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Quality Color Hex Code Not Working Properly...


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Hello! recently I've been messing with the xml, I found the quality file that lets you change the hex codes to determine the color of different quality items. I'm comfortable with the "Borderlands" style of item rarity, so I found a hex color picker online and picked colors for all the rarities. the problem I'm having is once I load the game those colors are totally wrong! white rarity, the lowest, appears as black, and for some reason so does the highest which is a cyan color. Orange appears as straight red, and blue/green, and purple all appear as dark midnight blue?! I tried messing around and using a limited web safe pallet, but even those didnt work. Is there a specific type of code I need to be using? or are you only allowed to use specific colors and thats it? please let me know what I'm doing wrong!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<!--Broken WHITE-->

<quality key="0" color="ffffff"/>

<!--Faulty GREEN-->

<quality key="1" color="00ff00"/>

<!--Poor BLUE-->

<quality key="2" color="0000ff"/>

<!--Good PURPLE-->

<quality key="3" color="9900ff"/>

<!--Fine MAGENTA-->

<quality key="4" color="ff0066"/>

<!--Great ORANGE-->

<quality key="5" color="ff6600"/>

<!--Flawless PEARL-->

<quality key="6" color="00ffff"/>


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