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Please - let us disable the losing health/hunger sound !


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PLEASE ! Let us disable that horrible sound that we need to endure seemingly forever when your char loses health due to hunger, it is possibly one of the most annoying things in the game right now (aside from wasps). I was in a co-op multiplayer game the other night. Everyone was starving for a couple of days, and the sound of everyone moaning every few seconds was just ridiculous. Im sure there are numerous other things that can happen in its place
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[QUOTE=Tetrameth;139154]I was in a co-op multiplayer game the other night. Everyone was starving for a couple of days, and the sound of everyone moaning every few seconds was just ridiculous. [/QUOTE] LMAO... too rich dude :) that, imho, is an extremely good reason to LEAVE the noises "as is"
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[QUOTE=Tetrameth;139161]yeah, the occasional stomach growl or something, but that "UGH !" sound (especially the female char) was just horrible[/QUOTE] Players need to be alerted to the fact that there's a starvation or thirsting situation going on. But perhaps only the first sound can be at full volume. Next sound at half volume, sounds after that at 25% volume, and it continues at 25% until the character actually "solves" the sitaution by eating or drinking. Maybe the sounds are also too frequent in time? I don't have much experience with starving or thirsting. Perhaps they should be spaced out more, so that only the 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th and every other 5th event actually produces a sound?
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if you haven't eaten anything from sunrise to sunset, it shouldn't take very much to notify you that you need to eat something, certainly not 24+ hours of 'UGH!' sounds from you and everyone nearby you, that is just punishment above and beyond its reason TBH, in a survival situation, food is not [I]the[/I] most important factor to consider, dehydration and lack of shelter are the 2 first priorities. Humans can medically survive up to 8 weeks without food (as long as we have water)
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[QUOTE=Tetrameth;139937]Humans can medically survive up to 8 weeks without food (as long as we have water)[/QUOTE] Actually that is a very good point. That occurred to me as well. I wonder if rather than just dying after a few hours like you do now there could be should just be increasing levels of hunger buffs. maybe something like: peckish: slight decrease in stamina (perhaps from a couple of hours when fullness bar is fairly low) hungry: occasional tummy rumble; more stamina decrease (when fullness bar is empty, but lasts for a few hours) starving: appears after a couple of days of being peckish. massively debuff everything. stamina etc. no sprinting. maybe slightly darkened vision. If this is on a timer - then you would not have to injure the player at all - you just keel over if you starve for too long! edit: oh wait... that's "don't starve", isn't it.
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