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Recently I acquired a 170 quality machete on navsgane around day 200. I didnt even think it was on ps4 til I randomly found one. Anyways Its cool having one and all but a 600 quality knife or axe is still better. Im just wondering where in navsgane do I stand the very best chance of finding another, hopefully higher quality Machete? Would be nice to atleast have a 400-500 quality but any in general will do. Also do the merchants on the ps4 at max barter/secret stash ever sell machetes or are they strictly from looting? I found mine on a road in a gym bag. I almost thought that somehow they patched it into my game lol. Was super excited for a minute.

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I've got 600 hunting knife/600 steel axe but as far as getting meats/animal fats/bone my 170 machete does roughly double the steel axe. I just wanna fight/raid whatever place that gives me BEST possible chance at getting a better machete. Can't imagine the skins, fats and meats a 600 machete would get. I needs!!

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I've got 600 hunting knife/600 steel axe but as far as getting meats/animal fats/bone my 170 machete does roughly double the steel axe. I just wanna fight/raid whatever place that gives me BEST possible chance at getting a better machete. Can't imagine the skins, fats and meats a 600 machete would get. I needs!!


I'm around day 200. Found only 1 machetes, the others i bought from the trader every time he had one (i have 5 now)... For the harvest: I don't think there's a difference between hunting knife and machete

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