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Problems with Zombies and fall damage?


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So as part of my usual guides and tests, I wanted to spend some time on zombies and their fall damage to get clarify of how it worked once and for all.


Vid to the testing -->


Build a tower, drop them off, check damage, make a note, and repeat at different heights. Simple enough right?


Well not quite.


It turns out, that starting the game seems to put it either into a "high fall damage" mode, or "normal fall damage mode". Usually it's in the normal damage mode, but just through testing multiple times (funny enough when recording), it seemed once in a while something just breaks and the game starts messing up fall damage.


ie, normally zombies take ~100 damage from falls of 20-23. But every so often, they now take ~100 at 10 blocks. It's very consistent as long as the game isn't restarted, so it's not as if it just happens once or twice. It happens every time, until game is restarted. I think I was killing 700 hp zombies with something like 61 block falls, whereas normally that would give around 230 damage.


Has anyone run across this before as well? Something must be bugging out somewhere for the fall damage calculations to go haywire, which makes me wonder whether this affects other parts of calculations elsewhere too.


/Ved :)

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