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Custom Recipes


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Okay so I have a problem somewhere with my recipes that I have added. They are not showing up anywhere in any crafting area. what did I do wrong? is it a spelling error? (Im going off of youtube and forums because im a beginner modder lol)

Here is my added recipes starting with the last vanilla one:


<recipe name="flagstoneWedgeTipStairs" count="1">

<ingredient name="cobblestones" count="4"/>



<recipe name="10mmBullet" count="10">

<ingredient name="gunPowder" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="unit_brass" count="2"/>



<recipe name="44MagBullet" count="10">

<ingredient name="gunPowder" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="unit_brass" count="2"/>



<recipe name="762mmBullet" count="10">

<ingredient name="gunPowder" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="unit_brass" count="2"/>



<recipe name="9mmBullet" count="10">

<ingredient name="gunPowder" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="unit_brass" count="2"/>



<recipe name="torch" count="1">

<ingredient name="coal" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="wood" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="cloth" count="1"/>



<recipe name="bottledWater" count="15">

<ingredient name="bottledRiverWater" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="crushedSand" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="yuccaFibers" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="cloth" count="1"/>



<recipe name="canBeef" count="1" craft_area="forge">

<ingredient name="shamSandwich" count="1"/>



<recipe name="torch" count="1" craft_area="forge">

<ingredient name="wood" count="5"/>



<recipe name="casinoCoin" count="10" craft_area="forge">

<ingredient name="unit_brass" count="15"/>



<recipe name="antibiotics" count="3">

<ingredient name="shamSandwich" count="3"/>

<ingredient name="painkillers" count="5"/>



<recipe name="calipers" count="1">

<ingredient name="forgedSteel" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="spring" count="3"/>



<recipe name="canEmpty" count="100" craft_area="forge">

<ingredient name="forgedSteel" count="2"/>



<recipe name="firstAidBandage" count="5">

<ingredient name="leather" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="painkillers" count="12"/>



<recipe name="shotgunShell" count="10">

<ingredient name="gunPowder" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="unit_brass" count="2"/>



<recipe name="spring" count="10" craft_area="forge">

<ingredient name="unit_iron" count="20"/>



<recipe name="toolAndDieSet" count="1">

<ingredient name="unit_iron" count="40"/>

<ingredient name="spring" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="calipers" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="clawHammer" count="1"/>



<recipe name="wood" count="1000">

<ingredient name="unit_stone" count="1"/>



<recipe name="blueberryPie" count="50">

<ingredient name="wood" count="1"/>




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You made a bit of a mess with recipes using forge materials that arent flagged as forge recipes and forge recipes that use ingredients that cannot be in forges.


Other than that I dont see anything obvious.

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