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Anyone here know anything about SurvivalServers.com? I'm thinking about renting a server from them and I'm wondering if anyone has had any dealings with those guys. Starting to have problems with my current server company (Not answering tickets when my server is down and can't access TCAdmin for the server).

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Checked them out, didnt like being charged to not have their name on my server plus info wasnt fully available on their servers. I would email them ask if you have full ftp access, especially to dll files if you plan on running server side mods or backpack mods.

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  • 1 month later...

Had a server at SurvivalServers for a short time. Was not impressed with service. Support tickets seemed to take forever, with a couple of them at the 36 hour mark. I posted a testimony on their forums where I tried to offer an unbiased report, sighting both pros and cons. It was removed and I was then moderated on their forums. Any postings would be approved before they became active. Needless to say i will never host from them again.


I've had great experience with CraftandSurvive.com so far. Been there over 2 years.

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