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Mysterious "Whoosh" Sound


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Hello, Everyone!


I've been playing 7DTD on Console lately. When I'm playing with friends or by myself on the server there would be this randomly or unexpected "WHOOSH" sound that happens suddenly, and no I am not referring to any of the ambient music or sound (including the land claim sound, trader joels, or bedrock) in the game just this particular sound that comes out of nowhere. If anyone has an answer to this sound it would be great to know what it means or why it happens.


Thanks, C.T.

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I think there are certain sounds specific to each biome... I hear good awful noises in Perishton I never hear anywhere else... In the desert, I hear random gusts of wind, "I'm assuming this is what it is"... There's a sound in the forest I just can't nail down to describe

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I remember wandering around in a forest biome in a random gen world (single player), and heard a sound similar to a jet taking off out of nowhere. I also swear that I heard thunder rumbles a couple of times early on during a playthrough, though it had never recurred later on.


I haven't heard thunder in months - when I first started playing I would often have a storm (sometimes lasting days and more often then not, on a blood moon night). I wondered if they'd taken storms out.

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Solved the sound


The first response to my thread was right about other players who access trader joels or the vending machine. I had an unexpected player who join my game and entered trader joel to sell items. (obviously I am not ally with this player).

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