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Question about am argument out of range exception error for a ui mod.


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We're using Blacksafe Simple UI (16.4) on our server. Every now and again it creates a argument out of range exception error for someone when they die and it keeps them from respawning and we have to remove it in order for them to respawn and then readd it to the server again. I noticed it happened once during my gameplay when I died and one time when running around which didn't seem to effect anything at the time. I don't know much about modding or the code at this time. I did good just to install everything on the server. lol Anyway my question is if anyone has time to look at it can the code in the ui be modified to prevent this error from happening so it can still be used with out this error happening? I will leave the link for the mod for anyone who wants to take a look at it. Thanks in advance. :)



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output.log is the file you are after.


At just a guess: possibly related to the buff timers.


I am confused. I looked at the file you mentioned and the error isn't listed in there. How would buff timers cause a UI mod to create that error? And would that be the controls.xml or windows.xml I would need to attempt to edit that in? I still have the clean ui files for the server so I can compare the two. Going by your guess should I just readd the values from that to the ui mod then? Thanks for the help mate. :)

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This is the file that I found.



Normal output log is this, but hasn't been updated since the 24th.. The first file is dated for today which is when I last had the error myself.



I didn't see the argument out of range exception error in it like in this photo for example.



I see other stuff like it trying to read folders in my mods folder I just hadn't cleaned out yet, but that wouldn't cause that error since this happens not only to me, but anyone on the server after so many deaths. Maybe I am reading something wrong or just don't understand what it is I am reading. I don't know. You mentioned buff timers and I noticed this ui adds 13 slots for buff timers, increased from 8. I was wondering if I went in and dropped it back to 8 if that'd make a difference or not. What do you think?

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I would start with


2018-08-30T00:38:13 70.732 ERR Loading and parsing items xml file (Attribute 'material' 'metal_weak' refers not exisiting material in item '1524'/  at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 )
2018-08-30T00:38:13 70.785 ERR Loading of items aborted due to errors!
2018-08-30T00:38:13 70.804 ERR   at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 




2018-08-30T00:38:13 71.155 ERR Loading and parsing '' (No item/block with name 'Baited Fishing Trap' existing)
2018-08-30T00:38:13 71.177 ERR Loading of recipes aborted due to errors!
2018-08-30T00:38:13 71.191 ERR   at RecipesFromXml.LoadRecipies (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

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I would start with


2018-08-30T00:38:13 70.732 ERR Loading and parsing items xml file (Attribute 'material' 'metal_weak' refers not exisiting material in item '1524'/  at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 )
2018-08-30T00:38:13 70.785 ERR Loading of items aborted due to errors!
2018-08-30T00:38:13 70.804 ERR   at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 




2018-08-30T00:38:13 71.155 ERR Loading and parsing '' (No item/block with name 'Baited Fishing Trap' existing)
2018-08-30T00:38:13 71.177 ERR Loading of recipes aborted due to errors!
2018-08-30T00:38:13 71.191 ERR   at RecipesFromXml.LoadRecipies (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 


That part there I can already tell you has to do with me adding Carlzilla's Fishing Mod to the server and trying to update it for 16.4 which probably why we can't see fishing traps part of the mod on the server aside from the full baited ones in creative menu if I had to guess. We been having this error long before I attempted adding that mod in. That solves one issue though. Thanks mate. lol That's what I was meaning though it shows the other stuff, but I am not seeing anything regarding the interface or the errors it's causing because of it. It's weird because you'd think something would be in there about it.

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Ok first big thanks again to DUST2DEATH for helping me work out a previous issue I had with Carlzilla's Fishing Mod. Much appreciated mate. :)




Now here is what I noticed so far with this error while playing. Even though it can happen when near your sleeping bag I have noticed it seems more likely to happen the further away you are from it. I am still not getting anything in my output log out of it. I don't know if it is because I have to close game by task manager or what. I did lower the buff timers from 13 to 8, but the error still occurred. So far that is what I managed to work out on this issue.


Not sure if it has anything to do with this issue people were having with ui's or not, but I know when I switch to the default interface people can spawn in no problems.



Thinking about giving Simple UI a test and see how it works on the server if I can't seem to get this issue sorted out soon.



Anyway that's my update so far. If I do manage to some how work it out I'll let everyone know what I did. lol :)

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