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Alpha 15: BloodMoon max Alive per Player?


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From what ive read yes and no.


The max alive there is for gamestage period. But then the code algorithm kicks in. you pick setting at game startup + there is an AIGamestagePartySpawner Class controller + There is the AiDirectorBloodmoonParty class controller, you add people to your party

so that becomes the new variable, but if they log off, then the variable down by that amount, and recalculates dont know how many ticks it takes to do that though. Whom ever has the highest gamestage and is on line, i think becomes the spawn boss so to speak.and there is one more obscure place called Kmaxentities sort of a shutoff valve for instantiation of entities. its usually set to 60. hard coded. there is one other place but i forgot where, this place has a hard coded 8 entity max from legacy setting. so all in all depending on the changing volume of your party. Deaths and the above controllers you get the max alve adjusted value. Hope it helps.

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From what ive read yes and no.


The max alive there is for gamestage period. But then the code algorithm kicks in. you pick setting at game startup + there is an AIGamestagePartySpawner Class controller + There is the AiDirectorBloodmoonParty class controller, you add people to your party

so that becomes the new variable, but if they log off, then the variable down by that amount, and recalculates dont know how many ticks it takes to do that though. Whom ever has the highest gamestage and is on line, i think becomes the spawn boss so to speak.and there is one more obscure place called Kmaxentities sort of a shutoff valve for instantiation of entities. its usually set to 60. hard coded. there is one other place but i forgot where, this place has a hard coded 8 entity max from legacy setting. so all in all depending on the changing volume of your party. Deaths and the above controllers you get the max alve adjusted value. Hope it helps.


so if i set it to 20 and we are 2 players, what do you think how many zombies we get alive at the same time at highest Gamestage?

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because of what has happened when i played, vanilla dll i would say in the end you may be able to gen 120 on screen according to math.

In reality any limitation to hardware will bring it down. The easiest way to test is start game go to console type dm, set a high game stage, and the two of you use rocket launchers, while you have F3 engaged. near

the top look at number near Z. it should reach a maxpoit go maybe 2 over then raise again. Thats how i physically tested. by my self vanilla dll = 60-64 then some disappear then to 60 again. After adjustment, i have gotten 100 on screen, but had to blast big groups to force spawn.

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