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fertilizer adn turrets Oh MY!

Two Penguins

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Good Day Everyone,


I have two questions I am wondering if anyone could help me with.


#1 Question... I would like to shorten the time for Fertilizer to be crafted. Any heads up on where crafting time is kept, i was in items and recipe xmls and did not find a clue for it there.


#2 Has anyone ever modified the turrets to be an AK-47? If so was it in a Mod that I could check out? If not, is it even possible?


Thank You All for Your Kindness.

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Not sure on changing the speed but you can find fertilizer in the burnt biome I think...been a while. You can just look on map for black spots and go dig it up...not huge lot but enough maybe to make it worth it for you.


That said there use to be a way to change crafting time but not sure if it still works.


OK, I checked and it still seems to work. Here is what I did.


Before I even started the game I opened up recipes.xml with notepad+.

I changed these 3 recipes...

From this...


<recipe name="fertilizer" count="1" craft_area="chemistryStation">

<ingredient name="turd" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="potassiumNitratePowder" count="10"/>

<ingredient name="dirtFragment" count="3"/>



<recipe name="fertilizer" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="beaker">

<ingredient name="turd" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="potassiumNitratePowder" count="15"/>

<ingredient name="dirtFragment" count="3"/>



<recipe name="fertilizer" count="1" craft_area="cementMixer">

<ingredient name="rottingFlesh" count="10"/>

<ingredient name="potassiumNitratePowder" count="15"/>

<ingredient name="dirtFragment" count="10"/>





To this...


<recipe name="fertilizer" count="1" craft_area="chemistryStation" craft_time="1">

<ingredient name="turd" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="potassiumNitratePowder" count="10"/>

<ingredient name="dirtFragment" count="3"/>



<recipe name="fertilizer" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="beaker" craft_time="1">

<ingredient name="turd" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="potassiumNitratePowder" count="15"/>

<ingredient name="dirtFragment" count="3"/>



<recipe name="fertilizer" count="1" craft_area="cementMixer" craft_time="1">

<ingredient name="rottingFlesh" count="10"/>

<ingredient name="potassiumNitratePowder" count="15"/>

<ingredient name="dirtFragment" count="10"/>



When I opened game and brought in all the items needed with creative mode the timers on all of them were 1 second per fertilizer.


If you try this make sure you make a backup copy of your recipes file before you change anything.



Also I don't think you meant to have them at 1 second so change it to how ever minutes you feel is comfortable for you (has to be in seconds...eg 5 minutes will be 300)



Let me know how it works out for you.

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