. server owners can change recipe for claim


btw they doesnt care about pvp at the moment, its pve game


ofc you didnt read. please do, your answers are all there

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