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Invisible invincible zombie


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Hi Sierra0331,


As Damselx1 mentioned above the workaround for this clearing the cache by powering down for 5 mins - I would also unplug the system for this, though some issues don't need this.


This is an issue the team are aware of and while the workaround is not the most convenient it should reset this issue for you. It seems to be related to miners helmet lights not working correctly either, so if you notice this clearing the cache should reset it too.


If you notice this happening regularly, please let me know, and also please let me know if you notice something that could be triggering it like a particular action etc.



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I actually did try the hard reset the first time it happened, that was a straight up invisible zomb. After we loaded back in and rtb a screamer summoned horde brought in the visible yet invulnerable zombie that then turned invisible. Tried the hard reset again and haven’t had another incident yet. Will post should it happen again. The only similar circumstances I can think of was the increased number of zombies present. The first time in the random map’s hub city, the second time with a screamer mob. However I’d point out that our zombie spawn is set to medium so it wasn’t an extreamly high number.

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Interesting that didn't work the first time for your Sierra0331, thank you for letting me know. Hopefully it won't be an issue for you again.


Looking back on my notes, some of these issues occurred after the host died and respawned (sometimes respawning with another player looking at them), do you remember dying before you noticed this starting?



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Thank you for clearing that up, I can add that to my notes that it occured without a death of the host so the team can compare.


Sorry to hear you were autologged out, if you don't wish to re-type everything I completely understand. I hate it when that happens myself :(

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So, update time. Last night we had our day 35 horde night. No deaths yet from either of us. We had only been in game about 20 minutes, and we’ve started clearing out the xbox’s Memory cache at the end of every gaming session. First two zeds were a dog and one of the blue shirted zombs. Both had our bullets pass right through them. The dog did however die on our wooden spikes.

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Interesting, thank you for the update Sierra0331. I'm sorry this issue is persisting.


Can you describe for me what you both were doing in game at the start? I'm particularly interested in the host's actions.

Did clearing the cache alleviate this or did it persist?

Was the Zombie injured by the spikes at all? Or did other weapons injure them?


This is starting to sound like a different issue to the I originally thought it was.


Also just so I can confirm for the team, when you clear the cache you are shutting down and unplugging the console for the 5 mins?



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I guess I’d be the host? It’s split-screen, but the save file is under my gamer profile. When we logged in we were both in our base and just kinda ran around putting away things in our inventory that we had picked up on our last outing, making last minute preparations for the horde, shoring up holes in our defensive line, etc. Once we realized the zombies weren’t taking damage from us I exited out, shut down the game,cleared our save file from the console, and then did a hard reset on the Xbox. When we came back in game the zombies were back to normal. Before we left the game we shot at the first two zeds with hunting rifles, shotguns, and Stacy took a couple shots with her sniper, and her bow. All of the shots went straight through them. It was especially obvious with the bow from my angle, as I could see the arrows go through the dog then make an impact cloud come up from the ground. However our barbwire fence slowed the dog down then it died when it hit our wood spike sticks. When I power down at the end of game sessions I do a hard reset and the Xbox stays unpowered the rest of the night.


- - - Updated - - -


If I were to record a clip the next time this happens, would there be a way to send you the clip?

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Hi Sierra0331,


Thank you for clarifying that for me. A clip would definitely be beneficial in this case. The way player's usually send clips from XB1 is by saving the clip and uploading it OneDrive and sharing the one drive link as I think direct to youtube from XB1 is a bit trickier.


Understandable however if you don't want to share publicly, if you like you can send it to [email protected] - this is an unmanned email, used solely for links and data transfer, so if you do send it via that email, please let me know so I can retrieve it.


The next time it occurs could you try hitting with non-projectile weapons, like a club, to see if that hits? Without risking you no-deaths streak of course!


If it's not too much trouble, could you check any other saves you have for similar behavior? it would be interesting to see if it's isolated to recurring to this save.


Thank you again for all the info you've given so far.


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Sure! I’ll make some clubs up and carry them with me to see what happens. I’ll for sure make a clip and post it, not really worried about it being public. I can tell you that we have another save file on the navagazene (?) map that’s at around day 170 or so, and it’s never happened on that file so I wonder if it’s isolated to random maps. I’ll start up another random map to play when my girlfriend isn’t around and try to see if it happens there. Again I’d like to point out that we’re 3 for 3 on large mobs of zombies being a common denominator.

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Thank you for checking those factors out for me Sierra0331. I wonder if the common denominator will effect this new save. I'll keep an eye out for your update.


I appreciate you taking the time to check these on your saves, thank you again.



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Xbox one

Split screen co-op

Alpha 16

Random gen map seed name JaF


We’ve been getting reanimated corpses that are sometimes visible but take no damage, and other times they’re invisible and still take no damage. However they are able to cause player and block damage.




I have had this happen to me before as well. I was playing with a character from an add-on that I purchased. It was random and would only stop when I went back to using the characters that initially came with the game.

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I have had this happen to me before as well. I was playing with a character from an add-on that I purchased. It was random and would only stop when I went back to using the characters that initially came with the game.


This is really interesting, could you please tell me which characters / DLC pack you used?


- - - Updated - - -


I don’t think either of our characters are add-ons but I’m not 100% sure on that.. I know the character she uses is named grace but I’ll have to check on what mine is named.


Aye Grace is default. Even if you don't use a character skin, do you currently have any installed?

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This is really interesting, could you please tell me which characters / DLC pack you used?


- - - Updated - - -




Aye Grace is default. Even if you don't use a character skin, do you currently have any installed?




I will start a new game with add-on characters tonight and get you some more specific information. I tried a few and had the same problem before reverting back to using just the default characters.

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Hi Sierra0331,


Additional characters are only added via DLC from the XBL store and only made available a short time after release. They're skins for TTG's the walking dead, the action pack and the detention pack, so they would show as a separate purchase from the main game on your system. You can see the list of them in the add-on section of the 7DTD store page - https://www.microsoft.com/en-ie/p/7-days-to-die/brl7gc0gp1bm#activetab=pivot:overviewtab - unless you bought the TellTale Survival bundle, you would have needed to purchase them yourself.


But, just incase, the names are....


Angel, Butch, Hunter, Kane, Mia, Rose, Stone, and Vladimir - Action Pack

Brock, Cheyenne, Francis, Jen, Latasha, Raven, Clayton, Yumako and Joey - Detention Squad

Lee Everett, Michonne, Christa, Pete, Luke, - Walking Dead Skin Pack 1

Kenny, Carley, Glenn, Lilly, and Molly - Walking Dead Skin Pack 2


The two Walking Dead packs also come in a bundle together.

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Update part deux: the update strikes back. This is all second hand info, so I don’t have all the details, but here’s what I do have. My girlfriend was playing while I was at work last night by logging me in and putting my character in the main house of our base then logging in hers on the second controller. She was working on the trench we’re digging around our base when she heard a screamer. The screamer was invisible, and so were the zombies she summoned.. and she summoned a lot. Stacy logged out and went through the hard reset and clearing save files from the console routine. Turns out the zombies were In our trench.. they ended up digging a very substantial hole under our walls and into the base.. an invisible screamer horde that keeps growing is a terrifying thought.. she thinks she might’ve made a clip, but she was unsure of how exactly to do it. I’m gonna check the Xbox to see if there is one and report back.

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