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Another Classic Alpha Feedback Post


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A17, just like every other alpha release before it, is a give and take. I understand how the pimps work with alphas, so therefore I also understand that many of the features in this release are stepping stones to a future balanced end result.


The Good:

- Zombies no longer spin circles on the ground above where I'm mining. In fact, I just had a cave in in my mine, not of gravel but of zombies, followed by being pummeled to death, and it was grand.

- The dark is actually dark now which is amazing and I love it.

- Mining feels more well balanced and slow, as it should be.

- I love the Buzzards.

- Getting my arrows back from zombies and animals is absolutely amazing and the way the arrows stick out of zombies' heads is also absolutely amazing and I love it.

- The amount of zombies feels good and is right about where I would want it.

- Gunfire seems to spawn zombies, which is awesome.

- The atmosphere is amazing and especially the trees and distant trees.

- I absolutely love the new dungeon style POIs.

- The desert is gorgeous.



- I am unsure on level gating everything in game. I can agree on some things but others just don't make sense to me. Because of this I feel that, especially for the first 20 levels, progression seems slower than I would like and there's really nothing to do except kill zombies.

- Doesn't really make much sense that buzzards would be in the forest or snow biomes.

- I think that the time a zombie is laying down after being hit should be more random rather than a hard set value.

- The heatmap seems a little more sensitive and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

- I don’t understand how some of the skills work, like for example, flurry of blows. I’m an archer and don’t really start to invest in melee until late game. The description should state specifically the class of item it applies to, and even then, the fireaxe is now a melee weapon. So does it apply in that case? I don’t know.


The Bad:

- I really hate the death penalty and I think that it should just go away. I understand that some people take advantage of death to remove certain debuffs. I also understand that the Pimps feel that they have to penalize these individuals for doing so, but I don't play like that and never have. Loosing my backpack and being warped to my bedroll is penalty enough.

- No loot from zombies. I will miss farming military zombies and cops. I don't mind the backpack thing but I would much prefer the loot to be associative with the type of zombie that dropped it, and if that were the case I would feel that the drop rate should then be increased. I would love to see nurses drop health items, military zeds and cops dropping weapons, loggers dropping coats and axes, Big Bertha dropping shovels, and so on.

- The primary source for experience has gone back to killing zombies. I feel that we had a good balance on experience between killing zombies, mining and construction in A16 and feel that this is a bit regressive.


In the end I feel that it is a net positive, and now that I'm beyond level 20 I'm starting to really enjoy it.

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