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Block obviously not set - appears after placing next block


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Game Type: Offline/Online (private)

Map Type: RWG/Navezgane

Seed/Save Name: different

Disk or Digital: digital

DLC: no

Character: different

Difficulty: different

Run: different

Aggression: different

Day length: different

Drop On Death: different

Enemy memory: different

Enemy Spawning: different

Block durability: different

Loot respawn time: no respawn

Loot abundance: 25%

Airdrops: off

24 hour cycle: different

In-game Day: different

Installed Game Location (Console / HDD): console

Remaining Space in install Location: >100 GB

Platform: PS4


It happens very, very rarely. But as far as I can remember it happened not too close to clay deposits (Clare supposed that). Sometimes when I block doors with wood frames to keep the bad guys out, one block dissapears and another one needs to be placed to make the previous one appear. Those blocks are not at their spots, cannot be picked up, destroyed or climbed. Also no other blocks can be placed on top of those "invisible" blocks.

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Hi GermanPatriot,


Thank you for taking the time to report these details - I really appreciate it :)


Sounds very similar to the issue with building around clay deposits, although I thought you could walk on those blocks... I could be wrong though, I'll need to check.


I will ask the team to keep an eye out for this kind of behavior to see if it crops up for them outside of the clay deposit areas to be sure.


If you notice it happening again, please let me know.


Thanks again,


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Hi GermanPatriot,


I was wondering if it would be possible to narrow down some settings for the team to help with testing? I understand the settings have varied, but even one case would give us a good starting point.


Thank you,


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