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Sleepers Stop spawning in POIs after 7D2D crash


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Sleepers stop spawning in POIs after 7D2D crashed. I was on day 66 Single Player and really don't want to restart. The crashed caused me to switch to day 1, put me in multiplayer mode, and set some of my Forge/campfire times to 9000hrs. I saved my save data and uninstalled the game. I deleted all folders and reinstalled the game. This didn't fix it. I then copied some files from another save file to my current saved file and got everything back to work except Sleepers spawning again. I get zombies in the world, just not sleepers. I tried turning off zombies and back on, but it didn't fix this issue. I seen some other players had this problem, but they just restarted the game, which I do not want to do. Is there a fix or console command to restore sleepers in POI. Please advise. Thanks.:miserable:

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Thank you. That fixed it . I couldn't figure out the coordinate system. Region numbers didn't match coordinates on the map. So I just saved all my region files. Got in the game and went to my base. I then quit 7D2D and deleted all the files in the region folder. I then restarted the game, and of course my base was gone, which I new would happen. I quit the game and looked in the region folder. What ever coordinates were created was where my base was. I then copied those same saved coordinates back over the 5 that was created in the region folder. Went back to my game and my base was there. And the best part sleepers are back. Thank you Thank you.

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