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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Thanks for the tools Hal and the pretty timely update to get it to work with 9.3. Took me a while to realise I needed to use the commands in normal chat rather than in console but got there eventually. Used this to export mine and my families homes, wiped the world clean and imported in and now our world is fully 9.3 compatible as a result and we have zombies spawning properly. The only downside was that the containers don't save their contents, so much jiggery pokery was needed to save those items too.
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There is accually a way but i do not know all the details behind the method but i do know this much. Using the Walking dead prison TTS. on a dedicated server we was able to import it into the server how ever this caused several issues. the prison althought spawned it spawned the wrong Rotationa nd several blocks off the ground (we fixed htis by just filling the missing with dirt. the method the server admin used was somewhat complicated and i am not aware of the full details. he imported the TTS file and created his own XML file. then he put it in the prefab folder of hte server. he then deleted all other prefabs of that perticular region. in our case we put the prison in the wilderness. once the sever was started up we wonder around for the first wilderness biome we could find if After a few biome we could not find it we, delted the server and started over. after a few tries i think. we finnaly got he first biome inwhich we spawned was a wilderness, after looking around boom there it was the walking dead prison prefab. server admit then closed the server again added the rest of the prefabs then booted up the server. the reason why u dont want to wander around to many biome is simple, there are no prefabs in your founder other hten the walking dead prison, and if u walk around the biome nothing will spawn, and even if u restart the server the were still not spawn. i hope this shed some light again i dont kno the full details of the method he used just an concept idea
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Here is what i did to add The Walking Dead prison in a random gen world. 1. Make backup of all the files you will be editing. 2. I added the tts file to dedicated servers prefabs folder 3. I created a .xml file to go with the new tts file (make sure you name it exactly as the new tts) make sure you set your height, biome, and offset. 4. I added the following line into the dedicated servers prefabs.xml () Step 5 is optional 5. I removed all the other lines from the prefabs.xml file.( I did this just to see if it would spawn) 6. I started a new seed (i got lucky and got a forest spawn)(which is the biome i put in the xml for it to spawn in) 7. I walked a short way on a straight road and there it was sitting. 8. I shutdown the server and re added all the original prefabs in the prefabs.xml file. 9. I started up the server and so far so good. Do Not try to add to the city as it requires a special size for the prefab to fit correctly I added the Prison to the forest biome because of it's size( it is my understanding that the forest can take a larger size prefab) Please remember that if u travel a long way with out any prefabs in your prefabs file any area you generated as you walked along will not spawn any prefabs once u add the back. I hope this cleared some things up and give it a try it worked for me. If u want to see it look for the 82ndID pvp server. It's a short bit north of the main city. I'm going to add more prefabs soon. ( I'm actually looking for Hershal's farm, and a Woodbury prefab).
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Yeah, I mentioned about support for the English.txt a few pages back with its locations for single and multi-player, but it currently isn't pushed from the dedicated server files. The grammar-whore in me is frustrated at adding new items on my dedicated server, but not being able to properly give them appropriate structure.
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[QUOTE=Valcry;136433]then my friend have to wait anyway. Becaus this first prefab is just the beginning of a large town, and for the town he needs his map :) But thanks a lot, we will wait for your world editor. If you are looking for a beta tester: here it is :)[/QUOTE] Thanks but everyone is a beta tester to me! My stuff rarely gets released without bugs ^^ [QUOTE=Garie;136656]Thanks for the tools Hal and the pretty timely update to get it to work with 9.3. Took me a while to realise I needed to use the commands in normal chat rather than in console but got there eventually. Used this to export mine and my families homes, wiped the world clean and imported in and now our world is fully 9.3 compatible as a result and we have zombies spawning properly. The only downside was that the containers don't save their contents, so much jiggery pokery was needed to save those items too.[/QUOTE] Glad you're enjoying the mod. The reason the chest contents isn't saved is a) it wouldn't work on SP games as there's no way I can find to set a chests contents and b) it would open up a massive exploit for items duping. And there's enough of those as it is at the moment :) [QUOTE=Darksky;136782]Here is what i did to add The Walking Dead prison in a random gen world.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the info Dark, hopefully people can use it in the mean time to get prefabs into the world. @blingCasper - did you resolve your import issues? [QUOTE=Warsaken;136824]Yeah, I mentioned about support for the English.txt a few pages back with its locations for single and multi-player, but it currently isn't pushed from the dedicated server files. The grammar-whore in me is frustrated at adding new items on my dedicated server, but not being able to properly give them appropriate structure.[/QUOTE] Hey War, yeah sorry I did read your message, I just completely forgot to reply. Looks like the file isn't pushed so not much I can do unfortunately. I'm trying to keep my modding down to what is compatible with the vanilla DLL. Makes it much simpler when integrating with EAC. Cheers, Hal
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First of all, thnks for this great mod :D The loose files are a blessing. Now, when I start the game with the EAC activated and the modificated Assembly-CSharp.dll, it returns version mismatch, so I have to play with no EAC :'( Is it normal or am I doing something rong? Thks
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[QUOTE=3nvy;137611]First of all, thnks for this great mod :D The loose files are a blessing. Now, when I start the game with the EAC activated and the modificated Assembly-CSharp.dll, it returns version mismatch, so I have to play with no EAC :'( Is it normal or am I doing something rong? Thks[/QUOTE] That's normal. I think ^^ EAC shouldn't allow modded DLLs, that's its job. So using the modded DLL should be done with EAC disabled. You'll also need to keep a copy of the original DLL if you want to play online on a EAC enabled server. When do you get the message? I've not had that one before. Cheers, Hal
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Oh I see, my bad xD I just thought that this dll was EAC supported, my mistake to think that xDD Of course, it makes sence, well, I only use modified models in my private server so I guess theres no problem :P Thks for the reply ;) Cheers
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[URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TB3DzBObAo"]Preview 2[/URL] is up for watching. It's all getting much more stable now so I may be able to release a version soon. But as Valcry suggested I may have just a couple of testers to check the initial version so I'm not flooded with messages from all the inevitable bugs ^^ Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=bigc90210;137769]i need this in my life :( absolutely AMAZING work dude gimmeitnowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[/QUOTE] ^ *gets the spray bottle for bigc90210* Back! This is why we can't have nice things! Seriously though, if you need help testing let me know, Hal. Always willing to help out in what limited ways I can. I still working on getting my newest mod going. Trouble finding the time to do it, however...
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@HAL9000 There you go, myself, Warsaken, and bigc90210 are your 3 volunteers ;) Oath: We solemnly swear to not divulge any copies of your software to the public. We will return and report what we find. I can test stability on my server of 30+ people who are already used to using your mod and would be a good choice for stress testing and I've already explained to my players that we often test things on our server so it is expectant. They all support you and your work and value it greatly. The doors for volunteering are now shut.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;137757][URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TB3DzBObAo"]Preview 2[/URL] is up for watching. It's all getting much more stable now so I may be able to release a version soon. But as Valcry suggested I may have just a couple of testers to check the initial version so I'm not flooded with messages from all the inevitable bugs ^^ Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Hey Hal, seeing you talk about prefab inserting but what about prefab exporting? will this allow us to export as well? Its looking pretty good thus far :) looking forward to being able to play with it. just curious about being able to export with it. It would be great if we will be able to, save time in having to rebuild in our random worlds sense we have to remake the map with every update it seems.
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[QUOTE=caleb68;137979]Hey Hal, seeing you talk about prefab inserting but what about prefab exporting? will this allow us to export as well? Its looking pretty good thus far :) looking forward to being able to play with it. just curious about being able to export with it. It would be great if we will be able to, save time in having to rebuild in our random worlds sense we have to remake the map with every update it seems.[/QUOTE] Yes exporting to a prefab file will be an option. Probably similar to how you copy blocks in the prefab editor. Find the lowest level, select the area and choose a height to export. Good and bad news. Good news is I've found the memory hog and made bacon out of it. The bad news is I'm getting errors when importing some prefabs into the world. The import works fine but if there's any players in the area they get disconnected but don't actually drop out of the world. But still a long way to go with the 3D stuff. Probably going to try and get the 2D stuff stable first. Cheers, Hal
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@HAL9000 [url]http://files.palmettolan.com/log.txt[/url] I'm also getting lots of players from Africa, and they are all speaking Swahili. I listed like 20 different african countries, none of which are kicking anyone. I don't suppose there's a way to ban a whole continent?
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@nikitis Is your server based in Greece? :) If it is...your geographical position makes you one of the closest EU servers to pretty much the whole of SW Asia (Middle East) and NE Africa. Depending on your servers ping even Chinese players might prefer your server over cross-pacific ones... In other words...non-english speakers are to be expected :)
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[QUOTE=DW420;138098]@nikitis Is your server based in Greece? :) If it is...your geographical position makes you one of the closest EU servers to pretty much the whole of SW Asia (Middle East) and NE Africa. Depending on your servers ping even Chinese players might prefer your server over cross-pacific ones... In other words...non-english speakers are to be expected :)[/QUOTE] My server is located in USA Arizona.
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@HAL9000 Numerical kicking is definitely working now. However, now they all keep trying to rejoin like a 1000 times and i'm trying to grab the steamid to ban them for repeat joining. It's spamming the chat so much that people can't see. Could you add a feature to auto ban after a certain amount of tries for them rejoining. Like maybe add values in HALGlobal.txt like kickjointries=3, 3 for 3 tries without changing name equals a ban for kickjoinbantime=24 for 24 hours? I assume they see a reason why they are kicked, and know they should change their name, but they are deliberately spam joining because they know it causes a message. The country code kicking is not working. The log now shows all the correct ip checking etc., but it's not kicking them. I have CN, listed as a code to check, but the log clearly shows: IP Check for: jijiwawaliuliuyiyi Found player: jijiwawaliuliuyiyi No user found: jijiwawaliuliuyiyi IP Check info ip=x.x.x.x (Masking) country_code=CN country_name=China region_code=30 region_name=Guangdong city=Guangzhou latitude=23.1167 longitude=113.25 Player: jijiwawaliuliuyiyi Ping: 315 has passed the IP country check And he's on the server as we speak. from HALGlobal.txt bannedcountries=CN,UG,NG,NE,CD,MZ,BI,RW,KE,TZ,CM,CI,TD,TG,GH,SD,LY, Maybe include a autoban for 10000 hours as well after 3 retries from bannedcountries as well. and temp ban of 2 hours for numerical. There's no real point of temp banning people from banned countries as you don't want them there anyway. Thanks for your help with this. It's been a real problem for our server with hackers. They constantly exploit.
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