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GPS horde on night 6?


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(A17 experimental)


I set up base on the 2nd floor of the old forge house POI. Reinforced the lower door and walled off the door on the 2nd floor with the flagstone stairway outside.


On the 6th night, I heard zombies smashing stuff in the distance, so I figured a random horde was coming in. I turned off my one running forge and crouched down while doing nothing else, figuring I'd let them run past or let them smash up the ground floor if they decided to run through the house instead of around it.


Instead of doing either of those things, the zombies ran straight up the stairs outside and started smashing the wall. I sneaked back down to the ground floor immediately, hoping to hide in the toilet and wait it out. The zombies ran downstairs right after smashing through the wall, cornered me in the toilet and killed me. All this time, I didn't have LOS to the zombies and was in full slow crouch mode (first lvl of the sneak buff perk too). It felt like the AI was locked onto me from the moment the horde spawned.


Is this intended behavior? It seems like a steep challenge for the 6th night, when my walls are still made from weak materials and I am in no shape to fight a horde in the dark.

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I know it's super dark and hard to see, but there are 4 dogs on that roof. As you can see it was day 2. I had no forge, no campfire, no heat or light source, was not visible from the road side, was in crouch with one level of stealth perk, and was doing literally nothing...just looking at my inventory when they somehow found me and GOT ON MY ROOF.


I respect a good wandering horde and wouldn't even have been too disappointed had they smashed the whole house out from under me, because at least I'd have heard that and known what was happening...this was just the ultimate ninja gank...no warning at all, just a bark at the moment all 4 dogs bit me, instantly killing me.


GPS and maybe teleportation? On day 2? That goes beyond challenge, IMO.

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Just curious if you boarded the windows. Had a wondering horde on day 2 as well. All my windows are closed up and new doors on the frames. Sat in the dark on the 2nd floor all night while they wandered around outside. No one tried to enter and I spent the entire night crouched with the game minimized reading the forums. Not much fun and nothing I could do about it.. I was also set to 90 minutes so it was a very long time. To be honest it is kind of killing the game for me as it happened again the moment I ventured out on night 3. Should I be trying to fight this on some other building starting at night 2? Is this something I am missing? I just don't feel like playing when I cant play.

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