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My Journal Part 2


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Day 6


It took me most of the night to get the parts I needed and assemble it but I finally got it running. It was early morning when I took it out for a test drive. It was very satisfying to do that. I decided to scout further out.


I FOUND A SURVIVOR! I found this guy in this makeshift trading post that looked like a fort made of trash and whatever else was handy. It was the white flag that caught my eye so I looked in and that’s when I found him.

I was very happy to seeing him. But the feeling was not mutual. I was hoping for answers. But he seemed to know even less than I did.

He had no idea what happened either, kept talking about space aliens or something. All he wanted to do was trade with me and he was really rude to, Jerk.

I had a few things on my minibike that I could barter with. But he would not take my money. Kept insisting that he pay me in these Duke Coins or tokens as he called them. What is this, Vegas?

Once we were done he kicked me out of his place. I don’t think I will be going back there… ever.


As I started to ride back I kept my eyes open for animals. I knew from survival training that meat was the best thing for you and helped you keep up my strength. So when I spotted a wolf I stopped long enough to kill and harvest it. Hey, meat is meat.


I got back, cooked the meat with more eggs and ate. Spent the rest of the day scouting and scavenging.



Day 7

Scouted most of the day, scavenged what I could. As the sun dropped in the horizon, I noticed a redness show up in the sky. For some reason, the moon itself looked red, not a light red but red like a hot burning coal. It was unnerving, I could also hear the sound of thunder in the distance. So I decided to move into the building and start closing it up.

I knew that it rarely rains in the desert but when It does, it poor’s, even floods. I lived in Texas for a year.

I guess I will wait till this storm blows over. Kind of getting used to this and I am looking forward to getting a goodnights sleep for once in one of those new beds. I think that the crazy’s will be too distracted by the thunder to bother me tonight.




The remains of this journal were discovered by another survivor in a hotel, the doors smashed open and the one of the bedrooms covered with blood. There was no sign of the author.







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Thanks. I was wondering how good it was. I've been sick but thinking about writing another. I like the idea of combining a good story with good strategy's that can help players get the most out of the game. :)


I like it. An entertaining tutorial or hint guide. I think TFP should have a competition to write journals like this from a survivors perspective and the best ones are somehow add to the world as either books or note pads that can be found scattered in the trash and cupboards.


I know it is a far stretch to make a suggestion like that and see it implemented into the game, but I've always enjoyed games that add "survivor notes" to add the sense that you weren't the first person in that house.

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I like it. An entertaining tutorial or hint guide. I think TFP should have a competition to write journals like this from a survivors perspective and the best ones are somehow add to the world as either books or note pads that can be found scattered in the trash and cupboards.


I know it is a far stretch to make a suggestion like that and see it implemented into the game, but I've always enjoyed games that add "survivor notes" to add the sense that you weren't the first person in that house.


Thanks. I used most of the ideas from my latest play though. The hints in this journal are mainly geared to the desert biome ofc. But I can write more about other survivors having to adapt to different biomes.


Suggesting journal notes in game is not new. Big games like Elder scrolls and Fallout use them. I didn't think about suggesting them for this game though. Maybe I should.

This would add to the immersion of the game and give players something else to do while waiting out the night. :)


Who knows, they may even add skill points for reading them. It would make since, reading them and learning things that can help them.

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