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Can't connect my server


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I set up a A17 dedicatet server on my root server.


All my friends can join my Server but i cant join it


I can join any other server without problems


When i try to log into my server it stays a long time at initializing World, then it drops me back to Main Menu and after a few seconds the menue dissapears an i have only the grey forrest backround wit the message „Creating Player…“


Thats the Problem i think because if i connect to other servers there is initializing world (that takes as long as on my server) and after that there comes the „Creating Player“ but also in the loading screen without dropping me back to main Menu






I tried all i can find on the internet:


- dissabled steam networking


- disabled/enabled pesistent profiles

- disabled EAC


- reinstalled fresh game (deleted everything inside the steam folder and appdata folder)


- changed from 64 bit to 32 bit and back to 64 bit



Server and client are Fresh installed and using no mods




Client Log





Server Log


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Thats Annoying,


the problem exists since day 1 before the update on 199, i set up the server all 5 of my friends started Playing and i have this Problem, now after the update all of them are playing...

I am the only one who cant join the server


shouldn't they have the same Problem as me then?


The server didn't even create save files for me inside the save folder.


I startet a second server on the root with navezgane - everything works fine

I swiched map on the first server with another seed, everything works


It looks like the server saves some data especialy for my id on the one game seed that prevents me from joining.


Looks like i have to tell them they have to start from scratch with me on another seed

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