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In light of the imminent release of alpha 17, I have started compiling a list which is on the game pedia wiki




I wanted to add a section about PC alchemy. Meaning certain things you can craft on the PC version that give you more resources or different resources than you used to make them. By doing this you can stay in your base all night while gaining resources and XP for harvesting, to the point you could get infinite resources and upgrade your base to steel without leaving your base if you have food and a bucket of water.

-Wood Log: cost 4 Wood, harvest for 12 wood+ with stone axe

-Window: cost 4 wood, harvest for 2-3 Glass

-Camp Fire: cost 8 small stone, place against a wall and it falls, often becoming Destroyed Stone. Harvest for a gain of small stones and sand

-Stone: cost 10 Sand + 18 Small Stone + 4 Cement (about 30 small stone with forge and Cement Mixer, or see Camp Fire above), harvest with Iron Pick Axe for 30+ Small Stone and 2+ Iron

-Water: Place bucket of water in a small hole, scoop out bottles of murky water, once the water gets low scoop it into bucket and place to refill the hole to a full bucket level. If this makes it onto the Crafting page or a sub-page, please add any other methods I may have missed. This may all change in Alpha 17.


Not sure how many of these the Devs know about, whether they plan to change any of them, or if they intended these methods to exist. There are probably more than I have listed here but these are fairly easy to find and can drastically alter the gameplay experience. In harvesting the items for the different resources you gain a lot of xp and the only other thing you would need is a healthy amount of Lump of Clay to turn some wood and stone into endless bottles, iron, steel...

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Some would say it is a bug when recipes like the ones mentioned create new resources. You make windows with just wood, but you can harvest glass from them. Then melt the glass to make jars or whatever. *magic* or *exploit* or *bug* I would say.

Ditto for anything that yields more than it takes to make it.

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I only recently realized the thing about Windows. I was testing windows as a platform around my base as a cheap alternative to Iron Bars, placed one wrong, and got glass back instead of wood. Also found the Camp Fire trick by accident just seeing if I could place one against a wall so I can't step in it. *CRASH* Destroyed stone block for half cost... Oooooh!


Seems to me that is an unexpected result of the code, so something like a bug, and possibly something the Pimps would want to know about. The more of these tricks we can get in this thread, the easier it will be for the team to make any changes they feel are needed.

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