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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Update time! Added: A9.3 Support for standard clients Added: A9.3 Support for dedicated servers Added: Loose model XML file support Not many changes that you guys should notice. I have been re-writing some of the code though so bugs might have crept in. As always, report your bugs. The changes for EAC compatibility are minimal. The SP DLL should have all the functionality that it's always had. The dedicated server DLL still supports most things (claims, loads, regen etc). I think the only things that won't work are the Jet and Teleport commands as they're client side mods but I've not tested all functionality. If you're only running the dedicated DLL you'll also start to see the server messages in your chat window and filtering them is a client side task as well. Loose model XML file support You no longer need to re-import the model files into the asset bundle. Simply create a folder in your 7DTD directory called "LooseFiles" and put the model file in there. You'll need to rename the file though. Here's a list of what to call them models_1: groups models_2: blocks models_3: entityclasses models_4: entitygroups models_5: items models_6: loot models_7: materials models_8: spawning models_9: sounds models_10: buffs So if for example you wanted to edit the buffs (models_10) you'd extract the model file as usual, make your changes and then save the file to %7DTD%\LooseFiles\buffs.xml All model files can be loose but only those that already get pushed will get sent to the clients. If you edit any of the XML files a server restart is required to apply the changes in game. World Editor The world editor is coming along but isn't ready for public release yet. Have fun, and (as always) Report you bugs! Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;134950]Update time! Added: A9.3 Support for standard clients Added: A9.3 Support for dedicated servers Added: Loose model XML file support Not many changes that you guys should notice. I have been re-writing some of the code though so bugs might have crept in. As always, report your bugs. The changes for EAC compatibility are minimal. The SP DLL should have all the functionality that it's always had. The dedicated server DLL still supports most things (claims, loads, regen etc). I think the only things that won't work are the Jet and Teleport commands as they're client side mods but I've not tested all functionality. If you're only running the dedicated DLL you'll also start to see the server messages in your chat window and filtering them is a client side task as well. Loose model XML file support You no longer need to re-import the model files into the asset bundle. Simply create a folder in your 7DTD directory called "LooseFiles" and put the model file in there. You'll need to rename the file though. Here's a list of what to call them models_1: groups models_2: blocks models_3: entityclasses models_4: entitygroups models_5: items models_6: loot models_7: materials models_8: spawning models_9: sounds models_10: buffs So if for example you wanted to edit the buffs (models_10) you'd extract the model file as usual, make your changes and then save the file to %7DTD%\LooseFiles\buffs.xml All model files can be loose but only those that already get pushed will get sent to the clients. If you edit any of the XML files a server restart is required to apply the changes in game. World Editor The world editor is coming along but isn't ready for public release yet. Have fun, and (as always) Report you bugs! Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Hal... never leave us *laugh*. You just made my dedicated server EXTREMELY happy with loose file support for the Models_2, 5, and 6. We need this tremendously from TFP, but this... will suffice, my brother.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;134926]That's just a warning message that the game won't auto-update its settings. You have to restart the server to apply the changes. Next time the server boots it should create the command folder. 0.32 isn't compatible with anything other than 9.1. I'll be releasing the 9.3 version in a few minutes. Hal[/QUOTE] I have been applying to a mp local game, can this feature only work if this is a dedicated public server? If not: how do i restart? Forgive my ignorance edid: exiting the game and resuming does not work. for example, admin permissions set in backup manager don't seem to be applied as bbb commands dont work :moody:
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;134958]Hal... never leave us *laugh*. You just made my dedicated server EXTREMELY happy with loose file support for the Models_2, 5, and 6. We need this tremendously from TFP, but this... will suffice, my brother.[/QUOTE] Enjoy ;) [QUOTE=kinklade;134966]I have been applying to a mp local game, can this feature only work if this is a dedicated public server? If not: how do i restart? Forgive my ignorance edid: exiting the game and resuming does not work. for example, admin permissions set in backup manager don't seem to be applied as bbb commands dont work :moody:[/QUOTE] If the command folder hasn't been created then it sounds like you've not copied the DLL to the correct place. When the mod loads it checks to see if the directory exists and if it doesn't then it creates it. So no folder = no mod or a permissions issue. Which functions aren't working? Does the client who you've given the admin permissions also have the DLL installed? Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;134981] If the command folder hasn't been created then it sounds like you've not copied the DLL to the correct place. When the mod loads it checks to see if the directory exists and if it doesn't then it creates it. So no folder = no mod or a permissions issue. Which functions aren't working? Does the client who you've given the admin permissions also have the DLL installed? Hal[/QUOTE] Sorry I don't think I explained very well - I get the feeling I am missing something silly. Here are the steps I am following: 1. Save the editor files to desktop (this is only me testing on my machine) 2. set settings loc: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die\ name: my steam username (kinklade) 3. in backup manager select save game*, add player with my name, set "is admin", click save player, view error 4. launch 7d2d 5. I would now expect to be an admin, and be able to use "bbb claim / ex [my player]" * game is navezgane, cheat mode enabled, game mode is survival multiplayer
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Ah, ok. It sounds like you're not actually installing the mod. There's a DLL in the zip that needs to be copied to you game folder. Follow the steps in the first post of [URL="http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?7669-MOD-Hal-s-land-protection-and-editor-integration-v0-1"]this[/URL] thread for installation and the basic commands. From 9.2 with the new anti-cheat system you won't be able to go on EAC enabled servers with any custom mods installed so remember to keep a copy of the original DLL to swap back to if you play online. If you're still having trouble post back here with any errors and we'll show you what to change to get it working. Cheers, Hal
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Hal, how hard would it be to get loose-file support for the English.txt file contained within the Resources.asset file for single-player and the sharedassets0.asset file for dedicated servers? Now that I rethink it, I don't believe the sharedassets0.asset file is pushed from the server. It's not a big deal because it is just text and the file size isn't large by any means for dedicated servers, but it's nice to have as a loose-file regardless.
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Hal, the dll break the game for me. Is this not working for SP? I do a fresh install game works, move the dll and then I get Game File Mismatch, Verify Game Installation. move original dll back and it works again. I tried running from steam without the enabled cheat and noting loads. Not sure If I am missing something. thanks
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;135327]Hal, the dll break the game for me. Is this not working for SP? I do a fresh install game works, move the dll and then I get Game File Mismatch, Verify Game Installation. move original dll back and it works again. I tried running from steam without the enabled cheat and noting loads. Not sure If I am missing something. thanks[/QUOTE] Quite odd. I run the game without Easy Anti-Cheat and nothing is broken using Hal's editor/mods. Make sure you are up-to-date with 0.33?
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My server has crashed 3 times now since I installed BBB in last 30 minutes. I think it may be happening when I open the Backup Manager button. When that screen is on, minute or two later crashes. I'm going to try now without opening that screen to see if it still crashes.
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;135327]Hal, the dll break the game for me. Is this not working for SP? I do a fresh install game works, move the dll and then I get Game File Mismatch, Verify Game Installation. move original dll back and it works again. I tried running from steam without the enabled cheat and noting loads. Not sure If I am missing something. thanks[/QUOTE] I'm having the same problem, after installing the editor 7dtd won't run unless I verify file integrity or hit launch game in the editor, but it still doesn't load anything into the world. Not sure what I'm doing wrong or what the problem is. I've been following youtube tutorials but no luck ever getting it to load anything into an actual map.
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;135338]Quite odd. I run the game without Easy Anti-Cheat and nothing is broken using Hal's editor/mods. Make sure you are up-to-date with 0.33?[/QUOTE] How do you disable it in Sp? I ran the Easy Anti-Cheat program to uninstall the program and it said it has uninstalled it, but the game still crashes when I try to use the new dll... It is the anti Cheat that is blocking it as i see the teddy bear with verify game installation.
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[QUOTE=nikitis;135346]My server has crashed 3 times now since I installed BBB in last 30 minutes. I think it may be happening when I open the Backup Manager button. When that screen is on, minute or two later crashes. I'm going to try now without opening that screen to see if it still crashes.[/QUOTE] Hmm not had that one. Can you send me the log files? output_log.txt in the Managed folder and in your save folder there's a directory called BlockBackup\Users\log.txt [QUOTE=Wsiegel;135536]How do you disable it in Sp? I ran the Easy Anti-Cheat program to uninstall the program and it said it has uninstalled it, but the game still crashes when I try to use the new dll... It is the anti Cheat that is blocking it as i see the teddy bear with verify game installation.[/QUOTE] If you open Steam and go to 7DTD. Click play and there's an option to play without EAC. If it's still crashing can you send me the logs? I need to see if it's something my mod is going or something EAC is preventing. [QUOTE=Androktone;135567][B]Biomes[/B]. And kudos for the loose files.[/QUOTE] The names specified are what the game uses internally for those files. Or are you saying it won't work unless it's called biomes? I'll run some tests later tonight when I'm home to see if I can reproduce the crashes. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;135583] The names specified are what the game uses internally for those files. Or are you saying it won't work unless it's called biomes?[/QUOTE] I thought that the internal name for the "models_1" file was "biomes": [COLOR="#FFD700"] IL_0010: ldloc.0 IL_0011: ldstr "biomes" IL_0016: ldstr "models_1" IL_001b: callvirt instance void class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2::Add(!0, !1) IL_0020: ldloc.0 IL_0021: ldstr "blocks" IL_0026: ldstr "models_2" IL_002b: callvirt instance void class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2::Add(!0, !1)[/COLOR] etc. etc. Edit: tested with [COLOR="#FFFF00"]buffs.xml[/COLOR] -- it works. Hurrah! Edit2: tested with [COLOR="#FFFF00"]biomes.xml[/COLOR] -- it works. It seems the models files can be edited while in the main menu.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;133093]Hey guys, I've currently the got editor working with the 9.2 dedicated server version. The SP DLL should be done tomorrow. Here's a [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt-oRf_KJwE"]preview [/URL]of what's going to be coming over the next few releases to start replacing the bbb commands Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Wow that just awesome , I was having a bad bug, but you can use that bug for your advantage, here is how to : alpha 9.3 floating ghost window -> can be use to make floating base first plant tree seeds (I was planting maple seeds) then put wood window on top of it , so it block tree grow, now wait and see, the tree will grow and the window will be destroyed but remain there as floating ghost window, you can step on it and build anything on top of it, but can't do anything to it, very nice to make floating sniper nest in MP server >_<
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;135797]Hey Hal, Must have been something in the download... It would just sit with the stone looking arrow head and do nothing when run from steam. I did a manual update and that fixed the issue. Thanks... when all else fails.. try to download it again.. :)[/QUOTE] Thanks for the update Wseigel, that's good news! So, is anyone else having crashes now? Hal
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is there a Reason why Hal's programs not detecting my Steam ID? every time i go to add to my feet or any othe world option is gives me the error msg No player with steam id comes up. anything im doing wrong? checked the settings my steam name is Kasper heres my profile URL [url]http://steamcommunity.com/id/Blingcasper/[/url] at first i tired Kasper but since my url says blingcasper i changed it to blingcasper Still nothing. can any one shed some light? cant seem to even begin to use this editor some help is appreciated
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Use the name that appears in the chat window when you're in the game. You'll also need to login to the world and then leave it again for the player file to save, then it should know where you are. If you're still having trouble post a screenshot of your settings form (where you enter your steam name) and any error messages you're getting. Cheers, Hal
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@HAL9000 Here is the logs you requested. [url]http://files.palmettolan.com/output_log.zip[/url] I did some more tests. And even if I do not use the Backup Manger button it still crashes the game. I have 30 players on my server but even tested with 7, and same results. After about 5-10 minutes server will crash when using the AssemblyCSharp.dll for dedicated server. Seems to happen once someone uses BBB to save, then shortly afterwards it happens. But so hard to tell what exactly is causing the crash. The save completes, and seems okay. But always regardless after 5-10 minutes it crashes. When I use the official AssemblyCSharp.dll file, I get no problems. The server will go all day without issue with 30 or 7 people.
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[attachment=68:name] here you go hal. i went into a multiplayer server i chatted i also checked the Account section on the main menu says my name comes up as Kasper so i changed my settings to this. but still every time i try to upload a test object to my feet or location it tells me the steam id does not exist
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