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SweetFX and 7 days to die ?


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Has anyone been able to get sweetfx working with 7 days to die yet? I use it for all my games including other unity games but have not been able to get it to work yet with this one. Any ideas on how to get it up and running to make the game look like 100 times better?
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I know there is a way to do it with opengl games but I still have yet to figure it out. When I get home tonight from work ill tinker with it some more. If I get it working Ill post a how to here in this thread. I play planet explorers also and its a opengl game which works right from the start after installing sweetfx. Lumasharpening and HDR makes games so much more darker and brighter which is what this game really lacks. Getting this to work for me is a priority as this game is very ugly without using it IMO.
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okay i was able to get sweetfx working. Through a lot of trial and error I was able to get it working. If anyone is familiar with sweetfx here its a graphic enhancer and will greatly enhance the graphics of this game. I will not go into a long tutorial on how to get it working but will just give a basic instructions. Anyone not familiar with sweetfx can google it and see for yourself what it is. To install depending on your version of 7 days 2 die (64 or 32) you will need to download the sweetfx shaders equal to your version of the game. Mine for example was a 64 bit version. The 32 bit version will work right from the start just unzipping your sweetfx files directly to your main 7 days 2 die folder in steam apps/7 days 2 die. The 64 bit version you will need to download the 64 bit shaders and install sweetfx normally like the 32 bit version then replace the two .dll files from the 64 bit version in the main folder replacing the 32 bit ones. If anyone would like a detailed tutorial on how to do this just use this thread and Ill update it. If a mod would like to change the title to a working version of sweetfx or something please do as Im sure others will want to use it since its very popular with a lot of gamers.
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  • 4 months later...
[QUOTE=cronius77;50790]okay i was able to get sweetfx working. Through a lot of trial and error I was able to get it working. If anyone is familiar with sweetfx here its a graphic enhancer and will greatly enhance the graphics of this game. I will not go into a long tutorial on how to get it working but will just give a basic instructions. Anyone not familiar with sweetfx can google it and see for yourself what it is. To install depending on your version of 7 days 2 die (64 or 32) you will need to download the sweetfx shaders equal to your version of the game. Mine for example was a 64 bit version. The 32 bit version will work right from the start just unzipping your sweetfx files directly to your main 7 days 2 die folder in steam apps/7 days 2 die. The 64 bit version you will need to download the 64 bit shaders and install sweetfx normally like the 32 bit version then replace the two .dll files from the 64 bit version in the main folder replacing the 32 bit ones. If anyone would like a detailed tutorial on how to do this just use this thread and Ill update it. If a mod would like to change the title to a working version of sweetfx or something please do as Im sure others will want to use it since its very popular with a lot of gamers.[/QUOTE] Hello Cronius77! Thanks for tampering with it, i feel this game is in need of some SWeetfx ;) Please make a detailed version, and did you get to make a decent profile? Regards Exurok
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  • 1 month later...
You can get it to work. Go to [url]http://sweetfx.thelazy.net/[/url] and click the top file link that has Configurator and SweetFX combined. Configurator is the key here. Extract all the zips contents anywhere on your pc then open up Configurator and add 7 days to die as a game by finding the exe location on your computer, choose your settings then launch. It looks cleaner actually. I think I'll be using in more.
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I can't get it to work, on either the 64 bit or the 32 bit. When I quit out of the game though the screen flashes for a second and I can see a change in the graphics in the background but then it quits to the menu. Hopefully someone can find a way to get it to work.
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I run Win 7 64bit and to get it to work I needed to install the 32bit executable. SweetFX only runs in 32bit anyway. But if you have a 32bit machine then I'm not sure. I realized after my last post that I had an old SweetFX version installed in my 7dtd folder from a previous attempt so I still needed to install it the traditional way but then use configurator. SMAA doesn't seem to work though but vibrance and lumasharp does. It's subtle Off: [attachment=48:name] On: [attachment=49:name]
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[QUOTE=rueckl;130069]I liked the last one, can you send the preset? It's x86 right?[/QUOTE] I am running the 32 exec of 7dt2 yes, but on win 7 64bit so no. It shouldn't matter anyway. SweetFX only runs on x86 programs. As I said originally you need to both install SweetFX into to root directory and then use configurator to launch it outside of steam. Once you import the config make sure you click save new config on the main screen in configurator. For a while I wasn't doing this and changes I made wouldn't work. Then just launch the game. Make sure you tap screenlock to enable and disable the effect to see if its working. I can't upload text files. I'll have to work it out later.
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