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A17 - Improvise, adapt, overcome


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So I've gone through a few starts, different maps, played to get a feel, cheated in stuff, etc. Mostly playing seriously on public server now. Still felt like playing after my crew went to bed but didn't want to get ahead of them. Fired up a new SP, left cheats off to resist the temptation. Considered "never run" and "drop backpack only" but decided to go all default, only mark airdrops on.


Starter quests as always, A17 makes them critical. 5th restart or so and I finally get a trader (been suffering a lot with no trader bug). I don't know if it is just a bug with the quest or the map actually doesn't spawn a trader, but I would say no trader is gamebreaking right now. Get my points, I'm still working out early game strat - cardio & healing factor are must haves. Higher quality gear no longer affects performance but constantly repairing level 1 tools is a drag, 1 int. Trader is 3.5 km so pack mule seems a good early choice (especially since I expect to harvest the pig). I go with extra stealth damage (sorry this was last nights play forgot exact name) for my 5th. While the cooking is important I know I'll get a level or 3 before I settle down for the night, and I'm not sure if it's useful without a cooking pot even. Eat the can of food, fill it with water, boil, drink, fill & boil again. That way I've still got the starter bottle.


The nearby pig is still around so I make some more arrows, use the "Boom! Headshot!" magazine I found conveniently and take him out without incident. And a rabbit. Off to a good start. Scavenge, scavenge, scavenge. Pretty much anything not of immediate use is broken down to scrap. Pound a good amount of cotton. Always carry a stack of bandages now. Fairly lucky with duct tape too, so a set of padded armor, protip - inventory permitting, take off your armor for travel or harvesting, you still can't sprint or swing nonstop but pretty damn close. Oh, and make a bandanna.


Started in the forest belt, with the scattered wrecks around. I hit the zombieless husks as I go. Every birdsnest. Every loose stone. The odd small tree. Always making arrows as we go. Any zombies spotted, quickly crouch, shoot for sneak attack bonus and then move in for the kill.


I hear a wolf howling so stop and put on the armor. We're maybe level 3 now, points went into archery and agility, and we've still got the magazine bonus going. I proceed with caution, kill a few zeds, still don't see the wolf but I know he is there and I'll be damned if he is gonna get the drop on me. I spot him eventually and take him out with a few well placed arrows. I got a deer along the way too, so 20 leather - make a poncho. It sucks when you hit level 5 (or is it 6?) and are freezing your ass off suddenly cause you got no clothes.


Cause my time management skillz suck I notice it is about 9:30, I am still a klick from the trader and I should have found somewhere to hunker down an hour and a half ago. I spot a decent enough suburban house and break in, throw down my bedroll, clear the 1st floor sleepers. Head upstairs, and of course 2200 strikes, and I get overwhelmed. Run back up stairs for my gear, die again. I had to beat some of them to death with my fists even, but 5 deaths later the house is mine, basement and all. Fortunately the penalty doesn't kick in til noobie protection is over (and my skills are all lvl 1 anyway). I loot and secure the house as best I can. Found a duster, skirt (it's a kilt damnit! a kilt!) and sweatshirt so we're good for clothes. FOund a pistol and some ammo. Scored a cooking pot so tea and bacon & eggs and the rest of the night passes without incident. Throwing down the bedroll was all the difference between a good or a bad 1st night ;)


So give yourself enough time to kill all the zeds around where you plan to spend the night, or "git gud son and not give a ♥♥♥♥ what time it is" but really accidents happen so better to play it safe.


In the morning I go look around a bit, clear the garage, make some more arrows, etc. Start heading towards trader, find dogs. Not a full pack but 2. Fortunately I am able to seperate and kill them without getting too badly beaten up. Head home, heal up, etc. Once again I spend too much time ♥♥♥♥ing about and so get to the trader shortly before he closes. Grab a quest for the morning. Sell what I can. Slap a chest down out front, put all my ♥♥♥♥ in it since I figure I'm not gonna make it through the night.


Crouching down near the large boulder and punching grass and cotton to pass the time. Make another set of starter crap so figure what the hell, throw down the bedroll next to the chest too. I put the LCB at the 1st house so I should be able to get what I left behind later no problem. The few zeds in the area are wandering a little close now of course, so I go crouch on top of the big rock and wait for Darlene to notice me. Which she does, but a few arrows into her and then I jump down and club her. Go back onto my perch and start taking shots at the cowboy nearby, take him out. Only an hour to daylight and no zeds in sight, since I'm about ready for bed and that's always when accidents happen, I just sit there until 4AM chimes and I log for the night. We've survived (well mostly) our first 2 days.


Sorry that was a long read. I wanted to start a discussion about early game strat for A17 but this turned into an AAR.

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