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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=blingcasper;135854][ATTACH=CONFIG]4455[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]4456[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]4457[/ATTACH] here you go hal. i went into a multiplayer server i chatted i also checked the Account section on the main menu says my name comes up as Kasper so i changed my settings to this. but still every time i try to upload a test object to my feet or location it tells me the steam id does not exist[/QUOTE] Ah, you can't insert into a random gen world. I thought I'd taken that option out.... just checked the code, I was looking at the wrong variable. You won't have the option to insert into a random gen world in the next version to help clear up any confusion. What happens when you try and insert into the Navezgane map? Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;135869]Thanks nikitis, How big is the claim you're trying to save before the crash? Can you test with a small claim size? 33x33 and see if the crash still happens? Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Claim size was 51. I decided to just reinstall the server from scratch as well as your application. I'm using default 33 claimsize now, and so far no crashes. (Fingers crossed.) I will report if I see any more action. I will eventually also increase the claim size to 51 again to see if it starts crashing again and report. But for now, it seems to be running stable. So far since reinstall, I've gone 50 mins without a crash with BBB installed. The longest by far. Maybe it was that the size was too large. When I increase it again and it crashes then we'll know. I guess for now, don't worry about it. I'd rather you spend your time working on the new world editor ;) Can't wait for that. Thanks,
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[QUOTE=nikitis;135894]Claim size was 51. I decided to just reinstall the server from scratch as well as your application. I'm using default 33 claimsize now, and so far no crashes. (Fingers crossed.) I will report if I see any more action. I will eventually also increase the claim size to 51 again to see if it starts crashing again and report. But for now, it seems to be running stable. So far since reinstall, I've gone 50 mins without a crash with BBB installed. The longest by far. Maybe it was that the size was too large. When I increase it again and it crashes then we'll know. I guess for now, don't worry about it. I'd rather you spend your time working on the new world editor ;) Can't wait for that. Thanks,[/QUOTE] Hmm 51 shouldn't have crashed it. I've done larger regularly. But not with 20+ on the server so that may be an issue. There's lots of improvements in the new stuff but I've not retro-fitted the old stuff because it would take too long. As you said, I'd rather work on the next version and get that running. But if you get any more crashes send me the logs, all information helps. [QUOTE=blingcasper;135908]same error i get when trying to inset it into a navazgane map[/QUOTE] Ok, try going to your save directory. Open the navezgane world, open the save your working on. Inside that is a folder called "Player". That's where all the player information is stored. Look in that and send me any ttp file in there. It will be called 7656119807564872.ttp or something similar. If the folder is empty there's something wrong with your game as it's not saving the player. Cheers, Hal
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@HAL9000 How do you limit the amount of loading a player can do? I know you said you'd implement this in an earlier version. I don't know which setting it is or where it is at. You said something like -1 means no loading, 0, means unlimited loading, and greater than 0 is how many minutes in which a player can load. But where do I set this?
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[QUOTE=blingcasper;135925]found the file how do you suppose i send you this file wont let it upload it here unless im doing something wrong[/QUOTE] There's free upload sites knocking about like [URL="http://www.filedropper.com"]this [/URL] one. Or PM me and I'll send you my email address. [QUOTE=nikitis;135933]@HAL9000 How do you limit the amount of loading a player can do? I know you said you'd implement this in an earlier version. I don't know which setting it is or where it is at. You said something like -1 means no loading, 0, means unlimited loading, and greater than 0 is how many minutes in which a player can load. But where do I set this?[/QUOTE] In the HalGlobal.txt file (should be in the root folder of your 7DTD directory) there's an option called "loaddelay". Set that to however many minutes you want to delay player loading. This shouldn't apply to people defined as admins for the mod. Cheer, Hal
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I need some help. A friend of mine is buidling great things in 7 Days in Survival-Mode. really wonderful buildings. With the start of 9.2. there is the known problem that no more zombies or animals are spawning, even after 10 days, until you delete all regions. Including the region with the building. So...in order to avoid to build anything new over 170 ingame-days (even in creativemode it will take several days), I'm just trying to make a prefab of this. Probably it would work but, I'm not able to place this prefab at certain position in the new map. I guess the coordinates in the prefab.xml will be irgnored due to the fact, that it's random generated. Do you see any chance for us to "copy" his buidling from a 9.1. map to 9.3. map with the same Seed? [B]Any help would be highly appreciated, becuase this first building is part of a massive town on the water.[/B]
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OK. I'm new to trying prefab's and seen great reviews about Hal's prefab editor, so I decided to download it and attempt to experiment with it. I've viewed youtube vids and read countless forums with no luck on my end. I have a rented server for 7d2d and would like to get some solid step by step advise on how to set it up with some prefabs. Like I said before I have already downloaded the editor and I'm in need of finding the FTP info to put into the required fields. I have no idea where to even look or what I'm looking for. Also, what files do I need to adjust/change as far as xml's or what not. The editor is up to date and 7d2d is the latest version. I just had to wipe my server due to my noobness. lol Any insight into this would be great and if somebody is willing to respond with a step by step guide, that would kick a$$. Thanks for any help in advance.
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[QUOTE=ghostflea;136049]OK. I'm new to trying prefab's and seen great reviews about Hal's prefab editor, so I decided to download it and attempt to experiment with it. I've viewed youtube vids and read countless forums with no luck on my end. I have a rented server for 7d2d and would like to get some solid step by step advise on how to set it up with some prefabs. Like I said before I have already downloaded the editor and I'm in need of finding the FTP info to put into the required fields. I have no idea where to even look or what I'm looking for. Also, what files do I need to adjust/change as far as xml's or what not. The editor is up to date and 7d2d is the latest version. I just had to wipe my server due to my noobness. lol Any insight into this would be great and if somebody is willing to respond with a step by step guide, that would kick a$$. Thanks for any help in advance.[/QUOTE] There are many tutorial on you tube and on the forum for creating prefabs.. the one thing to remember is that when you look at the editor, the grid you see is a top down view.. IE you are looking down onto the prefab from the top of it, layer by layer. As you go up in layers you are going up in distance, down layers is lower. each grid square is an area containing a block just as in game. start with loading an existing prefab and looking at how it is constructed layer by layer from bottom 0 to top how ever high it is. when you look at the editor north is toward the top of the screen , south toward the bottom. It is easy once you get used ot seeing how the editor is laid out.
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Roger I'm tracking the overall editor usage itself. I guess what I'm asking is how do I get the editor to recognize my rented server, for a prefab upload. I have looked at several you tube vids, ie. bigc90210. Which is helpful, however I seem to be missing a step or two and would like to maybe get a step by step on what files to change in my local files area on my computer. Also, there is an area in the editor settings that asks for FTP info. I have my ftp login, ftp port, ftp password and ftp url. The options in the editor ftp area are server, port, user, pass, root and save path. I'm kinda clueless on what exactly I'm looking for to fill the slots. Like I said I'm pretty new to all this and just think it adds a whole new angle on a great game. Thanks for the breakdown of the editor itself though any little bit helps. I really tried to figure it out myself through previous posts and vids, just hit a brick wall and trying to reach out. lol [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Roger I'm tracking the overall editor usage itself. I guess what I'm asking is how do I get the editor to recognize my rented server, for a prefab upload. I have looked at several you tube vids, ie. bigc90210. Which is helpful, however I seem to be missing a step or two and would like to maybe get a step by step on what files to change in my local files area on my computer. Also, there is an area in the editor settings that asks for FTP info. I have my ftp login, ftp port, ftp password and ftp url. The options in the editor ftp area are server, port, user, pass, root and save path. I'm kinda clueless on what exactly I'm looking for to fill the slots. Like I said I'm pretty new to all this and just think it adds a whole new angle on a great game. Thanks for the breakdown of the editor itself though any little bit helps. I really tried to figure it out myself through previous posts and vids, just hit a brick wall and trying to reach out. lol
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[QUOTE=blingcasper;135966][url]http://www.filedropper.com/76561198011424155[/url] ok here is the file thanks for your help Hal, you the best[/QUOTE] According to that file the name for that player is "MrBallWrecker". Which apart from sounding very painful, is also different to the name you're entering. If there's more than one ttp file in that directory you can just open each in notepad. About half way through the squigles and lines you'll see the persons name. Have a look through each tilll you find one that you've used. Put that name into the editor and try again. Don't change anything in the file or it probably won't load again and you'll lose your inventory and player data. [QUOTE=ghostflea;136071]Roger I'm tracking the overall editor usage itself. I guess what I'm asking is how do I get the editor to recognize my rented server, for a prefab upload. I have looked at several you tube vids, ie. bigc90210. Which is helpful, however I seem to be missing a step or two and would like to maybe get a step by step on what files to change in my local files area on my computer. Also, there is an area in the editor settings that asks for FTP info. I have my ftp login, ftp port, ftp password and ftp url. The options in the editor ftp area are server, port, user, pass, root and save path. I'm kinda clueless on what exactly I'm looking for to fill the slots. Like I said I'm pretty new to all this and just think it adds a whole new angle on a great game. Thanks for the breakdown of the editor itself though any little bit helps. I really tried to figure it out myself through previous posts and vids, just hit a brick wall and trying to reach out. lol [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Roger I'm tracking the overall editor usage itself. I guess what I'm asking is how do I get the editor to recognize my rented server, for a prefab upload. I have looked at several you tube vids, ie. bigc90210. Which is helpful, however I seem to be missing a step or two and would like to maybe get a step by step on what files to change in my local files area on my computer. Also, there is an area in the editor settings that asks for FTP info. I have my ftp login, ftp port, ftp password and ftp url. The options in the editor ftp area are server, port, user, pass, root and save path. I'm kinda clueless on what exactly I'm looking for to fill the slots. Like I said I'm pretty new to all this and just think it adds a whole new angle on a great game. Thanks for the breakdown of the editor itself though any little bit helps. I really tried to figure it out myself through previous posts and vids, just hit a brick wall and trying to reach out. lol[/QUOTE] FTP information changes with each system that uses it. server = the URL you use to connect to the FTP port = the port number you use to connect user= your username pass = your password root = the first directory you see when you connect to the FTP (try connecting through Filezilla to see what your root is). Mine is "/7dtd/" but yours is probably different savepath = The path where the saves are stored on the server. Mine is "/7dtd/Saves/" There are plans for some video tutorials going from downloading the editor to installing and how to use it but I'm going to do those once most of the features are in so I don't have to make multiple versions. --edit-- To remove some of the hassle of the FTP setup you can get round using it. Once you've copied the DLL across to the server start the game. Enter the world and run a bbb command. If there's no admins or players already set then the mod will give admin access rights to the first person that runs a command. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=Androktone;136235][COLOR="#FFD700"]Groups.xml [/COLOR](where you define groups like "Furniture/Decor" and their background lighting) works when in [COLOR="#FFD700"]%7 Days to Die%\LooseFiles[/COLOR]. Hal9000, how hard would it be to add [COLOR="#FFD700"]English.txt[/COLOR]?[/QUOTE] Ah that makes sense with what you were saying before about the biomes. I must have got those two confused. Thanks! I haven't looked at English.txt. What does it do? If it's localisation then a lot of the stuff is hard-coded at the moment. And if it doesn't already get pushed there's not much I can do as you can't edit client DLLs anymore. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;136249]Ah that makes sense with what you were saying before about the biomes. I must have got those two confused. Thanks! I haven't looked at English.txt. What does it do? If it's localisation then a lot of the stuff is hard-coded at the moment. And if it doesn't already get pushed there's not much I can do as you can't edit client DLLs anymore. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Hal, the english.txt is a resource asset that takes the Block/Item name and give them an alias. so if you had a block name of "blockRedStone" you could have an entry in the english assest that would read " blockRedStone = Red Stone " then when it displays the name of the block in game it uses this alias. But you are right I doubt that is pushed from the server. This has been the source of confusion from people who build in game to people who build with the editor, they can be called two different things like bedRoll1_1 = Sleeping Bag
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;136266]Hal, the english.txt is a resource asset that takes the Block/Item name and give them an alias. so if you had a block name of "blockRedStone" you could have an entry in the english assest that would read " blockRedStone = Red Stone " then when it displays the name of the block in game it uses this alias. But you are right I doubt that is pushed from the server. This has been the source of confusion from people who build in game to people who build with the editor, they can be called two different things like bedRoll1_1 = Sleeping Bag[/QUOTE] Ah ok, thanks mate. I always wondered where that conversion was happening. But yeah, sounds like something that isn't pushed currently. I'll have a look though. [QUOTE=nikitis;136276]@HAL9000 Any word on that World Editor? I'm dying for that feature right now ;)[/QUOTE] The world editor is still quite a while away. Still tracking down bugs and making sure the world doesn't randomly blow up. It's also mixed in with other projects. Should be getting some more done on it this weekend though. Hal
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[QUOTE=Valcry;136358]Oh, Bad news. Could you then take a look at my question above? Maybe you have a hint for me.[/QUOTE] Have you tried just keeping the region file that the prefab is in and restoring it after wiping the others? Or export it using the claim system and import it to a Navezgane world to work on it?
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Regions from 9.1 will not spawn anything in 9.2. so, yes we tried. I exported the prefab with the claim-system. Have not tried, to import it to navezgane, probably this will work. I also would have been able to edit the export in your brilliant editor. I would like to import a prefab from a Random gen in a new Random gen with exactly the same seed, at the same position. For the time being either I made something wrong (i can crosscheck this with the Navezgane-Map) or the Game will ignore Positions in the Prefab.xml of the random gen. What do you think? Currently impossible to place a prefab in random gen at an exactly specified position?
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[QUOTE=Valcry;136386] What do you think? Currently impossible to place a prefab in random gen at an exactly specified position?[/QUOTE] Yeah it's not currently possible to add a prefab into the random world using the XML because it's all generated from the seed. I think your best bet is to add it to Navezgane and work on it there until the world editor is out or TFP add the ability to import prefabs. Whichever comes first ^^
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