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Working on molds.


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I need a quick tutorial on how to modify the crafting space of the workbenches and forge.

The goal of my mission is to add an additional slot for a 'parts mold' which would be interchangable with other parts molds.

I found how to add more slots to the tools grid but it looks like it would end up being a specific tool rather than being interchangeable since the reference is to a specific item and items can't be extended.


IE, what I've ascertained so far is I could add a 4th tool space and have the user fill it with an item "mastermold" but that mastermold would be a general item and not specific to any single part, I couldn't specify other molds that could go into that same slot.


I have brainstormed other ways of bringing back molds however the mold is either consumed with the recipe and/or the part is consumed in making the mold. This mostly works if you consider the concept of making a sand cast of the part, (bentonite clay, sand and a bit of water), which is a disposible mold, but the part and a glass jar would be consumed while making it, not neccesarily a problem but inconvenient for realism... then theres bullet casts... You don't want those to be destroyed after crafting 1 bullet.


I need the game to return multiple descreet items from a single craft, (orignal part + new mold + reusable things such as glass jars, mold and new part), or see if the old mold system can be resurrected and integrated into the current craft system.


Thoughts ?

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You need to change required_tools_only="true" to required_tools_only="false" in the windowToolsForge in Xui\Windows.xml.


This will allow you to use any mold in your fourth tool slot and you can use a "blank mold" or anything else for the icon in the required_tools="anvil,forgeCrucible,toolAndDieSet,blankmold"

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You need to change required_tools_only="true" to required_tools_only="false" in the windowToolsForge in Xui\Windows.xml.


This will allow you to use any mold in your fourth tool slot and you can use a "blank mold" or anything else for the icon in the required_tools="anvil,forgeCrucible,toolAndDieSet,blankmold"


Will that make the anvil etc placable in any slot ? I suppose it doesn't really matter as long as the recipe requires and detects its presence.

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Yes, it does but that is pretty much unavoidable.


Running tests, I've added the extra tool slot with a concrete half for a background, the existing tools drop anywhere in the tool slot as expected, I've created a recipe that will use a parts mold and I've created the parts mold as an item, the game loads. but the mold doesn't show in the creative menu and the recipe doesn't show in the forge... Am I messing something up ?



<item id="6000" name="HuntingRifleReceiverMold">

<property name="DropMeshfile" value="Items/Misc/sack_droppedPrefab"/>

<property name="CustomIcon" value="rConcreteHalf"/>

<property name="HoldType" value="45"/>

<property name="Material" value="organic"/>

<property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>

<property name="Group" value="Resources"/>

<property name="EconomicValue" value="30"/>

<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="craftSkillTools"/>




<recipe name="partsHuntingRifle_receiver" count="5" craft_area="forge" craft_tool="HuntingRifleReceiverMold" material_based="true">

<ingredient name="unit_iron" count="200"/>




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lower the ID number the limit is something like 4027 or something I cant remember exactly


I did have it at 2001 with the same result, I increased it in the thought that there was conflicts... Ill lower it and give it a shot again.


And its working... The item is present... I did add a couple other lines as well, could have been one of them.


<item id="2001" name="huntingRifleReceiverMold">

<property name="DropMeshfile" value="Items/Misc/sack_droppedPrefab"/>

<property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Misc/sackPrefab"/>

<property name="CustomIcon" value="rConcreteHalf"/>

<property name="HoldType" value="45"/>

<property name="Material" value="organic"/>

<property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>

<property name="Group" value="Resources"/>

<property name="Weight" value="30"/>

<property name="EconomicValue" value="30"/>

<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="craftSkillTools"/>





I thought names were parsed by capitalization though, its appearing as one word, also, is there a way I can make it require more than one tool ? craft_tool="HuntingRifleReceiverMold, forgeCrucible" doesn't work... I would think pouring a mold would require a crucible as well.


I COULD work around it by lowering the entry point to make a crucible, then requiring one to make ingots like forged iron and steel, then use those to make the parts.... thats starting to sound like a complete recipe overhaul now though :p

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Only one tool per recipe, I requested that we allow for multiple tools for recipes but doubt they will add that, I have always considered the forge to be its own crucible which is why I removed the crucible as a crafting tool in my mod. The other way is to make an item called molten iron or molten whatever and you can use molds at a different workstation. Recipes at the forge have to be material based.


The name of the item appears based on whatever localization you gave it or if none is given then it uses the ID name as its written.

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Only one tool per recipe, I requested that we allow for multiple tools for recipes but doubt they will add that, I have always considered the forge to be its own crucible which is why I removed the crucible as a crafting tool in my mod. The other way is to make an item called molten iron or molten whatever and you can use molds at a different workstation. Recipes at the forge have to be material based.


The name of the item appears based on whatever localization you gave it or if none is given then it uses the ID name as its written.


Makes perfect sense since a forge without a crucible, besides heating raw material to be worked on an anvil or blown into glass, is basically useless. Perhapse make the crucible a part of the crafting requirements of the forge :D

Removing the crucible WOULD make the interface pretty again without completely reworking it.


So Ill have to add an entry into localization.txt then in order to give it a proper name and description then... Next on the to do list... after that, balancing materials and adding all the other molds and recipes :p

getting to be a lot of work !!

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