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Hal's Prefab Editor


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found another one when attempting to clear all regions in a navezgane based map, the error i got was FormatException: The input string was not in the correct format when attempting to load the game up EDIT: my bad it was due to me missing a comma on the prefab cordinates :bi_polo:
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[QUOTE=Stirling;123303]Replace Block ID doesn't seem to work.[/QUOTE] Can someone else confirm? I don't have access to the editor till later on tonight. [QUOTE=caleb68;123513]Still getting black boxes opening prefabs, you want me to zip one up and add it as a attachment?[/QUOTE] Try deleting your BlockData.txt and BlockDataDefault.txt files and re-opening the editor. If you're still having trouble send me the link the prefab and I'll have a look later.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;123517]Can someone else confirm? I don't have access to the editor till later on tonight. [/QUOTE] Confirmed, sir. Replace ID is not currently working. I'm only getting one set of Unknown black squares thus far and that's because the burnt soil has changed in Alpha 9. I haven't tested all the blocks yet, however.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;119901] Are you using the Dedicated version of the DLL? In the editor folder there's a file called Assembly-CSharpDedicated.DLL. You need to copy that one to the server and rename it to Assembly-CSharp.DLL. [/QUOTE] Ah dang, could have figured that out by myself. Thanks a lot for clearing that up! On the other hand, should'nt the Editor already know, from the setting of my 7DTD game location, whats the correct file to install in the first place? I imagine it not too difficult to implement a switch for a client and a dedicated game installation, but than again. I dont know much about programming, sadly :stung: [QUOTE=HAL9000;119901] With regards to front-runner and Allocs mods we've been discussing ways to try and make our mods combinable but there's a lot of stuff to do before we're anyway near being able to. One of the main problems is we all have difference versions of the source code as we have to de-obfuscate the code to start modding (well, you don't technically need to but it makes it a lot easier). Unfortunately that means you can't take one persons code and drop it into other mods because a lot of the code is different.[/QUOTE] Hmm sounds complicated. I read some bits about a patcher software from a guy called [I]DerPoPo[/I] that is supposed to be able to combine 2 modded Assembly-CSharp.DLL together into one file to use multiple Mods in paralell. [QUOTE=HAL9000;119901] I've been playing around with something that can combine different DLLs but it needs a lot of work. And even if I got it completed I'm not sure I'd want to release it into the public domain as it would make creating cheat DLLs a lot easier to do. [/QUOTE] Sounds like something similar to the patcher i just mentioned. What a bummer that something like that has not already become a reality [QUOTE=HAL9000;119901] The good news though is TFP have already stated they're going to be supporting modding so hopefully they'll build the game so we can just create plugins that the game can load. That will enable people to have multiple DLL mods running on the same machine. [/QUOTE] Okay. I am really curious about what the pimps state and what they deliver.... and when ^^ Lets wait then. Hopefully it never comes down for me that i have to make a decision between yours and frontrunners Mod before these new mod-support is going to arrive.. Thats for the time you took to answer me.
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[QUOTE=Solvai;124349]i have a mistake with m< editor. could you please help me. [ATTACH=CONFIG]4084[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] Looks like you haven't specified the game location correctly. What are your settings? [QUOTE=bigc90210;124370]i made a tiny 1x2 prefab in 8.8 testing out making graves (using the coffin top and bottom blocks), when i opened it in the lastest version, the coffin top was blacked, so i just replaced it by hand.[/QUOTE] Yep, never assume anything from an older version will work in the new one. They change block IDs all the time. If you're getting black boxes from a current export or prefab let me know as it might be something wrong with the editor. [QUOTE=Tohuwabohu;125106] I imagine it not too difficult to implement a switch for a client and a dedicated game installation [/QUOTE] It's more complicated than it seems. You can't always tell from an install directory name, you can't always tell by checking the asset file, you can't always check my looking at the dll. And when it goes wrong because people have another mod installed or they've added stuff to the asset file it's more hassle than it's worth. It's easier to say in the release notes that you need to manually copy the file. The problem is we can't edit the first post so release notes and install instructions get buried. I'm not sure I like this "you have to sign up with your stream account" thing coming to the forum anyway so I may move this to another forum. I'd then be able to put the instructions on the first post. An update for 9.1 and some bug fixes will be coming out soon. Hal
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Update Time! Added: A9.1 Support for standard clients Added: A9.1 Support for dedicated servers Updated: Replace Block ID works again Updated: More legacy code removed It's really just support for the latest patch. A couple of things have been fixed but I'm still busy working on other stuff so I've still not looked at the RWG classes. As always, report your issues here and I'll have a look. Cheers, Hal
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Mini update time! I've added version 1 of the XML support for random world generation. Now the editor will load and save the options for vanilla and custom prefabs. You can toggle the view from the "Prefab" dropdown. It's the first option. I think I've added all the current options but if you get any errors let me know. As most of you will know there's some spelling mistakes in the XML that's preventing the prefabs from loading. When loading one of these prefabs you'll get a display telling you that the value is wrong. I don't need to know about the spelling mistakes ^^ Manual update to get the latest version. Any issues let me know. Hal
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@caleb68 - Make the floor 2 thick should solve the issue... @HAL9000 - Love your work but I found a way to crash the prefab editor haha, not sure of its a bug or not but... I tried to copy adding a negative number so it would copy the layers below instead of above but it causes the editor to crash, it would be awesome to be able to do this if its not too difficult to implement... Another thing with the new random gen it would be awesome if we could specify which air blocks are copied when the prefab is loaded in game, I'm not sure how easy it would be to do but I thought it might be possible by hooking to the meta/damage/rotation of the air block to specify whether it should be copied or not. If we could do that it would open up a whole lot of things that can be done with the editor and make the surrounding terrain blend so much better... Thanks!
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[QUOTE=caleb68;127111]Hey hal, just wondering if you might know whats causing this... but... my floors are breaking away when they are walked across... like they have no support, kinda like how the bridges fall to pieces... any idea on how to fix that?[/QUOTE] Other than "add supports" I don't have any advice. I'm not really a prefab builder so hopefully someone else here can answer your question. [QUOTE=MoNKeYest1;127199] @HAL9000 - Love your work but I found a way to crash the prefab editor haha, not sure of its a bug or not but... I tried to copy adding a negative number so it would copy the layers below instead of above but it causes the editor to crash, it would be awesome to be able to do this if its not too difficult to implement... [/QUOTE] Thanks, I've added a check to prevent negative values being used. It will be in the next release. The copy air block option is specified by the game. It's for the entire prefab and is all or nothing. There's no way of changing this behavior without a DLL mod and only people with that mod could use the prefabs created with non-vanilla functionality. Cheers, Hal
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nah its something else then the support thing, its like they have no support strength. even those 1 block out from the wall are caving in :/ guess somethings bugged, will have to rebuild the file then. ty anyhow was thinking maybe there was some toggle thing I was overlooking.
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;127433]How tall is the structure and how many solid blocks are under the part that is breaking from the ground level, caleb? This game does not calculate strength correctly sometimes.[/QUOTE] Its a typical house structure like the ones in navezgane, nothing facy, but even 1 floor block out from the wall is caving. Its got a small 8x4 basement under the floor. Even putting in extra supports does help. Is why I said its acting like the bridges, you walk across them and they cave in just from walking, and only the block you walked on.
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[QUOTE=caleb68;127485]Its a typical house structure like the ones in navezgane, nothing facy, but even 1 floor block out from the wall is caving. Its got a small 8x4 basement under the floor. Even putting in extra supports does help. Is why I said its acting like the bridges, you walk across them and they cave in just from walking, and only the block you walked on.[/QUOTE] Aye. My only fix for this kind of issue is like MoNKeYest1 suggested. If you've ever dissected any of my prefabs, you'll see that I always make my ceilings/floors two thick to counteract the issue you're having. I haven't had trouble since I started doing that. The stability glue is only truly strong enough in bridgeAsphalt to really be effective. As a matter of fact... most of the dev-made structure are the same. Coincidence?... heh
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;127498]Aye. My only fix for this kind of issue is like MoNKeYest1 suggested. If you've ever dissected any of my prefabs, you'll see that I always make my ceilings/floors two thick to counteract the issue you're having. I haven't had trouble since I started doing that. The stability glue is only truly strong enough in bridgeAsphalt to really be effective. As a matter of fact... most of the dev-made structure are the same. Coincidence?... heh[/QUOTE] Doing the same even adding them, I think the prefab is screwed up to be honest if its not a tag. Well, back to the drawing board.
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[QUOTE=caleb68;127641]Doing the same even adding them, I think the prefab is screwed up to be honest if its not a tag. Well, back to the drawing board.[/QUOTE] Sorry to hear that, caleb. I'd be glad to take a look if you want to post the prefab for me to download it?
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Hal, here's a question for you: Would it be possible to make your editor have the MOTD script handle URLs so when a MOTD pops up you can click on a link to direct someone to a webpage/website? I'd love to have an auto-play message that will direct my server playerbase to check out a webpage with our newest server changes.
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