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Zombie Loot bags


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Just got through my first horde night and had a blast! Right before night fell I had a pack of zombie dogs (about 10) spawn right outside my base which made things interesting to say the least.


I do have one tiny request - would it be possible to extend the life of the loot bags? I saw 3 or 4 drop but was only able to get one since the others despawned.

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I just finished my first D7 horde night. Nomad/default 8 zombies/never run (I just don't believe running zombies are real :) ). I must say I was worried about nothing. Did it on the streets with torches along the sides and a few spikes/barbed wire by each torch. Walked along dropping z's with no issue. I did get one nice jump scare when I ran into my first spider and he jumped over the top of the Edgar he was behind and landed right on my head!


Typically the zombie drop loot has been really good but I was shocked by the one drop I got from the horde, 5 9mm shells lol. I about fell over in shock.

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@drunk wolf - yeah, out in the wild, it's fine, but on horde night losing those drops hurts my heart.


@JCrook1028 - You're braver than I am! lol. I got a couple of ferals, the dogs I mentioned, a spider and a vulture. No way was I going down there!

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Just got through my first horde night and had a blast! Right before night fell I had a pack of zombie dogs (about 10) spawn right outside my base which made things interesting to say the least.


I do have one tiny request - would it be possible to extend the life of the loot bags? I saw 3 or 4 drop but was only able to get one since the others despawned.


I agree can the devs make them like air Drops when you get them they break or if they take a hit they break Please so frustration

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