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future animations ?


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hi, not sure if this has been brought up yet, and not sure if this is the correct place to ask; however I am really curious with all the awesome new editions they have planned for A17, if they have taken any consideration to little things like


1.) swimming animation.. i solely play multiplayer so i see it all of the time; people more or less running across the water, do they plan to make a swimming animation?


2.) driving animation.. as i am sure many people who play have noticed, when driving on a decline the minibike just sorta hops down the hill rather than actually riding smoothly down it; do they intend to fix this? i have seen that they intend on making the hills/mountains a lot more realistic, driving down a super-steep hill/mountain on your rear-wheel (more-or-less) is very unrealistic... not criticising mind you, just asking.

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