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Is it possible to get zombies to target blocks?


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Curious if anyone knows any way to get zombies to treat a specific block as if it were a player. Have them specifically target and go after that block, preferably as an even higher priority than attacking players. I've poked at the AiTasks, and specifically set them to ApproachAndAttackTarget and SetNearestEntityAsTarget to the BlockType(in this instance it is a vending machine, and there are no other vending machines, so I just used BlockVendingMachine), and it did not work. In the presence of a player, they go after the player. In the absence of a player, they mill around.


They seem perfectly happy to target and attack animals and npcs, but not blocks. I am curious if the AiTask system just isn't set up to register Block objects as valid targets, only Entity type objects? If so, I am curious if it is possible to make an object both an Entity and a Block, so it can support weight but also be attacked?

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