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Long Strips of Map Missing


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After much PUBG the past year I decided to play some 7 days. I haven't played since the 15.2 b8 and was excited for the new electrical items. I started a vanilla navezgame multiplayer game with a friend who never played before. Initially it was a peer game. In order to accommodate multiple people around the clock I started a dedicated server on my PC (8700k w/ 64GB DDR4 3200) and loaded the map to continue playing. After doing some more playing and exploring there are large swaths of map that have failed to load. Restarting the server has not helped




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Here's the sticky:

"IMPORTANT ---- Please Read Before Creating New Threads ----

NOTE: If you have a PC Bug Report, or are a Console player, you are in the wrong section!


Howdy folks,


If you're reading this, you're probably thinking about starting a thread for help with an issue. This post is intended for you to understand what we need in order to assist you properly, and how you can give it to us.


Threads created without the information outlined in this post are not likely to get you a good resolution. (Most likely you will simply be re-directed to this thread to get instruction on posting the information we need to help you.)

Also note, some of this posts content is blatantly copied from Alloc's sticky in the Bug Report forum.


Generic Stuff


First of all if you are having a problem running the game on Windows make sure to try out the "Launch without AntiCheat" (EAC) option and see if that fixes your problem. If it does still continue with the reporting process but indicate that your problem seems to be related to running the game with the AntiCheat.



Also make sure to get answers to the following question before posting if the problem is related to an in-game aspect:


Did you start a new game and re-create the issue?

Have you validated your files through Steam?

After validation, did you re-try with a brand new game?






Basic Rules for Posts


Use the search first! (I know, the engine sucks. Try wording it a couple of different ways.)

One issue per thread please.

Short thread title giving a quick info on what the issue is.

Try to select the thread Prefix that is fitting most to your system/issue. (Mac, Windows, Dediated, Linux, EAC)

Be as concise as possible, e.g. what happened / is the problem, how did you get to that point.

Please provide full information on the game type. SP, MP local, MP dedi. If MP, are you hosting it, or is someone else?

Please state if you, (or the hosted server), are using any mods. Also state what they are.

Provide the log file of the game (see below)

Provide the log file of the server (if applicable)

If it is about a performance, compatibility issue or anything like that provide system stats (Speccy is an excellent tool to publish system information.)




Log Files



Depending on where you were experiencing a problem, please provide either the log from the client, the server, or both.


If you were playing single-player, hosting a multiplayer game with the game or were playing a multiplayer game but do not have any way to get a copy of the server's log: provide your client's log

If you were playing multiplayer on a server that you can get the log of: Provide both your client's and the server's log

There is an error hosting a server: Provide the server's log




The logs typically reside in these locations:


Windows client



Windows client as dedicated started through startdedicated.bat



Windows dedicated server



Windows dedicated server started through startdedicated.bat






Linux client calling the executable manually

<homefolder>/.config/unity3d/The Fun Pimps/7 Days To Die/Player.log


Linux client using the default start scripts (or through Steam)



Linux dedicated server calling the executable manually

<homefolder>/.config/unity3d/The Fun Pimps/7 Days To Die - Dedicated/Player.log


Linux dedicated server using the default start scripts (or through Steam)



Linux dedicated server with management scripts





Please find the appropriate file, open it, copy everything. Then go to ​http://pastebin.com, paste all the text in there, click Submit and then post the link in the thread itself. If the log content is too big to be pasted on pastebin.com, try https://justpaste.it/ or attach the log file to the thread.


Please, make sure you read the stuff above and provide as much information as possible in your thread. This makes life easier for everyone, and makes it much more likely for you to get the help you need.





Last edited by SylenThunder; 09-08-2017 at 04:38 PM."

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Going to have to say, I haven't seen this happen since a11 unless the system was horribly under spec for hosting a dedi server.


At a glance, corrupted map region. Reset it and see what happens.


Logs from being away from the area, and then approaching it so it's loading the chunks may prove useful. I personally would go a distance away (at least 250 meters, but 500-1k might be better), wipe the map, then load it up and approach the area. If it's still like that, then exit the game and put the log on pastebin and link it.

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