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when A17 comes out, can we get an updated multiplayer? it would be nice to get all the features onto a server and get going with what I see in the rest of this. any thoughts or posts I should have read before I posted XD

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Game was/is not intended for PvP or more than 8 players. Don't expect to see any improvements for this at this time. A17E will probably drop late July. I wouldn't expect to see multiplayer improvements until at least beta and probably nothing for PvP. While I applaud TFP's vision for a friendly post apocalyptic world, that's not the reality. People want PvP and they will play PvP just don't expect optimization from the devs. At least not at this point in time. Maybe we'll get something after gold but who knows.

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Our servers are NOT pvp. But i can see how pvp can be fun in a world like this. We strictly do pve, it helps with avoiding trolling. I know i can't expect any multiplayer improvements until end stages, i just hope TFP know how big of a community they have that actually play in large groups, one look at the server listings and you can see that. :) it's just so much more fun with more than 20 people. it really is great. :)

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