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Players Wanted for my server!


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I'm looking for players to join my 7DTD server. I've had the server for a about a year, and have recently started playing again after several months of not playing. This time no players have joined my game :(


I'm not super active, but like to play when I have time, a few hours every day.


I am open to ideas on how to run the server - rules, mods, gameplay, etc. I am happy to wipe it clean if I can find a few people to join up and give it go. Everything is up for discussion at this point.


A few thing about me:


I am not very tech savy when it comes to managing my server, but I am open to giving some level of admin permission to people if that is necessary.


I do like PVP, but I am open to PVE if that's what folks prefer. Perhaps a split map rule?


I want to play level 5 or 6 difficulty.


Let me know if you are interested.


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Hi Victor,

Thanks for the reply and your interest.


What does offlineblockhealth infinite mean?


No mods is fine, as I've never played with any before, and see no need to start.


Server is running 16.4 at the moment, but would be glad to move to 17 if it's available.


I'm fine with difficulty level 6.


Hopefully we will get a few more players in here, fingers crossed.


Server can hold 16.

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that just means claimed blocks (with claimblock) have infinite health, while the "owning" player is offline. Meaning offline raids aren't possible. So you dont have to hide your base in fear of raiders.

With 16 possible and 4-5 concurrent players... you MIGH wanna upgrade the server... but that is obviously only if more players join.


The last servers i played on were 32-64 megaservers with those settings (except offline raids were possible)... since these servers are kinda rare.


There are some things like teleport to a special location that would be handy (like community market or hordenight base) but that is only if you would have the motivation to do it... I dont know how to... but should be pretty easy as far as ive heard.

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Yeah I'm down with the infinite offline health of claimed blocks, makes sense.


Upgrading server? yeah, cross that bridge if we get to it.


I don't know how to allow teleporting, but it seems too easy to allow it. Make em run!!


Pass the word around if you know any other players.


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WEll... I got one that will definatly play with me... he has 2 friends that would also be interested in (but not as 24/7 as me and him) and two other players from A16 that would probably join as well... and im still debating with 3 others to play 7d2d again :D

so yeah... :D im doing my best ^_^

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K - let's keep it touch.


I'm on 16.4 right now, playing a bit, just messing around with base design mostly. Its called Smashco -- you can find when you hit "connect to server" in 7DTD. It's coming up as modded, not sure why. I read that droponquit needs to be enabled, but that didn't fix it. Anyway feel free to hop on if yer bored. My steam name is cp3o as well.

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Hey Tearstone,

Yeah for sure.


I do plan on wiping the server when 17 drops - prolly play some combination of PVP/E. But for now, feel free to jump on. SmashCO is the name of server, running 16.4. It's day 60 or so. As I said, I get on and kill zombies and play around with base designs. Fellow zombie smashers always welcomed. -cp

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