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question about EAC

Lee Li

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I have asked the server owner where I play if his eac is causing this to run on his machine (waitfor.exe), and he says no. Everyone I have asked says this isnt running for them. i just ran malewarebytes and windows defender, and deleted some stuff i simply found suspiscious (was having problems with steam). At this point yes, I can accept Im maybe just being paranoid, but it used to be I knew what the hell was running on my machine and why. These days, not so. So if anyone has any idea why I alone have this going on, I'd appreciate a hint.



I had problems when steam di their UI 'upgrade', messing with the friends list etc. Thing is, at first the update did nothing weird. They seemed to rapidly patched twice after that (I've been told it patched once, not twice at that point), and at this time steam was giving me no friends list, acting like i wasnt logged in but i was, no store, just library functions. I did a work around to get the old friends list back, and erased steam, reinstalled then redid the firewall permissions. Upon doing the fireall permssions, everything worked (never had to do that before). However, I noticed in taskmanager while playing 7 days.... waitfor.exe. I verified files through steam, and had to reinstall the eac, agreement window and all that. Never had to do that before. Now I had a forum mod link to me the same windows write up I found myself, but fearing someting with just a similiar name which was maliscious, i tried interfering with windows being able to execute the .exe in the windows folder. However, it still ran. I finally took the permissions for what was running straight out of task manager, and trashed them. Finally, waitfor.exe stops. Now, 7 days will not run, unless I disable EAC first. No one I talk to recognizes this running on their own machine, whats going on then?

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Dunno. I run a lot of machines, troubleshoot hundreds more, and have not seen this process running on any of them. Whether I'm troubleshooting 7 Days, Empyrion, The Forrest, or several other games. Your encounter with this process is the first I have run into it since Alpha 9. (Before that I wasn't here, but never saw it in any other games previously either.)


At this point, I would honestly recommend a clean installation of Windows.

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