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First mod problem


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I've just started making my first basic mods to the game on my multiplayer server today. I'm having one problem... I wanted to create a recipe for making gas barrels directly from oil shale at the chem station. Everything works as far as being able to make the barrels. However, one thing I can't seem to get right is the prerequisite to have first read the gasCanShematic. I tried adding oilBarrel to the Recipes_to_learn for the gasCanSchematic and that broke my ability to create barrels from gas cans. Here are my changes. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? To clarify, I want to require the gasCanSchematic for both creation of gas barrels from gas cans (vanilla) and for gas barrels from oil shale.


<!-- items.xml -->
<item id="980" name="gasCanSchematic">
<property name="Extends" value="schematicMaster"/>
<property name="EconomicValue" value="500"/>
<property class="Action1">
	<property name="Recipes_to_learn" value="gasCan,oilBarrel"/>	
	<!-- <property name="Skills_to_gain" value="craftSkillScience"/> -->


<!-- recipes.xml -->
<recipe name="oilBarrel" count="1" craft_area="chemistryStation">
<ingredient name="oilShale" count="72"/>





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Read this very carefully..


I tried adding oilBarrel to the Recipes_to_learn for the gasCanSchematic and that broke my ability to create barrels from gas cans.


My guess is you need to find and read the gas can schematic, if thats not possible because say you already read it and the game wont allow you to re-read the schematic, the answer is A) delete world start all over again (lol) with you new mod 'before' reading the gasCanSchematic OR make a 'new' schematic for the oilBarrel separate to that of the gasCan.


I'm fairly sure tho that you'll be able to re-read the gasCan schematic because you have not learned all the recipies that it holds, i.e: the oilBarrel.


Good luck! and hope this helped.

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I tried adding oilBarrel to the Recipes_to_learn for the gasCanSchematic and that broke my ability to create barrels from gas cans. Here are my changes.


<!-- recipes.xml -->
<recipe name="oilBarrel" count="1" craft_area="chemistryStation">
<ingredient name="oilShale" count="72"/>




Do you still have the following recipe in your xml?


 <!-- recipes.xml -->
<recipe name="oilBarrel" count="1" craft_exp_gain="0">
<ingredient name="gasCan" count="600"/>


My guess is you accidentally replaced the original recipe for gasBarrel in your XML files instead of adding your additional gasBarrel recipe.

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