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Hal's Prefab Editor


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if I do not have the prefab in the list or the file in the directory before I start the map, and I add the prefab in the list and the file in the directory, will "loadprefab" command bring it in fresh? Basically, can you add prefabs to an existing world this this command?
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[QUOTE=Curbolt;110008]I like the crazy codenames :D[/QUOTE] :D [QUOTE=ottoforumyou;110019]if I do not have the prefab in the list or the file in the directory before I start the map, and I add the prefab in the list and the file in the directory, will "loadprefab" command bring it in fresh? Basically, can you add prefabs to an existing world this this command?[/QUOTE] Not at the moment. In the next release you'll be able to use the "bbb rp" to refresh the mod data and load in a prefab even after the server is started. [QUOTE=Stirling;110026]I can't get the flicker mod to work. The other mods work fine, just not this one. I've tried checked and unchecked.[/QUOTE] Yeah I noticed that last night too. I'll look into it. Hal
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Update Time! Added: KeyKill command Added: Ping AutoKick Added: IP Checking Added: Auto creation of entity spawner XML (early version) Updated: Fixed Light Flicker mod Updated: Softened non-flicker light intensity Updated: Weapon unload mod - removed dupe bug This release is mainly adding admin tools rather than prefab features. KeyKill Usage: bbb KeyKill e.g. bbb KeyKill 10 This will remove all keystones within the given radius of the person running it. It will remove both the physical block and the coded protection. Handy for when someone has been spawning keystones. Ping AutoKick When enabled this will monitor player ping rates and automatically remove them if they go above the set threshold. I'll explain how to enable the feature below. IP Checking When enabled this will check a players IP when the log into the game. If the result returns a blacklisted country they will be automatically removed from the server. I'll explain how to enable the feature below. Auto creation of entity spawner XML Note: Backup your entity spawner XML file first! In the download section of the editor there's a new button called "Auto Add Spawners". This will look at the prefabs in the library and if there's no spawner XML set will add one in. The size of the entity spawner is set by the area size of the prefab. It will only add spawners for items in your library but is also compatible with Ekk0s expansion pack. This is still an early version of what I want to achieve with it. There's currenly no way of moving the spawns if you move the prefab and the size of the spawns may need tweaking. But it certainly adds some life (or unlife) to the prefabs without any spawns set. Fixed the light flicker mod as it wasn't getting enabled. I've also softened the light for when it's not flickering, I think the current levels give the best look. The weapon unload mod had a dupe bug in it (did you spot it?) but that shouldn't be able to happen anymore. Enabling the admin tools 1) Download the update 2) Copy the relevent DLL to your server (dedicated /non-dedicated) 3) Reboot the server 4) Enter the world 5) Go to the root directory for the server (where the StartDedicated.bat file is) 6) Open the HalGlobal.txt file Values checkips=0 //Check IP for blacklist 0 = disabled. 1 = enabled bannedcountries= //comma delimited list of country codes that are blacklisted pingkick=1 //Check ping levels 0 = disabled. 1 = enabled pingmin=200 //Maximum ping level allowed. Players pings must be UNDER this value. Measured in milliseconds pingdelay=5 //Delay in minutes between checks Example checkips=1 //This config will enable IP checking. bannedcountries=gb,cn //Any IP found from the UK or China will be automatically removed. pingkick=1 //This will enable Ping checking pingmin=300 //Pings must be under 300 milliseconds pingdelay=5 //Checks will occur every 5 minutes I don't have a list of all the country codes. It should be listed here [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1[/url] under the "Alpha2" column. When an IP is checked it will add an entry into my log file. You can find the log file in the worlds save directory>BlockBackup>Users>log.txt Change the values and then use the "bbb rp" command in-game to reload the settings. Users flagged as Admins in my mod are exempt from any checks. Not sure how long these admin commands will stay in the mod. I was just curious to see what effect, if any, they had on cheaters online. Of course this won't fix everything. It may not even work! But it's an experiment I'm interested in. Again, let me iterate that this is in NO WAY fool-proof. It's simply about making it a bit more difficult for cheating to happen and the results there of. Cheers, Hal
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Aye, thanks again as always for keeping everything up-to-date, Hal. You don't realize how much you miss something unless it's broken *smirk*. By the way, will DerPopo's new auto-updater for his light flicker mod conflict with your editor's .dll changes? I haven't tested it out because I don't want to mess something up at the current moment (elbow-deep in my next prefab).
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;110287]Aye, thanks again as always for keeping everything up-to-date, Hal. You don't realize how much you miss something unless it's broken *smirk*. By the way, will DerPopo's new auto-updater for his light flicker mod conflict with your editor's .dll changes? I haven't tested it out because I don't want to mess something up at the current moment (elbow-deep in my next prefab).[/QUOTE] Not sure about the patcher. It depends how he's done it. If it's a hex-like change through a byte array then it probably won't work. If he's done it through the mono cecil library then it should work but would depend on implementation. You could test it out by just running it. If the DLL gets corrupted you can use the "Manual Update" button in the editor to re-download the DLL. Hal
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Here's a question I've never seen brought up with 7DTD in its infancy (or at least since I've been playing). Will their ever be a way to smooth-out ground so blocks are flush against voxel diamonds? I assume the TFP devs have "hand painted" their ground layers so everything is flat, but I really want my sidewalks/driveways/roads to not have grooves along the outside. Is this even possible, let alone be done with the editor?
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;111097]Here's a question I've never seen brought up with 7DTD in its infancy (or at least since I've been playing). Will their ever be a way to smooth-out ground so blocks are flush against voxel diamonds? I assume the TFP devs have "hand painted" their ground layers so everything is flat, but I really want my sidewalks/driveways/roads to not have grooves along the outside. Is this even possible, let alone be done with the editor?[/QUOTE] Nope.. It is the way Square blocks fit together with the diamond terrain blocks. Yes it is ugly they way it looks.
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;111100]Nope.. It is the way Square blocks fit together with the diamond terrain blocks. Yes it is ugly they way it looks.[/QUOTE] Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. Here's hoping the devs polish that eventually. The editor molds it a little bit better, but it isn't flush obviously. It drives my OCD a little crazy, but I've gotten over the majority of it... heh. I've managed two ways to masking the fitting. With a house with a foundation or not, you can dig in one voxel below your outer wall to cover that mess up (known this for a while now and is shown in most of my current released prefabs). The second cover up I've used, I have a pole block placed as a "curb" for my sidewalks. It works and doesn't look too horrid. As a side note, with my Raner Boulevard work, I've completely made new roads with blocks so it fits against the sidewalks perfectly with no groove between the two. Now if only we could hand-paint our own land so we could have curved roads. I'm happy with a grid-style town for now though...
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;111097]Here's a question I've never seen brought up with 7DTD in its infancy (or at least since I've been playing). Will their ever be a way to smooth-out ground so blocks are flush against voxel diamonds? I assume the TFP devs have "hand painted" their ground layers so everything is flat, but I really want my sidewalks/driveways/roads to not have grooves along the outside. Is this even possible, let alone be done with the editor?[/QUOTE] As Wseigel has said, it's currently not possible. But with random gen around the corner I think there may have been some work done to the decorators to help with smooth transitions. Whether that gets detailed enough to work on prefabs I'm not sure. But at least there's hope.
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Hal, I'm having an interesting issue with the editor: since you changed the meta tags, now every time I'm painting a new block, my meta tags are default to the highest-available meta. So my grass keeps defaulting to "Unknown 12", for example, instead of "Grass 1". I can't pinpoint the exact issue, but when I import back into my game my bushes and grass are always different than the default I'm used to, so that's when I keep catching the meta-tag switch... heh.
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;111672]Hal, I'm having an interesting issue with the editor: since you changed the meta tags, now every time I'm painting a new block, my meta tags are default to the highest-available meta. So my grass keeps defaulting to "Unknown 12", for example, instead of "Grass 1". I can't pinpoint the exact issue, but when I import back into my game my bushes and grass are always different than the default I'm used to, so that's when I keep catching the meta-tag switch... heh.[/QUOTE] Hey War, Yeah I see it too. Not all the time but occasionally jumps to the max value. I'll try and track the issue down. Won't be releasing an update for a while though. My mod is in bits at the moment while I'm working on something new and I've yet to figure out how to piece it back together ^^ Backups, I really should have backups....
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;111678]Hey War, Yeah I see it too. Not all the time but occasionally jumps to the max value. I'll try and track the issue down. Won't be releasing an update for a while though. My mod is in bits at the moment while I'm working on something new and I've yet to figure out how to piece it back together ^^ Backups, I really should have backups....[/QUOTE] Oh boy, well... best of luck in piecing it back together. You have two weeks (Alpha 9's supposed release) *cracks whip*... lol. I kid, I kid.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Finally figured out how to get world data into the editor... [IMG]http://www.vendocode.com/WorldViewer.png[/IMG] This is the area around diersville. Still some stuff to iron out and it's really slow but at least I know it's possible now! 10 points for the first person who can tell me what's wrong with that picture ^^ And as a side note, I needed some test data for a project I'm doing for work and decided to use the download stats for the editor. [IMG]http://www.vendocode.com/IpMapSmaller.png[/IMG] That's a view of some of the locations round the world that have downloaded the editor. Pretty cool huh?
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Hal, With random gen coming, is there a way with the editor to change where the zero layer is? As some prefabs have a basement level and we need to be able to have the zero layer at what would be considered street level. Also is there a way to have the check box for air to be specific for layers? My bunker is bigger on the bottom that the top. I need the area inside the bunker to be free of dirt and rocks but I would like to have it auto fill between the top of the bunker and zero layer. If it doesn't I will have to have a separate one for each biome. Thanks
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;115092]Finally figured out how to get world data into the editor... [IMG]http://www.vendocode.com/WorldViewer.png[/IMG] This is the area around diersville. Still some stuff to iron out and it's really slow but at least I know it's possible now! 10 points for the first person who can tell me what's wrong with that picture ^^ And as a side note, I needed some test data for a project I'm doing for work and decided to use the download stats for the editor. [IMG]http://www.vendocode.com/IpMapSmaller.png[/IMG] That's a view of some of the locations round the world that have downloaded the editor. Pretty cool huh?[/QUOTE] You have do well on the world map. That image looks like it's taken from under the town, looking up?!
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[QUOTE=Fr0gb0mber;115387]Hal, With random gen coming [/QUOTE] The editor can only do what's already in the game. Any added content by modders would require people to use their DLL to have the changes. Until we know what A9 and random gen is like I don't know how they'll be handling things like basements. I presume it will be either the way you suggested where you tell the prefab where the "ground" layer is or to be able to have other prefabs spawned in reference to the original. So when HouseA is added to the world it will add Basement1 10 blocks beneath it. But until the game is out we don't know what's going to be happening. There's no way to specify air blocks on a per layer basis. It's all or nothing. Again, this is how the game handles prefabs so unless TFP change it that's the only way it can be without a mod. [QUOTE=mrpf;115404]You have do well on the world map. That image looks like it's taken from under the town, looking up?![/QUOTE] Close enough! +10 For some reason the North/south is flipped in the region files or there's something wonky in my code. So everything is upside down for now.
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Hey Hal, question for you on the editor and exporting. Last night I was exporting some buildings I had build in game in the north section of the map, just like always I used LP to find the south west and north east corners of the area I wanted to export, but after exporting, even though i was right on the corner of the building, the export was shifted 1 block east, i.e. -768 actually exported from -767, didn't have this problem down in grave town, has something changed in the editor? P.s. The buildings were built strait across from the school at the edge of the road, expanding toward the campsite to the east
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[QUOTE=caleb68;115520]Hey Hal, question for you on the editor and exporting. [/QUOTE] Nothing has changed in the exporting for a while but I'll have a look next time I'm digging around the code. Are you sure you weren't rounding up instead of down? I think most people export a larger area and use the F5-F8 keys to trim it down in the editor.
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yeah I round the .xx values down instead of up, here's the exact spot that the first building was located at via LP: -746, 1269 -> -708, 1276 the other buildings came out the same with their locations, only shifting one block east: -768, 1269 -> -759, 1282 -785, 1291 -> -759, 1313 -828, 1269 -> -800, 1296 -853, 1269 -> -834, 1288 They all seem to be in the same region far as I can tell, that's about the only thing I see they have in common, if it wasn't a change in the editor (only things I exported) I'm guessing something got messed up with the region file to offset it a block. only reason i was trying to get to the edge exactly was to save a little time, Guess in the future i'll go a few blocks wide just to be safe and trim it in the editor :) Thanks for answering the question :) love the prefab tool, its nicely done, and so are the little Hal9000 pop ups keeps me laughing when i goof lol ;)
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Just to clarify, when in the minus numbers (-768.3 for example) rounding down would make it -769 not -768 Glad you like the tool. Yes, I enjoy trying to find ways to inject a bit of humour into my work. Hopefully the jokes are good enough (and some are purposefully bad - or that's my excuse ;)) Hal
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